
时间:2020-08-11 10:11:47 职称英语 我要投稿






  1. Sales promotion consists of those promotional activities other thanadvertising,personal selling,and publicity. As such,any promotionalactivities that do not fall under the other three activities of the promotionmix are considered sales promotion. The trade often uses the termindiscriminately. Businesspersons may use the term “promotion”when they actually mean “sales promotion.”For purpose here,promotion is a broad term that encompasses salespromotion as well as the other three promotional activities.


  2. The techniquesof sales promotion are varied and numerous. The common ones used arecoupons,sweepstakes,games,contests,price-offs,demonstrations,premiums,samples,andmoney refund offers. A combination of these can be used and sometimes is usedin the same campaign.


  3. Sales promotionis temporary in nature. Not being self-sustaining,its function is to supplementadvertising,personal selling,and publicity. To launch Budweiser beer in GreatBritain,Anheuser-Busch employed the “American”theme.Its TV commercials on the 4th of July and Thanksgiving Day were spots filmed inCalifornia with American actors. To supplement its advertising effort,thecompany used a variety of sales-promotion techniques. It madeposters,bunting,flags,pennants,T-shirts,and sweatshirts available to pubs anddiscos for promotional parties. Bud ashtrays,bar towels,coasters,footballpennants,and similar items were offered for sale. Moreover,American discjockeys were brought in to program American music nights.


  4. Sales promotionis not restricted to the stimulation of demand at the consumer level. It may beused to gain middlemen's support as well. In Order to get Thai middlemen tocarry Foremost's dairy products,the company used leasing and conditional salescontracts to provide small retail outlets' and restaurants with freezers for $1if contract terms were met. Foremost also had to convince these resellers notto store other products in the freezers and not to unplug freezer units atnight to save electricity.


  5. The use of salespromotion is not limited to consumer products. It can be used with industrialselling too. Misawa Homes promoted its House 55 by sending samples to U.S.Homes and Germany's Okal. Pfizer,like other drug firms,attracts drugwholesalers by sponsoring trips and other events. Gifts are given todoctors,and doctors' wives are taken on shopping tours.


  6. The popularityof sales promotion has grown steadily both in the United States and overseas. Asurvey of executives conducted by Stimulus,Canada's leading advertisingjournal,revealed a shift from media advertising to sales promotion. Comparedwith five years ago,three of five firms had moved to spend more of theiradvertising budget on such nonmedia alternatives as trade shows,point-of-purchasedisplays,and publicity. According to a POPAI (Point-of- Purchase AdvertisingInstitute) -Du Pont study of shopping behavior in the United States,almost 70percent of all non-food purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store decisions.If the same decision-making pattern is prevalent outside the UnitedStates,sales promotion should prove to be just as indispensable.


  7. Sales promotionis effective when a product is first introduced to a market. It also works wellwith existing products that are highly competitive and standardized,especiallywhen they are of low unit-value and have high turnover. Under suchconditions,sales promotion is needed to gain that “extra”competitive advantage. A Japanese firm created a great deal ofexcitement in Thailand by including game cards in its detergent boxes,andconsumers could not resist buying more and more in search of the winningcards,Likewise,most gas stations in Thailand at one time gave free washclothswith a gas fill-up. Middlemen were also allowed to participate in thesales-promotion program. Stores were informed of the display,and theirsalespeople or sales clerks were made aware of the program and benefits.


  8. Theeffectiveness of sales promotion can be tempered by psychological barriers,andthis fact is applicable to middlemen as well as consumers. Some foreignretailers are reluctant to accept manufacturers' coupons because they fear thatthey will not be reimbursed. Consumers,on the other hand,may viewrebates,mail-in coupons,and money-back guarantees with suspicion,thinking thatsomething must be wrong with the product.


  9. Much like manyother marketing aspects,sales-promotion methods may have to be modified. Thetechniques employed,to be effective,should be consistent with local preference.Philips offered a set of dominoes as a premium for electricity purchase inBrazil,where the game is national pastime and electrical products are treatedas commodities. A player holds the colored side up to prevent an opponent fromseeing the dotted numbers side. Since the company's name was on the back ofevery domino,electricians were often reminded of the brand.




  1. A chance discovery by an employee of John A.Sutter, feudal baron of the SacramentoValley, set off the rush to California. In January1848 James W. Marshall was supervising the construction of a sawmill in Coloma Valley,about 40 miles up the south fork of the American Riverfrom Sutter 's Fort. On the morning ofthe 24th, while inspecting work on the excavation of the channel of the stream,he noticed the glint of metal on the bottom of it. Placing the flakes in thedented crown of his slouch hat, he excitedly rashed to the mill and shouted, “Boys, Ibelieve I’ve found a gold mine.”

  1. 约翰 A 萨特是萨克拉门托谷的封建贵族,他的雇员的一个偶然发 现引发了涌向加利福尼亚的人潮。1848年1月,詹姆士马歇尔正在克 罗马山谷监督锯木厂的工程,那里位于美利坚河南支流,距离萨特的城堡40 英里。24日早晨,正当他检查河流上开掘的坑道时,注意到底部有一些闪亮 的金属。他把这些亮片放在宽边软帽的帽檐上,激动地朝工厂跑去,边跑边喊:“天呐,我想我发现金矿了。”

  2. After making tests at the mill for a few daysand being unable to determine whether or not the flakes were actually gold, Marshall carried a sampleto his employer at the Fort. The two men tried every test that they could thinkof or that the American Encyclopedia suggested. Finally they proved that thesample was gold. In the course of time it became a fact that Marshall haddiscovered a huge vein of gold-bearing quartz more than 150 miles in lengththat lay along the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada—the fabulousMother Lode of California. Weathering and erosion had broken off particles ofthe vein, carried them down mountain streams, and deposited them in sandbars orrock crevices.

  2. 经过几天的试验,马歇尔仍然无法确定这些小薄片是否就是黄金。于 是他带着一些样品来到他雇主的城堡。他俩尝试了能够想到的、美利坚百科全书提供的所有办法,最终证明这些样品就是黄金。经过一段时间后,消息 终于被证实,马歇尔发现了一个长达150英里的含有黄金的石英矿脉,这条 矿脉沿着内华达山的西部山麓延伸,正是那条传说中的加利福尼亚主矿脉。由于风化和侵蚀作用,细小的矿物微粒从矿脉上剥落,被溪水冲刷下来,慢 慢沉积在沙洲和岩石缝隙中。

  3. Sutter could see that news of the golddiscovery would spell disaster to his other businesses—but suchnews could not be kept secret. In May an energetic San Francisco businessman and Mormon eldernamed Sam Brannan returned to the city from the diggings. His appearance on thestreets holding high a quinine bottle full of glistening gold dust andshouting, “Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River,”started the stampede. Shopkeepers hung signs on their doors, “Gone to the Diggings.” Schools closed asteachers and pupils alike left. San Francisco became a ghost town: everyone headed towardthe strike.

  3. 萨特预见到发现金子的消息将会给他的其他生意带来灾难——但这样 重大的消息不可能一直秘而不宣。5月份,山姆布兰南,一位精力充沛的旧金山商人同时也是摩x教的长老,从矿区回到城市。他手里举着一个装满了 闪闪发光金粉的金鸡纳霜瓶子,高声喊着:“金子!金子!美利坚河里的金子!” 他的出现引发了街头的骚乱,一时间店主们纷纷关张,店门上挂出“已去矿区!”的牌子;学校也关闭了,因为老师和学生们都已离开。旧金山一瞬间变 成了鬼城:所有人都罢工了。

  4. At Monterey, Santa Barbara, San Diego,and other Californiasettlements, soldiers deserted their posts, sailors abandoned ships, lawyersleft clients, and editors suspended publication of newspapers. And before theend of the year gold seekers had already arrived from Hawaii,Mexico, BritishColumbia, and South America.

  4. 在蒙特利、圣巴巴拉、圣迭戈,以及其他加利福尼亚的聚居地上,士 兵们离开了岗位,水手们弃船而走,律师们放弃了客户,编辑们推迟了报纸的出版。到那年的年尾,淘金者们纷纷从夏威夷、墨西哥、大不列颠哥伦比 亚甚至南美洲涌向这里。

  5. Westward Ho

  5. 西行记

  6. Stories of the discovery gradually drifted tothe Eastern United States, but most peopledismissed them as rumor. Then in December 1848 they were confirmed. PresidentPolk included official telegrams from California in his message to Congress andstated, “The accounts of the abundance of gold in that territory are of suchan extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief were they notcorroborated by the authentic reports of officers in the public service.” Two days later a Government messenger arrived in Washington with atea caddy full of gold. Sanity vanished. The tea caddy did for the Nation whatSam Brannan's quinine bottle had done for San Francisco.

  6. 发现金子的故事逐渐传到了美国的东海岸,但大部分人认为它是个谣 言。1848年12月,消息终于被确认。波尔克总统将加利福尼亚发来的政府电 报加到给国会的信息中:“尽管那个地区金矿储量惊人,但如果公共服务部门的官员没有用可信的报道强化它们的话,这个信息也很难被公众相信。”两天 之后,政府的信使带着一个装满金子的茶叶盒抵达华盛顿。一瞬间人们的理智土崩瓦解,这个茶叶盒对这个国家所起的作用就像山姆的'金鸡纳霜瓶子对旧金山的作用。

  7. Within a month, eager gold seekers charteredmore than 60 ships, some of doubtful ageand condition, and weighed anchor for California.The New York Herald, in a special California edition, stated: “In every Atlanticseaport, vessels are being fitted up, societies are being formed, husbands arepreparing to leave their wives, sons are parting with their mothers, andbachelors are leaving their comforts; all are rushing head over heels towardthe El Dorado on the Pacific.” Whenever and wherevermen gathered that winter the talk was of California and the riches to be foundthere.

  7. —个月之内,急不可耐的淘金者们租了 60多艘船起航向加利福尼亚行 进,尽管其中一些船的年限和状况都令人担忧。《纽约先驱论坛报》在加州特刊上写到:“大西洋的每个港口都聚集着满载的船只,人们集合成团体,丈夫 准备离开妻子,儿子正告别母亲,而单身汉们正放弃自己的舒适生活。所有 人都一门心思地朝太平洋的黄金之国进发。”不论何处、不论何时,那个冬季人们聚在一起时的话题都离不开加州和那里的财富。

  8. Routes To The Goldfields

  8. 通往采金区的道路

  9. The gold seekers used four principal routesto California,two each by sea and land. Easterners mainly used the sea routes, and residentsof the Mississippi Valley and Southernersthe land routes.

  9. 淘金者们通过四条道路前往加州,两条海路,两条陆路。东部的人主 要选择海路,而密西西比河谷和南方人主要选择陆路。

  10. The most popular way to California was overland, either by thecentral or southern trails.

  10. 而人们最常走的是通过中部或南部的山路。

  11. Tens of thousands of “forty-niners” flocked to the embarkation towns —Independence, St. Joseph, Westport, and Kanesville —and waited until the grass along the trail was high enough to hold the stock.Then the great wagon trains rolled out on the prairie, climbed steadily untilthey crossed South Pass, then dropped down to the Great Basin desert. Those whothought that nothing was so deadly as plodding through the choking dust of thedesert forgot that annoyance when they met the hardships of passing wagons andoxen over the Sierra and then lowering them by rope down deep canyons.

  11. 成千上万的“四九人们/淘金者们”蜂拥到出发的小镇一一因第彭登 (Independence)、圣约瑟夫(St. Joseph)、韦斯特波(Westport)以及肯斯维尔(Kanesville)。他们聚集在那里等待着,等待着沿途的草长大,就可以给牲口提供充足的食物。然后,浩浩荡荡的车队在大草原上出发了,他们一直缓 坡而上穿过南通道,然后下行进入大盆地的沙漠。开始有人认为没有什么能 比穿过沙尘飞扬的沙漠更单调乏味了,但当他们到达山脊时就很快忘记了沙漠的艰难,因为他们必须拼命把牛车和牲口赶上山,然后又用绳子把他们送下深谷。

  12. Other gold seekers, especially Southerners,moved west by way of the southern trails. Drawing traffic from the Santa FeTrail and the west Texas trails, the chiefroute followed the wagon road blazed by Lt. Colonel Philip St. George Cookefrom the Rio Grandeby way of the Gila to the Pacific during the Mexican War. It offered theadvantages of few mountain ranges and a milder climate.

  12. 另一些淘金者,尤其是南方人,沿着南部山路一直向西。圣菲贸易通 道和西德克萨斯通道交汇在主路上,这条路是墨西哥战争期间由圣乔治库克的菲利普上校(Lt. Colonel Philip)标注的牛车道,从格兰德河(Rio Grande) 经由基拉(Gila)到达太平洋。这条路线山路较少而且气候温和。

  13. Whatever their route, those who finallyarrived at the gold mines after the 2,000-mile overland trip, which usuallyrequired 5 or 6 months, had faced a severe test. Only the hardiest survivedtrail life. Asiatic cholera alone in 1849 marked the central trails with 5,000graves before the wagons reached the Rocky Mountains.But the dangers and privations ——on land or at sea ——wereall forgotten upon arrival at the goldfields. There the newcomers found thosewho had arrived earlier working every large stream along the Mother Lode, fromthe Feather to the Tuolumne Rivers. Tent camps sprang up everywhere as theforty-niners, washing pan in hand, set out to seek the riches so widelyreported. A few lucky souls did find wealth, but the majority were quicklydisappointed.

  13. 不论走那条路线,人们需要五六个月的时间,跋涉2000英里的陆路, 经历严峻的考验之后才能到达矿山,只有那些最强壮的人才能活下来。1849 年中部路线上流行亚洲霍乱,牛车队到达落基山脉之前就在路边留下了 5000 座新坟。当人们经由陆路或海路到达金矿时,一路上的危险与窘困都被抛到了九霄云外。抢先一步到达的人们挖掘主矿脉上的每一条河流,从费勒河(the Feather)到图奥乐米河(the Tuolumne)。淘金者们带上淘洗盘出发去寻找财 富,沿途的帐篷营地随处可见。只有一些极幸运者找到了财富,但绝大多数人都很快失望了。

  Wordsand Expressions

  feudal ['fju:dl] adj.封建制度的,封地的,领地的

  baron ['brn] n.男爵(英国世袭的最低级的贵族爵位)

  set off v.出发,动身,使爆炸,引起,分开

  sawmill ['s:ml] n.锯木厂,锯木机

  excavation [,eksk'vein] n.挖掘,挖掘成的洞,出土文物

  glint [glint]n.闪烁

  flake [fleik]n.薄片v.使成薄片,剥落,雪片般落下

  dent [dent]n.凹,凹痕,(齿轮的)齿,弱点v.使凹下,凹进

  slouch hat n.宽边软帽

  vein [vein]n.血管,静脉,叶脉,矿脉,纹理

  quartz [kw:ts] n.石英

  fabulous [fbjuls] adj.寓言中的,神话般的,难以置信的

  sandbar ['sndba:(r)] n.沙洲

  crevice ['krevis] n.(墙壁,岩石等的)裂缝

  diggings 发掘物,矿区(尤指金矿区)

  quinine ['kwanan] n.奎宁,奎宁化合物(如里硫酸奎宁)

  glistening ['gli:sni] 闪耀的,反光的

  stampede [stm'pi:d] n.惊跑 v.惊跑

  desert [di'z:t] n.沙漠vt.遗弃,逃跑vi.逃掉,逃亡

  dismiss [dis'mis] vt.解散,下课,开除,拒绝接受,不承认

  corroborate [k'rbreit] vt.使坚固,确证

  caddy ['kdi] n.茶叶罐,小盒子,小罐

  sanity ['sniti] n.心智健全

  vanish ['vni] vi.消失,突然不见

  fit up 准备装备(设备、房屋等)

  prairie ['prεri] n.大草原,牧场

  plodding ['pldi] adj.沉重缓慢的,单调乏味的

  annoyance [e'nins] n.烦恼,可厌之事

  blaze [bleiz]n.火焰 vt.在树皮上刻路标,公开宣布

  Asiatic cholera n.亚细亚霍乱

  privation [prai'vein] n.缺乏,穷困,丧失,被剥夺了某物的状态

  tent [tent] n.帐篷

  spring up v.跳起来

  33.What Do Parents OweTheir Children <原34>


  1.If J had toselect a word that best describes the majority of American I parents,that wordwould be guilt-ridden. How sad it is to see parents become the | willingvictims of the "givc-me game*1,only lo discover that,no matter what they jdo,it isn't enough. In the end,they are despised for their lack of firmness andblamed when their spoiled children get in trouble. With this in mind,I shallfirst answer this question:" What do parents owe their children?" andI shall start with what they don't owe them.


  2.Parents don't owetheir children every minute of their day and every ounce of their energy. Theydon*t owe them round-the-clock car service,singing lessons,tennislessons,expensive bicycles,a motorcycle or a car when they reach sixteen,or atrip to Hurope when they graduate.


  3.I take the firmposition that parents do not owe their children a college education. If theycan afford it,line; they can certainly send them to the best universities. Butthey must not feel guiltily if they can't. If the children really want logo,they'll find a way. There are plenty of loans and scholarships for thebright and eager who can't afford to pay.


  4.After childrenmarry,their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house or money for thefurniture. They do not have an obligation to baby-sit or to take theirgrandchildren in their house when the parents were on vacation. If they want rodo it,it must be considered a favor,not an obligation.


  5.In myopinion,'parents do not owe their children an inheritance,no matter how muchmoney they have. One of the surest ways to produce a loafer is to let childrenknow that their future is assured.


  6.Do parents owetheir children anything ? Yes,they owe them a great deal.


  7.One of theirchief obligations is to give their children a sense of personal worth ofself-esteem is the basis of a good mental health. A youngster,who is constantlymade to feci stupid and unworthy,constantly compared to brighterbrothers,sisters or cousins,will become so unsure,so afraid of failing,that he(or she) won't try at ail. Of course,they should be corrected when they dowrong ; this is the way children learn. But the criticisms should be balancedwith praises,preferably with a smile and a kiss. No child is ever too old to behugged. Parents owe their children iirm guidance and consistent discipline. Itis frightening for ayoungster to feel thai he is in charge of himself; it'slike being in a car without brakes. The parents who say "Mo" when otherparents say "Yes" sends a double message. He is also saying: "Ilove you,and I am ready to risk your anger,because I don't want you to get intotrouble."


  8.Parents owe theirchildren some religious training. The tact that so many strange cults areenjoying such success is proof that children feel the need for somethingspiritual in their life.


  9.Parents owe theirchildren a comfortable feeling about their body,and enough information aboutsex to balance the misinformation that they will surely receive from theirfriends.


  10.Parents owetheir children privacy and respect for their personalbelongings. This means notborrowing things without permission,not readingdiaries and mail,not lookingthrough purses,pockets,and drawers. If a motherfeels that she must read herdaughter's diary to know what is going on,thecommunication between them must bepretty bad.


  11.Parents owetheir chi Idren a set of solid values around which to build theirlives. Thismeans teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; itmeans beingrespectful to elders,to teachers,and to the law. The best way to t eachsuchvalues is by example. A child who is lied to will lie. A child who seeshisparents steal tools from the factory or towels from a hotel will think thaiit is allright to steal. A youngster who sees no laughter and no love in thehome will havea difficult time laughing and loving.


  12. No child asksto be born. If you bring a life into the world,you owe the children something.And if you give him his due,he'll have something of value to pass along to yourgrandchi Idren.










