找工作经历分享,附常见面试问题Mercer and Humana

时间:2021-02-10 14:56:16 综合指导 我要投稿

找工作经历分享,附常见面试问题(Mercer and Humana)

今天收到background check 和 drug test 已经全部完成的email, 公司发来了第一天
上班的流程, 终于尘埃落定. 可以给大家分享一下找工作经历.

先介绍一下背景, 统计master, 考过P, FM, MLC, MFE, 其中MFE 是今年五月份考过的,
七月份才知道的结果. 当时简历上还没有. 找工作简单讲来就是, 4 次On site, 拿到
两个offer, Mercer 和Humana.

从去年下半年开始找intern, 参加了校园面试, 没有经验也没任何准备, 结果很失败,
只有一个公司给了第二轮电面的机会, 最后也没有把握住. 校园面试的最大收获是知道
了保险公司的面试问题是些什么. 年底好好准备了问题的答案, 我准备了40 道问题(有
些问题基本差不多, 只是从不同角度去问), 最基本的问题有25道左右. 我可以贴在后

到年底校园招聘基本结束. 今年年初开始找full-time的工作, 但也是有机会偶尔投投
简历, 比如学校Actuarial Club 给大家发email说某某公司还有一个opening, 有兴趣
的可以给谁谁发简历. 因为有了准备, 情况比去年好了很多. Mercer 的offer 就是这
样拿到的. 暑假五月底开始在careerbuilder 上发简历. 主要投life 和health 的
positions. 有了四个电话面试, 两个on-site.

1. 基本是behavior 的问题, 一定要事前准备答案, 记熟, 但回答的'时候不要有背的痕
迹, 可以中间停一停,假装想一想. 回答问题要说清楚, 慢一点没关系, 最怕说得太快
2. 一定要记住对方的名字, 在面试开始和结束时,准确清晰地叫出对方的名字. 这个很
重要. 后来的面试问题已经很熟了, 我就重点记面试者的名字, 为了发音准确还查过字
3. 多参加几次面试很有帮助, 所以对于想去的公司一定要排在最后.

最后, 我想告诉大家的是: 找工作要有耐心, 开始被拒总是很灰心,要坚持不要放弃,
一定会成功的. 还要记住,有付出才有收获, 整天怨天尤人是没有帮助的. 我就想我的
功课那么难我都学得下来, 为什么面试我搞不定呢?我认真准备了40道题, 20多页的答
案 (在这里感谢老公帮了很大的忙), 买了一本Top ten的面试畅销书 (Perfect
Phrases for the perfect interview) by Carole Martin, 从头到尾看了两遍, 好的
用法都在书上划了线, 并且溶合进我的答案里. 第一次on site之前, 我借了8盒录像带
, 4盘DVD 天天看,天天琢磨. 尽管我的第一次on site失败了(12 candidates, 只要3-4
个人) , 但从那以后我就对自己有了信心.


the following is the list of questionsIrecorded after interviews:

1.Tell me about yourself?
2.What are your personality (intellectual) strengths and weaknesses?
3.Why do you want to pursue Ph.D.?
4.What research are you doing now?
5.What’s the big challenge in your study, in your life?
6.What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
7.What’s your favorite course? What’s your least favorite course?
8.Talk about your teaching experience. What’s your big problem in your
9.What do you do when a student always doesn’t understand the topics in
10.Talk about the projects you did.
11.What’s problem you met in group working? How to solve them?
12.Why life insurance not P/C?
13.Why insurance not consulting?
14.Why choose *** insurance company?
15.Why should we hire you?
16.Where do you see yourself in five years? What’s your long-term objective?
17.Tell me about a time when you had to meet a deadline, how did you
approach it?
18.Tell me about a time when you had a deadline and you couldn’t meet it?
19.If I’m Right, You Didn’t Take the Actuarial Exams Continuously, Why?
20.How do you prepare for the actuarial exams?
21.How do you define success?
22.Did you ever do what you don’t like to do? How did you accomplish it?
23.Did you ever take initiative to do anything in your work or study?
24.You have good GPA. How did you achieve it?
25.Would you consider staying for a full-time position after the internship?
26.Tell me about a time when you had to present a message to a person that
was not familiar?
27.Talk about the courses you've taken.
28.Please name three traits of your boss or colleagues you want them to have.
29.What’s your hobby?
30.Any volunteer work?

【找工作经历分享,附常见面试问题(Mercer and Humana)】相关文章:









