How to Write a Confirmation Letter?

A confirmation letter is written to acknowledge and confirm details. These letters can be effectively used to put oral agreements in written form. This type of letter is used to inform an individual about his/her confirmation in service, confirming the receipt of files, reports, confidential documents, etc. All your travel and hotel reservations, appointments and meetings should be confirmed with a letter. A confirmation letter is a good business gesture and helps in strengthening professional relationships.

A confirmation letter has to be drafted accurately and in a systematic manner. The letter has to give all the facts like date, time venue of the meeting or appointment. The letter has to begin with sentences like as per our telephonic conversation, I confirm.., as per our discussion, I confirm.. This helps the reader in understanding what the letter is about in the first glance. The letter has to be concise and professional. The letter has to use a soft and positive tone.


These points below will help you in drafting a confirmation letter:

  • The letter should be typed on a letter head if it is for professional use. For personal confirmation letters, you have to use good quality paper.
  • The letter should begin with name and address of sender and receiver. A date should feature in the beginning. The two addresses as well as date should be aligned to the left side.
  • All the details that you want to confirm need to be explicitly mentioned in the opening paragraph of the letter. This will help the reader to understand the main idea that is conveyed through the letter.
  • The main body of the letter should begin with salutations. The word "Dear" followed by the name of the person whom the letter is addressed is the format that has to be followed.
  • The letter has to be directly addressed to the concerned person who needs confirmation about his service, documents, appointment etc.
  • The letter should end with a line like please inform me if you need further information about..__ please write to me if you need to add ..__. This helps the recipient in replying you back if he/she has some issues.
  • The letter should end with a complimentary closure. The phrases like thanking you, yours truly, etc. can be used for closing letter followed by your name and signature.
  • The letter should use professional fonts like Times New Roman and Arial. The font size should be readable.
  • The letter should be flawless. Proofread the letter thoroughly before dispatching.

Let see types of Confirmation Letter :

  • Sample Confirmation Letter
  • Confirmation Letter to Attend Seminar
  • Job Interview Confirmation Letter

  • Business Letters

    Letter Writing

    How to Write a Letter?

    Various Letters

    Acceptance Letters
    Acknowledgement Letters
    Announcement Letters
    Application Letter
    Appreciation Letters
    Appointment Letters
    Apology Letters
    Cancellation Letters
    Confirmation Letters
    Congratulation Letters
    Complaint Letters
    Employment Letters
    Excuse Letters
    Farewell Letters
    Follow Up Letters
    Hardship Letters
    Introduction Letters
    Letters of Inquiry
    Letters of Invitation
    Letters of Request
    Letters of Support
    Persuasive Letters
    Proposal Letters
    Retirement Letters
    Reference Letters
    Sales Letters
    Solicitation Letters
    Sponsorship Letters
    Thank You Letters
    Welcome Letters


    Letter of Recommendation : Jobs