How to Write Follow Up Letter?

A follow up letter is written to follow what has happened after a meeting, appointment that you have attended. .This letter is a good gesture that reminds the other party about your interest in the project or meeting that you had attended or discussed. The follow letter is even written by a candidate who has attended an interview to check his or her status in the recruitment process. When marketing personnel has given a presentation for a product or service to a customer then he writes a follow up letter to the customer to find out the customer reaction about the product.

To seek information about something from other party is the prime motive of a follow up letter. A follow up letter has to be short and concise. In the first paragraph, the letter has to state the purpose of writing. The main motive of the letter has to feature in the beginning, which helps the reader in clear understanding. The letter has to use formal language with soft and polite tone. The letter should have positive attitude. A well drafted follow up letter creates an impression on the reader and he or she takes up the issue that you have discussed in the draft.


Take a look at following points that will help you in drafting a follow up letter:

  • The letter should be printed on company's letter head if used for professional purpose
  • The letter should begin with name and address of the sender and receiver followed with the date. All this information has to be aligned to the left side of the paper.
  • The letter should have salutation before the main body of the letter. The word "Dear" followed by recipient's name is the best way to start the letter.
  • The main body has to give out the purpose of the letter in the first paragraph itself.
  • The letter has to address to the specific person with whom you have to follow up. You need to write this letter to hiring manager, customer, etc. from whom you need some information.
  • The letter has to close with a complimentary closure. The phrases like thanking you, yours truly followed by sender's name and signature should be used.
  • The letter should be flawless i.e. free from typographical, grammatical and spelling errors.
  • The letter should use professional fonts and readable font size.

See types of follow Up Letter :

  • Sample follow Up Letter
  • Follow up Letter for an Internship
  • Follow up Letter after a Sales Appointment
  • Business Letters

    Letter Writing

    How to Write a Letter?

    Various Letters

    Acceptance Letters
    Acknowledgement Letters
    Announcement Letters
    Application Letter
    Appreciation Letters
    Appointment Letters
    Apology Letters
    Cancellation Letters
    Confirmation Letters
    Congratulation Letters
    Complaint Letters
    Employment Letters
    Excuse Letters
    Farewell Letters
    Follow Up Letters
    Hardship Letters
    Introduction Letters
    Letters of Inquiry
    Letters of Invitation
    Letters of Request
    Letters of Support
    Persuasive Letters
    Proposal Letters
    Retirement Letters
    Reference Letters
    Sales Letters
    Solicitation Letters
    Sponsorship Letters
    Thank You Letters
    Welcome Letters


    Letter of Recommendation : Jobs