
时间:2023-06-08 12:40:49 松涛 中考 我要投稿
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  1.—Could I use your dictionary?

  — Yes, you _________.

  A. need

  B. could

  C. can

  D. should

  解析:选C。 此题容易误选B. 此题中could并不是表示过去,而是委婉的征求意见,其肯定回答是Yes, you can。

  2. In the past few years there _________ great changes in my hometown.

  A. have been

  B. were

  C. had been

  D. are

  解析:选A. 此题容易误选A. 一般情况下In the past few years用于现在完成时,In the past用于一般过去时。

  3. —Could you tell me when Mr. Li ________ in Huanggang

  — Sure. When he ________, I’ll call you.

  A. arrives; will arrive

  B. will arrive; arrives

  C. arrives; arrives

  D.will arrive; will arrive

  解析:选B. 第一句是宾语从句根据语境用一般将来时,第二句是时间状语从句,由于主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替

  4. —Mary dances best in our school.

  —I agree. I’ll never forget ___ her dance for the first time.


  B.to see



  解析:选C。此题容易误选B. 如果学生想正确选出答案,必须知道forget to do sth(忘记做某事);forget doing sth(忘记做过某事)。根据语境选择C。

  5. —Is tea ready?

  —No, mother is _______ it ready now.

  A. doing

  B. cooking

  C. burning

  D. getting

  解析:选择D. 此题稍难,ready是形容词,get sth +adj是准备好某事。A, B, C, 动词后面只能接副词。

  6. There are many people downstairs. What do you think _________ ?

  A.to happen

  B. happening

  C. is happened

  D. has happened

  解析:选择D. 此题我们首先排除C. 因为动词happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态。B答案少了助动词is, A动词不定式表示将来,根据语境应该用现在完成时或现在进行时。

  7. Remember to spend some time____ your loved ones,because they are not going to be around forever.

  A. from

  B. with

  C. in

  D. on

  解析:选B. 此题95%的学生容易选错。主要是受spend…on...思维定势的影响。其实句意是:记住与你喜欢的人度过一段时间,因为他们不会永远与你在一起。

  8. —I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday.

  —Oh, how nice! Do you know when he _______?

  A. left

  B. was leaving

  C. has left

  D. had left

  解析:选A. 前面说萨姆已经去青岛度假了,说明已经离开。而when一般情况下不能与现在完成时连用,故选A。

  9.—David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _______ ?

  —He is a doctor.

  A.who is he

  B.who he is

  C. what does he do

  D. what he does

  解析:选择D. 此题可以用排除法,宾语从句用陈述句语序,容易排除A, C. 根据答语He is a doctor知道应该是问职业,who 是用来询问身份的。

  10. —I want to teach inTibet when I graduate from the college.

  —Me too.Teachers ___very much there.

  A. need

  B. are needing

  C. are needed

  D. is needed

  解析:选C。老师在那儿是被需要,排除A, B. 主语Teachers是复数,排除D. 故选择C。

  11. —Tommy, do you know if Frank ___ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ____?

  —Sorry, I have no idea.

  A. will go, is going to be fine

  B. goes, is fine

  C. will go, is fine

  D. goes, will be fine

  解析:选C. 第一个if引导的是宾语从句,根据语境用一般将来时, 第二if 引导状语从句,根据主将从现原则,前面主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时。

  12. I don’t have to introduce him to you ____ you know the boy.

  A. until

  B. unless

  C. since

  D. but

  解析:选C. 连词的区别。根据语境:既然你认识这位男孩,我就没有必要向你介绍他了。注意,since除了有“自从”之意外,还有“因为,既然”之意。

  13. — Would you please ____ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (明显的) mistakes?

  — Of course I will.

  A. look around

  B. look through

  C. look up

  D. look into

  解析:选B. 动词短语辨析。look around环顾;look through浏览;look up查找; look into调查。根据语句意:请你帮我浏览一下试卷看看有没有明显错误可以吗?

  14. —This pair of shoes _______ really small for me.

  —Why not try another _________.

  A. is, pair

  B. are, pair

  C. is, one

  D. are, one

  解析:选A。This pair of shoes/pants做主语,谓语动词的数取决于pair的单复数,如果pair是单数谓语动词就用单数,反之用复数,这样我们就排除B, D. 又因为shoes是复数,不能直接用one代替,故选择A。

  15. If you don’t go to the meeting tomorrow, _____?

  A. he will, too

  B. he won’t, either

  C. he does, too

  D. he doesn’t, either

  解析:选B. 此题容易误选D. 由于整个句子中含有条件状语从句,根据主将从现原则,前面的从句是一般将来时,后面的主句应该是一般现在时。

  16. I don’t think we can finish all the work before Friday, ________?

  A. do I

  B. can we

  C. can’t we

  D. don’t we

  解析:选B. 此题学生最容易误选A, C. 以I think引导的宾语从句其反意疑问句应该对后面的从句进行反问,本题从句实际上是否定句,只不过否定转移到前面的主句去了。故选择B。

  17. The shop ________ at 8:00 a.m. and it ________ for ten hours every day.

  A. opens; is open

  B. is opened; opens

  C. is open; has opened

  D. opened; opens

  解析:选A。 此题学生容易误选C. 要知道open作动词时是瞬间性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,故排除C. 根据时间副词every day不用一般过去时,排除D, 根据句意:每天开门10小时,表示状态,不表示动作,排除B。

  18. The old man lives in a town. He lives , but he doesn’t feel .

  A. lonely, lonely, alone

  B.alone, alone, lonely

  C. lonely, alone, lonely

  D.alone, alone, alone

  解析:选C。lonely是形容词,可以做表语,也可以作定语,意为寂寞的,偏僻的, alone既是形容词也是副词,意为独自的/地,单独的/地。

  19. —Do you know _______?

  —I’m not sure.Maybe an artist.

  A.what the man with long hair is

  B.what is the man with long hair

  C.who the man with long hair is

  D.who is the man with long hair

  解析:选择A. 此题可以用排除法,宾语从句用陈述句语序,容易排除B, D. 根据答语知道应该是问职业,what可以表示职业,who 是用来询问身份的。

  20.—Why don’t you choose the red tie?

  —For me, it doesn’t _____ my shirt very well.

  A. fix

  B. accept

  C. compare

  D. match

  解析:选D. 本题考查动词match意为搭配的用法,句意是“它与我的衬衫不搭配”应选择D。学生错选原因可能是把match当名词用,即:手表,比赛。其他选项不符合题意。 fix 安装;使固定;固定; accept 接受;compare 比较。

  21. —Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing?

  —I’m watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and _____ on for another an hour.

  A.has been


  C.had been

  D.will be

  解析:选D. 本题考查时态。根据语境:比赛还要进行一个小时。用一般将来时。

  22. —__________?

  —Things are going very well.

  A. How soon does it go

  B. How often does it go

  C. How far is it go

  D. How is everything going

  解析:选D. 本题变相测试学生的口语能力以及对日常会话的理解 How is everything going意思为:近况如何?,只有D项符合题意。

  23. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _________ than that in the 19th.

  A. bigger

  B. larger

  C. greater

  D. more

  解析:选B. 本题考查population人口大小的固定用法,即由larger修饰。根据连词than不难选出B答案。

  24. —What’s the weather like tomorrow?

  —The radio says it is going to be even ______.

  A. bad

  B. worst

  C. badly

  D. worse

  解析:选D. even修饰比较级。而且根据语境应该是明天的天气比今天更加糟糕。

  25. Though she talks ______, she has made _______ friends here.

  A. a little, a few

  B. little, few

  C. little, a few

  D. few, a few

  解析:选C. 根据句意: 尽管她不太说话,但她在这里交了几个朋友。

  26. —My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard.


  A. So my parents do

  B. Nor my parents

  C. Nor do my parents

  D. Neither my parents do

  解析:选C. 此题考查倒装句,因为前面句中有否定词never, 故后面倒装句是nor/neither+助动词+主语。

  27. He never does his work _______ Mary.

  A. as careful as

  B. so careful as

  C. as carefully as

  D. carefully as

  解析:选C. 副词的同级比较,副词修饰动词,排除A, B. as…as…与......一样......。

  28. Many Chinese students think science subjects are ________ foreign languages.

  A. more difficult as

  B. less difficult than

  C. much difficult than

  D. so difficult as

  解析:选B. 此题可以采用排除法。选择A的话必须把more改为as或把as改为than; 如果选择C, 则应该把much改为more或在much后面加more; 选择D则需要把so改为as。

  29. _________ music she is playing!

  A. What nice

  B. How nice

  C. What a nice

  D. How nice a

  解析:选A.。 music是不可数名词,构成what+形容词+不可数名词+主谓!

  30. His work is better than __________.

  A. anyone

  B. anyone else

  C. anyone else’s

  D. anyone’s else

  解析:选择C. 此题容易误选B. 比较级中,比较的对象应该前后一致。His work 应该与anyone else’s work相比较。

  31. The nurse told the children the sun ______ in the east.

  A. rises

  B. rose

  C. will rise

  D. has risen

  解析:选择A. 此题容易误选B. 在宾语从句中,如果主句用一般过去时,则从句用相应的过去时态,但如果从句表示客观真理,则用一般现在时。

  32. —Are you sure you have to? It’s been very late.

  — I don’t know ______ I can do it if not now.

  A. where

  B. why

  C. when

  D. how

  解析:选C. 根据语境:如果现在不做,我不知道何时可以做。

  33. —Hello, Jack! Haven’t seen you for a long time!

  —John! ________

  A. How old are you?

  B. How are you?

  C. How’s that?

  D. How time flies!

  解析:选D. 此题容易误选B. 根据语境选择D. 即时间过得真快!

  34. I could not get through the door because there was a big stone ___________.

  A. by the way

  B. on the way

  C. out of the way

  D. in the way

  解析:选D. 此题学生容易误选B. by the way顺便说;on the way在路上;out of the way不挡道; in the way挡道,妨碍。根据句意:因为有块石头挡道,所以我不能通过门。

  35. Can you lend me the book ___ the other day?

  A. that you talked

  B. you talked about it

  C. which you talked to

  D. you talked about

  解析:选D. 此题考查定语从句的用法,学生容易误选A, B. 此题容易排除C. talk to的宾语是人而不是物,又由于talk是不及物动词,谈论某物是talk abot, 关系代词that是talk about 的宾语,可以省略。

  36. —You never told us why you were late for the meeting,____?

  — _______. I think it is not necessary to explain.

  A.weren’t you; No

  B. did you; No

  C. did you; Yes

  D. didn’t you; No

  解析:选B. 此题较难,学生非常容易选错。 首先此题容易排除A, D. 因为句中有否定词never, 反义疑问句的原则是前否后肯。在反义疑问句回答中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:没有必要解释,说明“你”没有告诉我为什么你迟到了。

  37. — What is your little brother like?

  —________. He enjoys telling jokes.

  A. He is tall and thin

  B. He is shy and quiet.

  C. He is outgoing and funny.

  D. He is strong and heavy。

  解析:What is your little brother like?既可以用来询问人的外貌,也可以询问人的性格特征,根据He enjoys telling jokes,说明他外向、滑稽。

  38. Jim’s father got very angry _________.

  A. with that he had done

  B. with what he had done

  C. at what he had done

  D. at what had he done

  解析:选C. 此题容易误选B. be/get/become angry with sb对某人生气,be/get/become angry at sth对某事生气。 所做的事发生在生气之前,宾语从句用陈述句语序,故选择C。

  39. —What are on show in the museum?

  —Some photos _______ by the children of Yushu, Qinghai.

  A. have been taken

  B. were taken

  C. are taken

  D. taken

  解析:选D. 此题学生最容易出错,误选B. 当然有的老师也会出错。此题考查过去分词作定语。此句子其实是个省略句,完整句中应该是:Some photos taken by the children of Yushu, Qinghai are on show in the museum.

  40. —He didn’t go to the lecture this morning, did he?

  — _____ . Though he was not feeling very well.

  A. No, he didn’t

  B. Yes; he did

  C. No, he did

  D. Yes, he didn’t

  解析:选B. 此题考查附加疑问句的回答,在附加疑问句中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:Though he was not feeling very well. 尽管他感到不舒服,可知他去了。


  1. What do you think ______solve the problem ?

  A.you can do B.can you do C.you can do to D.can you do to

  2 In the past he often made his sister___, but now he is often made __by his sister.

  A.to cry; to cry B.cry; cry C.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry

  3 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.

  A.rises B. rose C. raises D.raised

  4 He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees.

  A. there B. where C.that D.which

  5 He ________ Alice for ten years.

  A. married to B.has married to C.has married D.has been married to

  6 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.

  A.but B.except C.as well D.besides

  7 They won`t allow us ________ at this beach.

  A.swimming B.to swim C.swam D.swim

  8 Is this factory ______you visited last week?

  A.that B.where C.the one D.in which

  9 The reason ___he was absent from the meeting was ___his car broke down on the way.

  A.that; because B.why; that C.that; that D.for; that

  10 Is the river_____ through that town very large?

  A.which flows B.flows C.that flowing D.whose flows

  11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.

  A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play

  12 The red rose is the only one _____I really like.

  A.which B.who C.that D.whom

  13 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.

  A.those B.which C.what D.that

  14 Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League.

  A.when B.that C.at which D.where

  15 I prefer______ at home to _____outside.

  A.staying, playing B.to stay, play C.staying, play D.to stay, playing

  16 The box is _____what I saw in the shop.

  A.same as B.the same like C.the same that D.the same as

  17 The pen ______she writes letters is broken.

  A.which B.that C.with which D.by which

  18 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.

  A.take part in B.join C.taking part in D.joining

  19 I`m sure the red team will ______the game .

  A.win B.beat C.defeat D.succeed

  20 Ahead of me I saw a woman ____I thought was my aunt.

  A.who B.whom C.of whom D.whose

  21 _____your help, everything in the room is in good order now.

  A.Since B.Because C.thanks for D.Thanks to

  22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_______

  A.in and out of abroad B.at home and abroad

  C.at home and at abroad D.in home and out of abroad

  23 ---Are you going there with them ? ----If you go,__________.

  A.I also go B.so do I C.so I will D.so will I

  24 -----The flower is beautiful. ---____________

  A.So is it B.So it is C.It is so D.So it is

  25 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent.

  A.were; was B.was ; was C.was; were D.were; were

  26 We haven`t had any success _______

  A.before long B.so long C.by far D.so far

  27 Travellers ____our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhou and

  many other places of interest.

  A.for B.to C.till D.by

  28 If a man ______succeed, he must work as hard as he can.

  A.will B.should C.is going to D.is to

  29 ---I am sorry I didn`t do a good job. ---Never mind. ___ you have tried your best.

  A.Above all B.In all C.At all D.After all

  30 The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ____healthy eating habits.

  A.find B.create C.develop D.prepare

  31 We have spent _____money on English books .

  A.a great deal of B.a good many C.a plenty of D.a number of

  32 _______met, it won`t be easily forgotten.

  A If only B.When if C.Once D.Once you were

  33 The differences_____ these two pictures _____ colour are easy to see.

  A.in, of B.from, of C.between ,in D.of ,in

  34 You should put_____ “s” at the end of this word.

  A.a B./ C.an D.the

  35---What`s ______population of China ? ---China has____ population of 1.2 billion.

  A.a; the B.the; a C./;/ D.the; the

  36 It`s _______here. We can`t work long hours here.

  A.very much cold B.much cold C.much too cold D.too much cold

  37 _______terrible weather we`ve been having these days!

  A.How a B.What a C.How D.What

  38 ----Have you decided when_____? -----Yes, tomorrow morning.

  A.will you leave B.to be leaving C.are you leaving D.to leave

  39 The song ____My heart will go on is liked by the young people.

  A.call B.calling C.called D.to call

  40 Train services are now back to ______after three days of typhoon.

  A.usual Bmon C.ordinary D.normal

  41 He is the best ____English in our class.

  A.at B.in C.for D.to

  42 The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him ____ head.

  A.in the B.on his C.on the D.in his

  43 Did John hit Bob _____eye ?

  A.in the B.on the C.in his D.on his

  44There is ____ interesting ____ today`s newspaper.

  A.anything …in B.nothing. .in C.something. .on D.nothing.. on

  45 Has your teacher given you any advice______ your study?

  A.in B.to C.on D.with

  46 It`s bad manners to laugh _____ others when they are _____ trouble.

  A.at ,in B.over ,at C.with ,on D.to, with

  47 Betty doesn`t have enough money to buy that coat. It`s very ___.

  The price is too_____.

  A.high, high B.expensive, expensive C.expensive, high D.high, expensive

  48 This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______comfortably.

  A.wearing B.wear C.wears D.is worn

  49 The diamond is _______.

  A.very valuable B.of great value C.great value D.A or B

  50 Behind the dancer there was a woman _______a large diamond ring.

  A.carrying B.dressing C.wearing D.having

  51 The young teacher who has a ____face can make his classes ____and interesting.

  A.lovely, lively B.lovely, lovely C.likely, friendly D.uglily, lively

  52 They were still _____their friends after their child`s long illness.

  A.in debt to B.in the debt to C.in debt with D.in the debt with

  53 _______, my brother passed the exam.

  A.To my great joy B.To my great surprised C.With my joy D.With my surprise

  54 I am all ears, ____,I am listening to you with all attention.

  A.in another words B.in the other words C.with other words D.in other words

  55 He started early _______he could get there before nine.

  A.in order that B.because C.so as to D.in order to

  56 As you know,whether the person will be elected president is matter of ___interest.

  A.general Bmon C.ordinary D.mostly

  57 I _____ by his story that he made up.

  A.was taken on B.was taken out C.was taken in D.am taken in

  58 He didn`t go into detail on the subject ,he spoke ______.

  A.in general B.in particular C.in common D.in short

  59 We designed the machine _____the purpose _______production.

  A.for, of increasing B with, of increasing C. for, to increase D. A or B

  60 Hospital doctors don`t go out very often as their work ____all their time.

  A. takes away B. takes in C. takes over D. takes up

  61 We offered him our congratulation ____his passing the entrance exam.

  A. on B. for C. with D. at

  62 My mother _____classical music while I am ____rock music.

  A. is fond of, in B. likes, like C. is interested in; into D. interests; enjoy

  63 We each _____ strong points and each of us on the other hand _____weak points.

  A. have, have B. has, have C. has, has D. have, has

  64 He is one of the students who, I am sure, always do ____ best.

  A. his B. one`s C. my D. their

  65 The police ___determined to bring back the missing boy when his family____

  almost given hope.

  A. is, has B. are, have C. are, has D. is, have

  66 More than one girl ____ late for class this morning.

  A. are B. is C. was D. were

  67 Many a student _____ in the exam.

  A. have failed B. had been failed C. has failed D. will be failed

  68 What he says and what he does _______.

  A. is not agree B. are not agree C. does not agree D. do not agree

  69 Not only politics but also English is important. In other words , ___is important.

  A. English, as well as politics B. English as well as politics

  C. both politics and English D. politics, as well as English

  70 It was at the very beginning__ Mr.Smith made a decision __we should send for a doctor.

  A. what, that B. that, which C. which, that D. that, that

  71 On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found her necklace____.

  A missed B losing C gone D be stolen

  72 He didn`t go to the party not ______the time but _____he was ill.

  A. because of, because B. because, because

  C. because, because of D. because of, because of

  73 The teacher gave me a piece of paper________.

  A. to write on B. to be written on C. to write in D. to be written

  74 I can`t believe he could jump _____high.

  A. very much B. such C. that D. this

  75 ----The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they? ----_____________.

  A. I guess not so B. I don`t guess so C. I don`t guess D. I guess not

  76 The magazine is ______reading, so he advised me ____it.

  A. well worth; to buy B. very worth; buying

  C. worthing , buying D. worthy, to buy

  77 She is on a special ____to lose ____weight.

  A.food; her B.food;/ C.diet; her D.diet;/

  78 Jenny_____ a rich man. She has____ him for 5 years.

  A.married with; married with B. married; married

  C. married to; been married D. married; been married to

  79 I am _____hungry. Give me _______of milk.

  A.a bit;a little B.not a little;a bit C.little;a lit D.not a little; a little

  80 A good friend is someone _____makes you ______.

  A. which; happy B. who; happily C. who; happy D. whose; happily

  81 He was about ____when suddenly the telephone rang.

  A. to leave B. to starting C. leaving D. setting off

  82 This task is _____difficult for us. We need ______people.

  A. much too; another three B. too much; other three

  C. much too; more three D. too much; three more

  83 He seems to ______to Jane. He knows her well.

  A. have been introduced B. be introduced C. have introduced D. introduced

  84 This is a film ______Spielberg used real actors instead of stunt men.

  A. which B. whose C. in which D. of which

  85 He ____much of his success and happiness _____his wife and children.

  A. thanks;to B. owes; to C. owns; to D. thinks; highly of

  86 He will never forget the days ______he spent with you in Japan.

  A. when B. that C. on which D. in which

  87 Which sentence is incorrect ?

  A. I feel interested in classical music B. I take interest in classical music

  C. I am not into classical music D. I don`t fond of classical music

  88 No one likes _______in _____public.

  A. to be laughed at; the B. laughing at; the

  C. being laughed at; / D. to be laughing at; /

  89 We are considering _____a sports meet next month.

  A. to hold B. holding C. to be held D. as holding

  90 Which sentence is incorrect?

  A. He devoted himself to the work of children`s health care.

  B. He is devoted to his work.

  C. He devoted all his life to work hard in people`s interests.

  D. He is determined to make more money for his family.

  91 He doesn`"t like classical music and_______ I.

  A. so do B. nor do C. or do D. nor am

  92 Friends should ______happiness and sorrow _____each other.

  A share, with B solve, with C share, from D share, to

  93 ---I missed the first part of the film .It was really a pity.

  ---You ________home half an hour earlier.

  A. should have left B. must have left C. should leave D. must leave

  94 The storm died away at last with the golden waves ____the shore in peace.

  A. beaten B. beat C. to beat D. beating

  95 The Whites are ___holiday ,but I don`t know where they have gone __their holidays.

  A. in ,for B. on ,for C. for, in D. at, on

  96 The river ____are covered with trees is very long.

  A. which banks B. of which banks C. whose the banks D. the banks of which

  97 She likes to use words ______clear to her.

  A.of which the meaning B of which meaning

  C whose of meaning D meaning of which

  98 The price of this washing machine has been increased ____15%.

  A. up B. to C. by D. from

  99 _____someone`s health, you raise your glass.

  A. Drink to B. To drink to C. If you drink D. If drink to

  100 Please ______me about the interview____ I forget.

  A. remind; in case B. remember; in case

  C. remember, in case of D. remind of; in case of


  1-5 CDABD 6-10 DBCBA 11-15 ACDAA 16-20 DCBAA

  21-25 DBDBC 26-30 DBDDC 31-35 ACCCB 36-40 CDDCD

  41-45 ACABC 46-50 ACCDC 51-55 AAADA 56-60 ACADD

  61-65 ACDDB 66-70 CCDBD 71-75 CAACD 76-80 ADDBC

  81-85 AAACB 86-90 BDCBC 91-95 BAADB 96-100 DACBA









