
时间:2020-08-31 08:00:39 公共英语 我要投稿


  距离2016年9月公共英语考试越来越近了,为了让大家了解公共英语阅读考试难易程度, yjbys网小编为大家提供了3月份公共英语考试真题及答案详解,以下是2015年9月份公共英语四级考试写作真题及答案。



  61. Read the following text and write an essay to

  1) summarize the main points of the text,

  2) make clear your own viewpoint, and

  3) justify your stand.

  In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the text. If you use more than three consecutive words from the text, use quotation marks (“ ”).

  You should write 160-200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

  Sunlight is free. Turning it into electricity produces no greenhouse gases and the process is getting cheaper every year. These facts suggest solar power ought soon to be a big part of the world's energy mix. However, it is unavailable at night and is most efficiently generated in deserts. Can these problems be overcome? Or is solar power forever destined to be financially aided greenwash that is applied superficially to fossil-fuel-based economies to make them seem more environ. mentally friendly than they really are?

  This motion depends on whether the world needs saving, and if so, from what?

  There are two conventional answers to the second question. One is, "from the effects of climate change brought about by man-made global warming". The other is, "from dependence on fossil fuels that are, by definition, a finite resource".

  Both of these answers are challengeable. Few informed people doubt that humanity's outpourings of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, are altering the climate. But there is doubt over both how big that, effect will be and whether the response should be to try to stop the change or to adapt to it. The former would certainly require an approach to alternative energy, in which solar power would play an important--and probably eventually dominant--role. The latter would argue for business as usual, with access to the cheapest energy sources (ie, at the moment, fossil fuels) to help bring about the economic growth that will help pay for adaptation to an altered climate.


  What Is the Likely Future of Solar Power?

  The given text talks about the use and development of solar power and fossil fuels. Their merits and demerits are discussed. Solar power is considered a renewable resource, while fossil fuels are "a finite resource" and may cause environmental pollution. Nevertheless, the use of sunlight also has its

  limitations, depending on weather condition and whether it is day or night. The world economy and environment may take on different appearances by choosing different energy resources.

  From my point of view, solar power should be the main source of energy supply, with fossil fuels playing a complementary role in this process. For this, I have two reasons. For one hand, belonging to non-renewable resources, fossil fuels are one of the motivations for which some countries launched wars, for example, Mideast Asia War, in the course of human history. If there are some substitutes for fossil fuels, this kind of threat would be largely lessened. For another hand, the use of solar energy is good way to achieve sustainable development, by making the best of sunlight's renewable nature.

  All in all, people should grant solar power the future as the main source of energy supply, which will surely do good to the whole human society.




  1.renewable resources可再生资源

  2. non-renewable resources不可再生资源

  3. depend on依靠,依赖,取决于

  4. take on different forms/appearances 呈现出不同的形式/面貌

  5. from my point of view 依我看,在我看来

  6. play a complementary role in 在…中起补充作用

  7. launch wars 发动战争

  8. in the course of human history 在人类历史上

  9. substitute for 代替

  10. make the best of 充分利用

  11. all in all 总之,总的来说

  12. grant sb. sth. 使某人得到…赋予某人…










