高考英语阅读快速提升练习 美丽世界

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高考英语阅读快速提升练习 美丽世界


高考英语阅读快速提升练习 美丽世界


  (2012·新课标全国卷)Honey from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar,it is also delicious.Most people,and many animals,like eating it.However,the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nest and take the honey from it.Often,these nests are high up in trees,and it is difficult to find them.In parts of Africa,though,people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper—a little bird called a honey guide.

  The honey guide does not actually like honey,but it does like the wax in the beehives (蜂房).The little bird cannot reach this wax,which is deep inside the bees' nest.So,when it finds a suitable nest,it looks for someone to help it.The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people.Once it has their attention,it flies through the forest,waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest.When they finally arrive at the nest,the_follower reaches in to get the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches.Some of the honey,and the wax,always falls to the ground,and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

  Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax,but it is very determined in its efforts to get it.The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away.They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives,and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.

  【语篇解读】 非洲森林中甜美的蜂蜜让人类和动物垂涎欲滴,可寻找隐藏在高树上的蜂巢却并非易事。幸运的是,一种对蜂蜡情有独钟的奇怪的小鸟可以主动提供帮助,顺便分一杯羹。

  1.Why is it difficult to find a wild bees' nest?

  A.It's small in size. B.It's hidden in trees.

  C.It's covered with wax. D.It's hard to recognize.

  答案 B [考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Often,these nests are high up in trees,and it is difficult to find them.”可判断出,之所以难以发现蜂巢是因为它隐藏在高高的树上。]

  2.What do the words “the follower” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

  A.A bee. B.A bird.

  C.A honey seeker. D.A beekeeper.

  答案 C [考查词义猜测。结合上文中的“...both passing animals and people...”以及“...the curious animal or person...”可推知,the follower指的是“寻找蜂蜜者”。]

  3.The honey guide is special in the way ________.

  A.it gets its food B.it goes to church

  C.it sings in the forest D.it reaches into bees' nests

  答案 A [考查推理判断。这种鸟是借助他人之手最终获得自己想要的食物的,这正是它的特殊之处。]

  4.What can be the best title of the text?

  A.Wild Bees B.Wax and Honey

  C.Beekeeping in Africa D.Honey­Lover's Helper

  答案 D [考查主旨大意。第一段最后一句点明了本文的中心话题,下文都围绕这种小鸟展开叙述,所以D项最能概括文章大意。]

  维B 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)






  I woke up the other day to find that 10 inches of freshly fallen snow was waiting for me outside my door.The flakes were still __1__ heavily too.I didn't want my little dogs __2__ in it,so I reluctantly __3__ on my heavy coat and grabbed the snow shovel to make a __4__.I had only gotten a bit done,however,__5__ the handle of my old snow shovel __6__ with a “snap”.Laughing and shaking my head I __7__ then and there to wait out the storm for a while.

  It was late in the afternoon when the snow finally __8__ and I trudged over to my Dad's house to borrow his shovel and __9__ again.By then the 10 inches of snow had turned into a foot and a half.I started out slow setting a steady __10__ and stopping to rest whenever my back started to ache.After a while,though,the __11__ finally broke and the sun peeked out to __12__ me on.The work seemed a lot easier then even though it was __13__.I even sang a few Christmas carols and __14__ while I cleared out the drives,cleaned off the cars,and shoveled out the paths.After an hour of hard work the job was finally done.__15__,I let the child that still lives __16__ of me fall back into the snow and __17__ a snow angel for the angels in Heaven to see.It felt good walking back to my house after a job well done.It felt even better __18__ around at this wonderful world of white.

  I don't know why life sometimes gives us Spring days and sometimes dumps a ton of snow on us.I do know,__19__,that we can pray,laugh,love,and choose __20__ through it all.


  trudge vi.跋涉

  【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议的文章。大雪纷飞中,作者想铲出一条小道,经过一番辛勤的劳作,小道终于形成了。作者带着欢愉的心情回到屋中。一年有四季变化,这是不可抗拒的自然规律,但作者认为,我们可以在一年四季中都选择快乐。

  1.A.floating B.falling C.piling D.flying

  答案 B [根据语境可知,雪还在下,因此此处表示雪花纷纷落下。A项表示“漂浮”。]

  2.A.missing B.runningC.hiding D.drowning

  答案 D [从下文可知,积雪很深,因此作者不想让自己的小狗陷在雪中,drown当“淹没”讲,用在此处非常形象。]

  3.A.pulled B.dragged C.drew D.pushed

  答案 A [此处表示作者穿上大衣,因此用pull on,其他动词无此用法。]

  4.A.difference B.discoveryC.path D.snowman

  答案 C [下文有提示,作者终于在雪中铲出了一条小道。D项脱离了上下文的语境。]

  5.A.until B.when C.once D.until

  答案 B [when引导并列句,表示动作出乎意料,其他连词无此用法。]

  6.A.crashed B.bent C.slipped D.broke

  答案 D [根据常识以及作者到父亲家借铁锨可知,他自己的铁锨把被折断了。需要注意的是,bend表示“弯而不断”。]

  7.A.decided B.hoped C.continued D.hesitated

  答案 A [从上文可知作者很无奈,因此决定站在风雪中。其他选项不合逻辑。]

  8.A.disappeared B.frozeC.stopped D.melted

  答案 C [从下文太阳出来可知,雪最终停了。其他选项都不合逻辑。]

  9.A.clear B.try C.check D.think

  答案 B [作者从父亲那儿借来了铁锨决定再次尝试,铲出一条小道。A项表示“清理”。]

  10.A.development B.rateC.step D.pace

  答案 D [根据语境可知,作者铲雪时保持着均衡的节奏或速度。B项表示“比率”。]

  11.A.clouds B.shovel C.sky D.trees

  答案 A [从后面太阳出来可知,此处表示乌云散开了。C项与后面的动词不搭配。]

  12.A.overlook B.cheer C.shine D.watch

  答案 B [太阳出来后,作者干得更来劲了,此处表示太阳在为自己加油。C项不与后面的副词on搭配。]

  13.A.heavier B.colder C.warmer D.brighter

  答案 C [从上文太阳出来了可知答案。A项不合逻辑。]

  14.A.danced B.jumped C.stopped D.smiled

  答案 D [从上文作者唱起了赞美诗可知,太阳出来了,作者的心情也好了起来。A项不符合语境和情理。]

  15.A.Laughing B.Crying

  C.Resting D.Wandering

  答案 A [由语境中可知,作者的心情越来越好,他不禁笑出了声。]

  16.A.outside B.inside C.beyond D.above

  答案 B [从文章语境分析作者是个成年人,此处表示他心情变得非常舒畅,因此内心的孩子气也爆发出来了,像孩子般地倒在雪地上。]

  17.A.catch B.find C.make D.pretend

  答案 C [作者倒在雪地上,浑身沾满了雪,因此成为了一个雪的天使,make当“使成为”讲,符合语境。]

  18.A.looking B.walkingC.turning D.wondering

  答案 A [作者环顾四周白雪皑皑的世界,心情非常开朗。B项不与后面的介词at搭配。]

  19.A.anyway B.still C.then D.however

  答案 D [前后构成转折关系,表示虽然四季变化是不可抗拒的,但我们可以选择我们的心情。]

  20.A.fate B.determinationC.joy D.luck

  答案 C [由上文作者在大雪纷飞中很快乐可知,本文强调让我们选择快乐。]

  维C 阅读理解(每题2分,满分分)





  “I can't believe it.These blooms have lasted so long this year,” my wife said.

  “I hadn't really thought about it,but you are right.As much as I love lilacs,they come and go so fast,” I said.

  It has been incredibly exciting this year here in my backyard.Our lilac tree has produced the most blooms I have ever seen.The scent is so wonderful that I spend a lot of time just standing on our small deck breathing it all in.

  Many of the branches are hollow and cracked leaving me to believe it has seen many springs.A few winters ago one of the biggest branches crashed to the ground under the weight of melting snow.It broke my heart.I guess I wasn't expecting much from the old thing this year.But it is magnificent!

  Since we have been experiencing so much rain lately the flowers have become hearten.The once tall branches seem to be under a lot of pressure.There are big gaps because the branches are lower.

  Sadly,today I noticed the first bunch of flowers turning brown.It won't be long until they are all gone.But here's what I've learned from them.

  Some people are like fragrant flowers.They come into our lives ever so briefly and leave behind scent that remains embedded in our being.They brighten our day by just having had contact with them even if for a moment.In the coldest,darkest days of the winter of my life,the memory of them will get me through it all and bring a smile to my face and I will have “spring forever in my heart”.


  embedded adj.镶嵌的

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,作者由丁香年年短暂地盛开联想到那些给他留下瞬间感动的人们,他们如春天常驻心间。

  1.The author felt excited this year because ________.

  A.the lilac tree gave off more scent this year

  B.the lilac tree had produced more blossoms than ever

  C.the lilac tree had produced the first bunch of flowers

  D.the lilac tree survived the heavy snow

  答案 B [细节理解题。文章第三段提到,今年花开得特别多,出乎作者的意料,因此他感到兴奋。]

  2.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

  A.People's lives are as fragile and brief as fragrant flowers.

  B.The author has gone through many dark days in his life.

  C.Memories of nice people always cheer the author.

  D.The author feels sorry that people left so soon in his life.

  答案 C [细节理解题。文章最后一段表明,在生活中遇到


  3.The purpose of the writer is to tell us ________.

  A.beautiful things usually don't last long

  B.it's not easy to find people who can brighten our day

  C.there is something similar between people and flowers

  D.nice people can leave good memories on us

  答案 D [推理判断题。文章最后一段说,在他人生中最严寒黑暗的冬天,回忆使作者安然面对一切,给他以鼓舞。]

  4.What would be the best title of the passage?

  A.Lilacs come and go fast

  B.People are like fragrant flowers

  C.My favorite flower

  D.Spring forever in my heart

  答案 D [主旨大意题。作者由年年春天如约盛开的丁香联想到那些给他留下感动的人们,回忆让他在困难中仍然感到温暖,好像春天从不曾离去。]

  维D 情景对话(每小题1分,满分5分)


  W:Hello,Kamloops Computer School.May I help you?

  M:Yes.I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming.__1__

  W:Do you want a day or evening course?

  M:Well,it's better to be an evening course since I work during the day.



  W:Oh.You should learn data processing before you can take computer programming.

  M:I see.Well,when is it given?I hope it's not on Thursdays.

  W:Well,there's a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven.__3__

  M:Oh.Well,that's all right.I could manage that.__4__

  W:Let me see.Twelve weeks.You start the first week in September,and finish just before Christmas.

  M:And how much should I pay for the course?


  M:Okay.Where do I go to register?

  W:Registration is on the second floor of Frost Hall.

  M:Well,thank you very much.

  A.But that's nearly three hours from seven to nine forty­five.

  B.That's three hundred dollars in total.

  C.I would need it for the autumn term.

  D.I want to learn how to repair computers.

  E.Have you taken any courses in data processing?

  F.When will the course come to an end?

  G.How many weeks does the course last?

  答案 1.C 2.E 3.A 4.G 5.B


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