
时间:2020-11-16 14:31:05 Salary 我要投稿


  Higher Wages In China Give Mexico An Opening


  China's rising wages and slowing growth present a chance forMexico to wrest back some of the business that chased cheaplabor across the Pacific in the past decade, when Chinesewages averaged a quarter of Mexican pay.

  Mexico may already be a less-expensive place to make an arrayof products for the U.S. market, said Boston Consulting Group, which estimates that China's average manufacturing wage topped Mexico's this year, whenaccounting for differences in productivity. Mexican workers typically produce more per hour thanChinese workers, and the proximity to the U.S. means companies can ship faster and often at alower cost to American customers.

  St. Louis-based Viasystems Group Inc., which makes industrial cabinets, shifted some work back toMexico from China in the past year. 'It took our clients a few years to react to rising costs in China. But now they are definitely getting much more interested in making things here,' said HomeroGalindo, head of Viasystems in Mexico.

  China still retains enormous advantages, including a billion consumers. As Chinese wages rise, those consumers will have more money to spend on products rather than simply make them forthe rest of the world.

  And few expect a wholesale rush back to Mexico. The drug war there scares away new business, and the country has built neither the skilled labor pool nor parts-supply chain to mount a seriouschallenge to China's manufacturing prowess.

  But as Chinese wages continue to rise, Mexico looks the best-placed to benefit. Mexico, whichexports more than all the rest of Latin America combined, was the least-expensive place outsidethe U.S. to manufacture for the U.S. market, according to a December 2011 survey by consultingfirm Alix Partners.

  Factories along the U.S. border in Mexico can supply American markets more quickly than those inAsia, especially with products that rely on custom designs or the whims of fashion.

  Customers who buy a Dell Inc. computer at a big-box retailer get a product made by Foxconn inChina. But shoppers on the company's website can customize their orders─adding, say, morememory or a lotus-pink cover. Those computers are assembled and delivered from a sprawling 1,200-acre Foxconn plant near Ciudad Juárez, which churns out as many as 35,000 laptop anddesktop computers a day. 'We can have a truck on the U.S. side in a few hours,' said FranciscoUranga, Foxconn's head of business development for Mexico.


  波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)说,对于美国市场,很多产品在墨西哥的生产成本可能已经低于在中国生产的成本。该公司估计,在考虑生产率差异之后,今年中国制造业平均工资水平超过了墨西哥。墨西哥工人的单位时间产量往往高于中国工人,而墨西哥与美国邻近,这意味着企业向美国客户发货的速度可以更快,而且费用常常更低。

  圣路易斯工业储物柜生产商Viasystems Group Inc.在过去一年将部分工作从中国迁回了墨西哥。该公司驻墨西哥负责人加林多(Homero Galindo)说:我们的客户用了数年时间才适应中国成本的上涨,但他们现在对于在墨西哥生产产品的兴趣肯定是大大提高了。



  但在中国工资水平继续上升的过程中,墨西哥似乎是最有条件受益的国家。墨西哥出口额超过拉丁美洲其他国家的出口额之和。据咨询公司Alix Partners去年12月份一项调查,它是美国以外面向美国市场生产产品成本最低的地方。


  在大型超市购买戴尔(Dell Inc.)电脑的消费者,买到的是一件由富士康(Foxconn)在中国生产的产品。但消费者可以在该公司网站上定制他们的订单,比如增加内存或采用粉色背壳。这些电脑在墨西哥华雷斯附近一座占地1,200英亩(485.6万平方米)的富士康工厂组装和发货,该厂每天最多生产3.5万台笔记本电脑和台式电脑。富士康墨西哥业务开发负责人乌兰加(Francisco Uranga)说:我们的卡车几个小时就可以开到美国那边去。









