
时间:2023-03-11 02:23:58 英语口译 我要投稿
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  I made it! 赶上了!

  Not quite. 那可未必。

  I'm on time! /I arrived on time!

  Be punctual! 要严格遵守时间。

  You are late again. 你又迟到了.

  I was only late by five minutes.


  I was only five minutes late.

  Did u punch in/out? 打卡了吗?*上下班时

  Can we meet on Tuesday?

  Let me check my schedule.


  Let me look over my schedule.

  Let me confirm my schedule.

  I've got so much to do. 我有好多事要干

  Don't worry. You can do it.

  I have so much to do.


  I have many things to do.

  I'm extremely busy.

  I'm pressed for time. 我的时间安排很紧.

  I'm an ordinary office worker.


  I do office work.

  I'm a regular office worker.

  The work doesn't need much effort.


  Lucky you! 你太幸运了

  It's an easy job.

  Don't neglect your duties! 干活别偷懒。

  Okay. I won't.

  I'm in charge of the west side.


  I'm responsible for the west side.

  I'm done with the work.

  我已经结束哪项工作了. --Already?

  I'm finished with the work.

  I'm all done with the work.

  I can still work for a long time.


  I'll be able to work for many more years.

  I still have many years of work.

  Our boss has been fired.我们的上司被解雇了.

  You're kidding! 你不是在开玩笑吧!

  Our boss has been dismissed.

  Our boss has been let go.

  Please staple these together. 请把这个订在一起 *stapler 是“订书器”。

  Would you copy these papers?


  This copy machine doesn't work.


  This copy machine isn't working.

  This copier is broken.

  I think it ran out of paper. *run out用完


  I think it's out of paper.

  When is this due? 付款截止到什么时候?

  When do I have to pay this by?

  When is the last day I can pay for this?

  How long is the pay period?

  When is the pay period over?

  When does this have to be finished by?

  It's due on the thirtieth.付款日期截止到三十号.

  Let's take a break, shall we? --Yes, let's. 让我们休息一会儿吧.

  Shall we take a break?

  Get me a cup of coffee, will you?


  Would u bring me a cup of coffee?

  Would you like some coffee?


  Would you care for some coffee?

  Do you want some coffee?

  How about some coffee?

  That would be great. 那真是太好了.

  That would be perfect.

  That would hit the spot.

  It's almost lunchtime.快到午饭时间了。

  It's almost time for lunch.

  We took an hour lunch break. 我们有1小时的午休时间

  Where were you? 你去哪儿了?

  Let's get started.我们开始吧。

  Let's begin! /Here we go.

  Let's get down to business. 我们开始吧? *谈生意进入正题时使用。

  Let's get down to work.

  Let's take a vacation soon.

  I can't leave this job at the moment.


  I'm tied up at the moment.

  I'm too busy to bother with such details.我太忙了,顾不上那些琐碎的事。

  I'm so busy, I'd really appreciate any help I could get.我忙的四脚朝天.

  Don't slack off! 别偷懒!

  Do your best! 尽你的全力.

  Don't work too hard.悠着点。

  Pull yourself together. 打起精神来。

  But I just made a big mistake.

  Get a hold of yourself.

  I need more help with the project.

  You can count on me. 你可以找我呀! *count on...“指望”、“依赖”。

  How's work?

  I don't even have time to catch my breath.我连喘口气的机会都没有.

  I don't have time to breathe.

  What's keeping you? Hurry up. 你怎么耽搁了,快点儿!

  I'll be over soon. 马上就来。

  Changing jobs is the only way out. 出路(换个工作是唯一的解决办法)

  You'd better work harder.你应该更加努力的工作。

  You should work harder.

  I'm a workaholic. 我是个工作狂 *它是work和“酒精中毒”alcoholic的混合语。还可把购物狂说成“shopaholic”….

  I don't know how to fill out this form


  How do I fill out this form?


  Can you help me with this form?


  It looks like it's going to be a long meeting, doesn't it? 看来会议要开好长时间了.是吧?

  This is gonna be a long one.gonna=going to

  The meeting went well.会议开得很成功.

  That went well. 进行得很顺利。

  Why didn't you help more?

  I did all I could do. /That's all I can do.我已经尽了最大的努力了。

  There is nothing more I can do.

  Are you impressed?


  Isn't it impressive?

  Pls underline the important items.作动词(请在重要事项下面划线)

  Check. 好,没问题

  Would you get to the point? 说重点


  All right, all right.

  What's the point?

  Stop beating around the bush.

  What are you trying to say?

  Please do it all over again. 全部重做.

  From the beginning?

  Please start over from the beginning.

  Fax this paper to Mr. Tanaka.


  Pls hand in the document to me.提交,交出(请把那份文件交给我.)

  Please hand the document in to me.

  What document are you talking about?

  Please submit the document to me.

  This is a piece of work I can be proud of.这是我的得意之作。

  I'm really proud of this.

  I can't find my white-out. “涂改液”


  Are you working overtime tonight?


  Unfortunately, yes.

  Are you working late tonight?

  Business is business.工作就是工作

  He's a hard worker. 他是个努里工作的人.

  You're overworking. 你超负荷工作了.

  Finish this report today! 今天必须完成这份报告。

  When is the paper due? 截止


  I've got so much to do.我有很多是要做.

  There's a lot of work piled up on my desk. 瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事。

  I feel sorry for you. 我真同情你。

  We'll fake it. 差不多就得了 *fake敷衍


  We'll make it up as we go along.

  All done!全部做完了. /I've finished it all.

  It's been a long day. 今天忙了一天

  It's time to go home.

  We've worked hard today.

  It was a very busy day.

  Today was a rough day at work.

  I can't make an exception for you.


  It's dark outside already.外边天都黑了

  It has become dark outside already.

  It's already dark out.

  I'm so tired.

  Let's finish up.就干到这儿吧

  Good idea. Let's go home.

  Let's call it a day! 今天就到这里吧。

  I've just finished work.


  I just got off work.

  I've just finished working.

  Today's payday. 今天发工资。

  Oh, yeah? I forgot all about it.

  Let's have a drink. /Let's go for drink.


  Let's go out for a drink!

  Thanks for your hard work.你辛苦了.

  I hope you don't mind my leaving now.


  Could you excuse me, please?不介意吧

  Will you excuse me, please?

  Sorry for interrupting. 对不起.打断一下.

  I'm sorry to interrupt.

  I'm sorry to interrupt you.

  Excuse me for interrupting.

  Forgive me for interrupting.

  May I interrupt you? /Excuse me.


  Mr. Smith is on line one.


  Hello. May I help you?

  Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. Aoki. 是的,我已经和青木先生约好了

  What floor is ABC on? --The tenth floor. ABC公司在几楼?

  Where are the elevators?电梯在哪?

  Around the corner over there.


  What's John like? 约翰是个什么样的人?

  I get along well with him. 我和他很合得来。

  I don't get along well with her.我跟他合不来.

  I respect him. /I highly respect him.


  I look up to him.

  I despise him. 我瞧不起他

  I look down on him.

  I want to get along with everyone.我想和大家和睦相处.

  I hope I will get along with everyone.

  Are you getting along with her?


  She ignored me. 她不搭理我。

  She gave me the cold shoulder.

  She didn't pay any attention to me at all.

  I don't know what he's really thinking.


  I'm not sure what he is thinking about.

  I don't really know what is on his mind.

  I have no reason to be envied.


  There is no reason to be jealous of me.

  There is no reason to envy me.

  They're helping our boss again.

  I don't like brownnosers.


  I don't like flatterers.说恭维话的人

  I'm neglecting my family. 我是个不顾家的人 *这是种相当严厉的说法。

  I put my work before my family.

  I should treat my family better.

  Which side are you? 你站在哪一方?

  Which side are you on?

  Who are you rooting for?

  Which side do you support?

  I'm on your side. 我是站在你这边的.

  I will support you. 我支持你。

  I agree with you.

  He's very hard on me.蛮横,野蛮,不客气

  He treats me unkindly.

  He's mean to me. 他对我很刻薄。

  He's very strict. 他很严厉。

  He always treats me like an enemy.


  He acts like I'm an enemy.

  He treats me as if I'm his enemy.

  He was rude to say that.

  He treated me badly.


  I was badly treated by him.

  I received bad treatment from him.

  He treated me unkindly.

  I'm obligated to him. 我欠他的情

  I'm under obligation to him.我欠他的钱.

  I owe him.

  I have an obligation to him.

  I'm deeply indebted to him.我非常感激他

  I've received kindness from him.

  I owe him a lot for everything he has done for me.

  We're on a first name basis.我们很熟,互相直呼其名. /We're on first name terms.


  He's quick on the uptake. 他的理解力很强.

  He's a fast learner.

  He has a quick mind.

  He catches on quickly.

  He'll never let you down. 失望


  He finished the job already.

  He's efficient. 他真能干。

  He does things well and he gets them done quickly.

  He gets things done efficiently.

  He handles things quickly.

  He handles matters promptly.

  He's a good guy.他是个好人.

  He's a good man.

  He's a good person.

  He looks old for his age. *adj+for,比…


  He's only 46.

  He looks older than he is.

  He looks young for his age.


  You look younger than me.

  We're the same age.

  You look younger than I do.

  That's the way he is. 他就是那种人.

  That's the kind of guy he is.

  Who is he like? 他长得像谁?

  What's Joe like? 乔这个人怎么样?

  He has a lot of common sense. 常识


  He's wise for his age. 他虽年轻,却很博学.

  He's only ten and he made this.

  He's wise considering his age.

  He's wise for a man of his age.

  He knows a lot of people. 他交际很广.

  He's well-known.

  He's very popular.

  He has a large circle of acquaintances.

  He runs a lot of business. 他有很多生意

  Yeah, he's a go-getter. 有才干的人

  He's a man of action.

  He's a man of ability.

  You're so sympathetic.同情、体谅人的


  He's faithful. 忠诚的,守信用的


  He has a strong sense of duty.


  He has a deep voice.

  He has a low voice.

  His voice is very deep.

  He has put on weight. 他发福了

  He has gained weight.

  He has lost weight.

  He's overweight.他太胖了。

  He's a fatso. 他是个胖猪。

  He's fat.

  He's skinny. 他骨瘦如柴。

  Sir, I don't think you should fire John.

  You have a lot of nerve.你真有胆量

  You're bold. 大胆的/不客气的

  You're very brave. 勇敢

  He didn't say anything.

  He's a very modest man. 谦虚、慎重


  He's very polite.

  He doesn't like to brag. 他不喜欢吹牛

  He isn't boastful. 自负

  He has a good/bad temper.他有个好/坏脾气.

  He's in a good/bad mood. *表示“现在正好情绪不错(不好)”,和上句语气不一样

  There's something strange about her.他不知哪儿有点怪.

  There is something fishy about her.

  There is something odd about her.

  She's been edgy lately. 情绪急躁

  Yeah, she's not herself.嗯,她有点不对劲.

  She's not acting like herself.

  She's not acting normally.

  She cut her hair very short.

  She's so weird. 她真让人捉摸不透。

  She's bizarre.

  She's very strange.

  Tammy eats like a bird. 塔米饭量很小.

  She's on a diet. 她正减肥呢。

  Tammy eats very little.

  Tammy doesn't eat very much.

  Tammy eats like a horse. 塔米特别能吃

  She has a nice figure. 她身材很好.

  She has a good figure.

  His best days are gone. 他已过壮年.

  He's past his prime.

  My father's getting on in years.上年纪


  My father's becoming an old man.

  My father's getting older.

  What does he look like? 他长得什么样?

  They're making a big fuss.大声吵闹、喧哗(他们闹得天翻地覆)

  They're making a big deal about it.

  Does he smoke?

  Yes, he's a chain smoker. 他抽烟抽个没完.

  He's a heavy smoker.

  He smokes non-stop.


  I don't like John. Because

  he's selfish. 他很自私.

  He's self-centered.

  He's self-serving.

  He only cares about himself.

  He doesn't care about anyone but himself

  He takes things too seriously.


  He's simpleminded. 单纯的、头脑简单的


  He's a simple man. 单纯的、实际的

  He isn't so smart.

  He's on edge today. 今天他情绪烦躁.

  He's in a bad mood today.

  He's talkative. 喜欢说话、多嘴多舌


  Yeah, u can say that again.你也这么说呀

  He's a motor-mouth.

  He never shuts up.

  He's quite well off. 有钱、富裕


  He's a wealthy man.

  He's rich.

  He's rolling in it.

  He always tries to touch me.

  Yeah, he's fresh. 是啊,他很好色。

  He's a dirty-minded man.

  He's a dirty old man. 他是个讨厌的老头

  All he thinks about is sex.

  He's a smooth talker. 他的嘴甜着呢.

  He's honey-tongued.

  Watch out for him.

  He's nobody's fool.难打交道、不容轻视


  He's very shrewd.

  He often says absurd things.荒谬,没道理的(他竟说些傻话.)

  He often says ridiculous things.

  He says strange things a lot.

  He says a lot of weird things.

  He has no sense of responsibility.


  He's so irresponsible.

  He's very offensive. 讨厌的


  He's a difficult man to deal with.


  He's hard to put up with. 忍受

  He's a stubborn old man.顽固的、倔强的

  He's a hardheaded old man.


  He's aiming too high. 他总是好高骛远.

  He's overreaching himself.

  He's out of his league.

  That man never admits defeat.他从不认输

  He never admits he is wrong.

  He is a sore loser.

  He hates being defeated.

  He can't handle defeat.他是个输不起的人

  He's very vague.他是个难以捉摸的人

  He's just like my brother.

  He is difficult to understand.

  He isn't very clear.

  He's crooked. 性格孤僻、乖张

  He's a crook.

  He's not nice to you? 他是不是对你不好?

  No, he's good for nothing.

  He isn't good for anything.


  She's shy around strangers. 她认生.

  She's bashful.

  She feel uncomfortable around strangers.

  She's afraid of strangers.

  You're too timid. 你是个胆小鬼.

  You're gutless.

  You're a wimp.

  You're a chicken.

  He's acting big. 他在逞强.

  He's acting like a hot shot.他动不动就生气

  He has a short temper. 易怒

  He gets angry easily.

  He loses his temper quickly.

  He is very temperamental. 他喜怒无常

  He eats like a horse.他很能吃.

  Your perfume is strong. 香水味


  I can smell your perfume a mile away.

  Your perfume is romantic.芳香扑鼻


  I'm young in spirit. 我的心还很年轻.

  I have a youthful spirit.

  I'm young at heart.

  Can't you fix it? 修理

  I'm all thumbs. 笨手笨脚的 *thumb大拇指(我笨手笨脚的)

  I'm very clumsy.

  I have butterfingers.

  I like being alone.我喜欢独处。

  I enjoy having time to myself.

  I'm a loner.

  I'm temperamental. 我爱发脾气

  I'm not. I'm easygoing.我可不是,我挺随和

  I'm an optimist. 我是个乐天派

  I'm carefree.

  I like to take it easy.

  Your face is red!

  I get embarrassed easily. 我遇事就慌。

  I'm practical about everything. 现实的


  I like to be practical about things.

  I'm a very practical person.

  I have a one-track mind. 我是一根筋

  I'm obsessed with one idea.

  I can't take my mind off of...无法不去想..

  I'm a good judge of character. 我看人很准.

  I have a good eye for character.

  I'm a poor judge of character.

  You like sweets, don't you?

  Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.是.我爱吃甜食

  I love sweets.

  I prefer wine to sweets. 我是个酒鬼.

  I prefer savory to sweet. 我更爱吃辣的

  I have led a dog's life. 我过着悲惨的生活

  I have had a miserable life.

  I've had a terrible life.

  I have good/poor eyesight. 视力好/差










