How to Write an Announcement Letter?

An announcement letter is used to announce an event in personal or professional life. The announcement letter is a medium which helps the writer to give out information about a situation. Announcement letter is written for various purposes like announcing the quarter financial results to investor, announcing an event, business announcements, announcing an engagement or wedding, etc. Announcement letters are used both for professional as well as personal purposes.

An announcement letter is one of the best ways to announce a happy moment in your life. The announcement letter has to be direct and concise. The tone used in the letter is always positive. This letter has to begin with the main purpose i.e. announcement. Always make sure that you write a friendly and a short announcement that gives out the news in the beginning of the letter. The readers should understand the announcement at once when they read it. The letter should spread happiness among people who read it.


Take a look at following suggestions that will help you in writing an announcement letter:

  • The letter should be printed on company's letter head if it is an official business announcement. You have to write your name and contact details like address and phone number. This is followed by name and address of the recipient. There should be space between the two addresses. Both addresses have to be left aligned.
  • The announcement should begin with a salutation. The word "Dear" followed by the last name of the recipient. If the letter is personal and the relationship that you share with the recipient is informal then you can use first name.
  • The main aim of the letter is announcing good news. In a direct, clear and concise manner write the announcement that you want to make. The tone of the announcement should be soft and create joyous mood among the readers.
  • Date is a must in an announcement letter. That can be used for further reference and correspondence.
  • The letter has to be short and to the point. Proofread the letter before printing it. The letter should not have spelling and grammatical errors.
  • The letter should use one professional font. The font size should be readable. One can use bold to highlight the main points in the letter.
  • Use words like yours sincerely, yours truly, etc. for closing the letter followed by your full name.
  • Always sign the letter before dispatching it. This helps the reader in understanding that you agree with the points that are mentioned in the letter.

See types of Announcement letter :

  • Business Announcement Letter
  • Retirement Announcement Letter
  • Wedding Announcement Letter
  • New Sales Rep Announcement Letter
  • Additional Business Location Announcement Letter
  • Business Letters

    Letter Writing

    How to Write a Letter?

    Various Letters

    Acceptance Letters
    Acknowledgement Letters
    Announcement Letters
    Application Letter
    Appreciation Letters
    Appointment Letters
    Apology Letters
    Cancellation Letters
    Confirmation Letters
    Congratulation Letters
    Complaint Letters
    Employment Letters
    Excuse Letters
    Farewell Letters
    Follow Up Letters
    Hardship Letters
    Introduction Letters
    Letters of Inquiry
    Letters of Invitation
    Letters of Request
    Letters of Support
    Persuasive Letters
    Proposal Letters
    Retirement Letters
    Reference Letters
    Sales Letters
    Solicitation Letters
    Sponsorship Letters
    Thank You Letters
    Welcome Letters


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