
时间:2022-09-26 10:07:37 翻译资格 我要投稿






  1.原文:All around was open loneliness and black solitude,over which a stiff breeze blew。(Thomas Hardy:Tess of the d'Urbervilles)



  2.原文:She denied it,denied everything,bone and stone.


  赏析:原文中的"bone and stone"形象生动,但将其直译成“语气硬得像骨头和石头”,去不一定能为我国读者所接受,改译成“死不认账”,就自然、生动的多。翻译本 来就是一个有得有失的过程,完全传达原文的意义、精神、意韵、形象实不可能,好的译者总是善于抓住原文的精髓,在译文中尽力将其传达出来,而将原文那些相 对而言不甚重要的且又无法传达的割舍开去,借用依据哲学的术语,就是“抓住要矛盾或矛盾的主要方面”,至于哪些是“主要矛盾或矛盾的主要方面”,哪些是 “次要矛盾或矛盾的次要方面”,取决于翻译的目的、翻译语境以及译者的理解能力。

  3.原文:The reverberation of fighting between the forces of India and Pakistan are reaching us in increasing volume.


  赏析:黄邦杰先生说:“对一个译者来说,译一个词,不仅要正确的把词义译出,而且要把这词所具有的特色、词义的细微差别以及作者褒贬的态度和正反的说法, 不温不火、不多不少地加以体现。”"The reverberation of fighting"译为“杀伐声”,"in increasing volume"译为“一阵紧似一阵”,绘声绘色,活灵活现,让人不能不佩服。

  4.原文:The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back China's progress.(Lin Yutang:Moment in Peking)




  His discourse,says Speidel,"become lost in fantastic digressions."



  赏析:只有五个词的"became lost in fantastic digressions",被译成了由十九个汉字组成的、由三个逗号隔开的、意思上层层递进的独立成份,译者的引申不可谓不远,但引申始终是围绕作者的原 意这个轴心来进行的。翻译技巧上所说的“添词不添意”指的就是这种处理


  1.原文:...but he had still at intervals a kind listener in Mrs.Philips,and was ,by her watchfulness,most abundantly supplied with coffee and muffin.(Jane Austen:Pride and Prejudice)


  赏析:对比原文与译文会发现:原文主语是"he",译文中主语改成了“菲利普斯太太”,原文中作宾语的名词"listener",译成汉语后成了动宾词组 “听他说说话”,在译句作谓语,当然,"kind"也就译成了副词“好心好意地”,修饰谓语动词。后面的介词宾语"watchfulness",在译句中 也化成了动词,作谓语。原文中只用了一个"supplied",译成汉语成了“倒”和“添”两个动词,后面各自带自己的宾语。这些翻译技巧的使用都是为了表达上的需要,形势虽然变了,内容却不变,而且译文同原文一样文从字顺。

  2.原文:He would carry a fowling piece on his shoulder,for hours together,trudging through woods and swamps,and up hill and down dale,to shoot a few squirrels or wild pigeons.(Washington Irving:"Rip Van Winkle")


  赏析:目的放前,行为放后,这是汉语的一种行文习惯。"carry"译成“掮着”,而不是“扛着”,味道更足。“穿林越泽,上山入谷”译得更简洁明了,且 暗含一点幽默的意味。用“跋涉”一词来形容Rip Van Winkle为了打猎不辞辛苦地到处跑,颇能传神,也是为了传达那么一点点的幽默。

  3.原文:Let us go into this deserted woodman's hut,and see how he has passed the long winter nights and the short and stormy days.(Henry David Thoreau:"A Winter Walk")


  赏析:原文只一句话,用"and"将两个动词谓语连在一起,译成汉语,成了六个小句。译文以“那边”开头,是为了承接上文;"deserted"只是一个 词,在译文中化成了一个句子(“樵夫本人不在”);“我们也不妨进去看看”,译得委婉,同时与“樵夫本人不在”形成照应。译文的后半部相对于原文结构上调 整较大,两个名次词组("the long winter nights","the short stormy days")都被译成了小句,并列在一起,烘托出樵夫生活的艰辛。整个译文虽在结构上与原文有很大不同,但意思准确,表达自然、流畅。

  4.原文:He was not mean in friendship nor in ambition.


  赏析:莎士比亚有言:"Brevity is the soul of wit",写文章也好,搞翻译也好,简洁都是可贵的品质。这里的译者将原文的否定正译,用了两个结构相同的动宾词组,形成并列,干净、利索。


  He sank down with his face in his hands.


  He sank down with his face in his hands.


  赏析:增词法是英译汉常用的技巧之一。所谓增词法,“就是在翻译是按意义上(或修辞上)和句法上的需要增加一些词来表达更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容” (《英汉翻译教程》)。此处英文句子,本来用“他两手蒙着脸,坐了下去”,就已经可以传达基本意思了,增加了“一屁股”三个字,使译文更加生动形象。


  1.原文:On this board,thirsty strangers deposited their cups as they stood in the road and drank,and threw the dregs on the dusty ground to the pattern of Polynesia,and wished they could have a restful seat inside.(Thomas Hardy:Tess of the d'Urbervilles)


  赏析:"thirsty"是“口渴的”的意思,用在原文中当然不是指“客人”渴了想喝水,译成“患酒喝得”恐怕是最好的选择。“站在路上买醉”,似乎不是 很忠实于原文,但转念一想,既然爱酒都爱到"thirsty"的地步,那么终于寻找到了一个喝酒的机会,不喝个半醉不醉,反而不可想象了,所以“买酒”即 “买醉”。

  2.原文:No greater misfortune can befall a country than to be governed by an old tyrant.



  3.原文:Hearing Debs was an experience.


  赏析:如果说上一译句让我们看见了一个学识渊博的老学究在摇头晃脑地评说历史的话,读了这一句译文,我们看到的是另一种场面:一个求知若渴、激情满怀的青 年学子在听了一场演讲后,眉飞色舞地对没有去听演讲的同伴大谈特谈演讲人演讲艺术之高超。译者使用了口语体“可真带劲”来译"was an experience",准确、生动。

  4.原文:Charity begins at home,they say.(Thomas Hardy:Tess of the d'Urbervilles)




  He was a fool for danger.


  原文:He was a fool for danger.


  赏析:英译汉时,常常会遇到一些词或词组,在词典上找不到恰当的译词(组),如逐字死译,只会使译文生硬晦涩,这是就需要对词或词组的意义进行某种处 理。"a fool for danger"译为“天不怕地不怕的人”,是做了释义的处理,译者巧妙地借用了汉语里的俗语“天不怕地不怕”,形象地传达了译句的“意”和“情”。


  1.原文:The night was as dark by this time as it would be until morning;and what light we had, seemed to come more from the river than the sky,as the oars in their dipping struck at a few reflected stars.(Charles Dickens:Great Expectations)


  赏析:天色已经黑透,月亮尚未升起,只有几点孤星在天空闪耀,倒映在水里,水手轻轻地、一桨一桨地划,船浆划破了水面的平静,也搅碎了孤星倒映在水里的一点点清冷的光。没有用什么特别的形容词,也不需要什么特别的翻译技 巧,大体顺着原文往下译,只是在必要的时候做一点变换,化原文的“形合”(如"as"等的使用)为译文的“意合”,便将原文的意境全部呈现了出来,译文之 美丝毫不亚于原文,这实在是一种真功夫。虽然译文的美,来自于所有词语共同构建起来的意境,但单个译语的选择之独到,不能不让我们击节称赞,如“一桨又一 桨的”,“搅动着那寥寥几颗倒映在水里的寒星”,都是诗一样的语言。

  2.原文:All things beside seem to be called in for shelter,and what stays out must be part of the original frame of the universe,and of such valor as God himself. (Henry David Thoreau:"A Winter Walk")


  赏析:一般性翻译,只要译文准确、通顺,大抵就说得过去了,而文学作品的翻译要求却高得多,译文除了准确、通顺以外,还必须传达出原文语言上的文学 “味”。请看这里的译句,“卓然独立于寒风之中”、“天地灵气之所钟”,都是文学的语言。郭沫若说,对于一个翻译文学作品的人来说,“一杯伏特卡酒不能换 作一杯白开水,总要还它一杯汾酒或茅台,才算尽了责”。

  3.原文:But this naval competition strained the Liberal Government's principles as well as their budgets.


  赏析:英文中有些词词义搭配能力很强,像这里的"strained",一个词便带了两个宾语,一个抽象,一个具体,完全按照英文句子结构来译,译文势必显 得笨重,将"strained the Liberal Government's principles as well as their budgets"拆成两部分翻译,并使用汉语成语“自圆其说”和“捉襟见肘”,就干净利落多了。翻译技巧是为翻译效果服务的,对于容易翻译的句子,翻译技 巧可能显得多余,译者也不会有意识地使用翻译技巧,而对于译起来较难的句子,有意识的运用翻译技巧,恐怕就很有必要了。

  4.原文:His mother had whipped him for drinking some cream which he had never tasted and knew nothing about;it was plain that she was tired of him and wished him to go;if she felt that way,there was nothing for him to do but to succumb.(Mark Twain:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)


  赏析:汉语行文,多将原因放前,结尾放后,故在译文中,“怪他吃了奶油”调到了“还揍他一顿”之前,除此之外,译文基本是顺着原文结构译下来的。为了再现 原文的风格,译文选词用语注重通俗、口语化,如用“妈妈”而不用“母亲”,用“怪他吃了奶油”,不说“责备他吃了奶油”。译文后半部也极平易浅近,自然流 畅。


  If you think me in a way to be happier than I deserve,I am quite of your opinion.


  If you think me in a way to be happier than I deserve,I am quite of your opinion.




  1.原文:Thus the initiative to partition Poland completely,to deny the Polish people any independent existence of their own whatsoever,came from the Russians.But the Germans did not need much urging to agree.


  赏析:"Thus"译为“由此可见”,表现了译者在译词时的灵活性;"partition"在英文中本为中性词,译者根据句子内容的语义,译为“瓜分”, 表达出了作者的倾向性;"did not need much urging to agree"字面意思是“不需要催促就同意了”,译者引申为“当然求之不得”,符合作者写作时的感情倾向,即对强国欺辱弱小国家的愤怒。好的译文总是能译 出原文背后的“情”。

  2.原文:Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh dispeopled the streets.


  赏析:英文是形合的文字,英语句 子讲究结构严谨;汉语重意合,遣词造句推崇形散而神不散。请看这里的英文句子,主、谓、宾一目了然,原因和结果清清楚楚,如果按这样的顺序、结构直译成汉 语,势必凝滞不化。为了使译句能够体现汉语句式的特点,译者大胆地进行了结构调整,将原文一句切分成四个短语(小句),充分利用句子内部语义上的联系,不 用任何关联词,由风到雨,到街再到人,用白描的手法将一幅寒夜凄雨图呈现在读者面前。


  Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.


  原文:Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.


  赏析:在英语中,"the skeleton in the cupboard"是个几乎人人皆知的成语,但如果将其直译成汉语“衣柜里的骷髅”,恐怕就没有多少人能猜出它的意思。如何在翻译中既保存原短语形象,又 能让不熟悉英语文化的读者了解原短语的意思,这实在是个困难。徐式谷先生的这个译例可以给我们很多的启发:译文前一部分致力于保存原文的形象,后一部分解 释原文的意思,且“髅”和“有”押韵,读起来舒服、自在,很像句格言


  翻译段落: 生存在功利社会,奔波劳顿,勾心斗角,若想做到从心所欲,难矣哉!人自孩提时代起,求学、谋职、恋爱、成家、立业、功名、财富……几乎无时不在追求,而且总也不能满足。当然事业上的进取与物欲上的贪婪,是两种截然不同的人生观,或可说是两种内涵迥异的苦乐观。但有一点是共同的,即人生的道路并非平坦的康庄大道,事物的发展往往不以人的意志为转移。与其陶醉在“梦想成真”的幻觉中,莫若在实践中多多磨砺自己,有道是“苍天不负有心人”嘛!即或如此,也未必事事天遂人愿。总之,有追求必有烦恼,这就是生活的实际。

  参考译文: In a business society, where people run about in pursuit of personal gains at the expense of others, it is really difficult to do as you please. Ever since childhood we have been pursuing always; going to school, looking for a job, falling in love, getting married, and striving for success in career and accumulating wealth, but never have we seemed to be contented with ourselves. However, striving for success in career and seeking material profits are two different outlooks or, if you will, two intrinsically different views on what is hardship and what is happiness. But there is one thing that applies in either case, i.e. life is no plain sailing, and things go and grow independent of man’s will. One should instead of indulging in delusions of daydreaming, temper himself in life, as the saying goes, “Heaven does not let down the one that has a will.” Even so, one cannot expect to succeed in everything he undertakes. In short, anyone in pursuit of something is sure to be troubled by something else, and that is the way things are in life.


  四处奔波:run about

  追逐:in pursuit of,或者直接用动词pursue

  本质地:intrinsically。如果不知道intrinsic(固有的,本质的,内在的)这个词,可以用basically、fundamentally这一类的词。也可以用其他方法来表达原文中“迥异”这个概念,如:as different as night and day,或者用diametrically,这个词词根是diameter,直径。当然,想不起来这么多,用一个totally也可以表达出这种例子。大家可以注意多积累一些这样的同义词。

  康庄大道:这里以“一帆风顺”的意思来翻译:plain sailing,或者用其他意译方法,表达出“顺利”“没有挫折”之类的意思都可以。



  SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)

  Directions: In this part of the test,youwillhearapassageand read thesamepassage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear. the passage ONLY ONCE.

  The parents set the rules and the children obey, right? Wrong. In a growing number of North American families, adults have let their children_____________(1). “Parents want to be nurturing love and make their small children happy, but many have become confused about_____________(2) to achieve this,” explains a noted psychologist. “Large numbers of parents are being_____________(3)”, to the point that entire families end up organizing themselves around_____________(4).

  The problem is that many fathers and mothers try to be_____________(5) to their children. However, parenting is not a popularity contest._____________(6) is a normal part of child development and is strongest between_____________(7). Setting rules and enforcing them teaches the child that he or she is _____________(8) but not equal in authority. Then a child feel safe and secure and can be kid again. Believe it or not, It’s frightening for a child to realize they are_____________(9) a situation. In upside-down families, when parents_____________(10) from the rules they set, children become very insecure, anxious, and out of control. They don’t_____________(11) to protect them. IN order to_____________(12) and keep control, parents should act in accordance with the following tips: First,_____________(13). Parents cannot guide a child and seek his or her approval of their decision_____________(14) . Don’t say, “It’s time for bed. OK?” Instead, say, “It’s time for bed, kids.” http://tr.hjenglish.com/

  Second, don’t_____________(15) and then change them. It’s very important to be consistent. Once you make a rule,_____________(16).

  Third, pay less attention to your children when_____________(17) is bad and more when it is good. Do not reward bad behavior by giving extra attention to it. Instead, save your attention for when _____________(18).

  Finally, don’t allow your kids to call you by _____________(19). This removes the authority figure in a child’s life. Children need parents,_____________(20).

  Part B: Listening Comprehension

  Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONL ONCE. Now listen care fully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.

  1. (A) The forthcoming sales conference.

  (B) Business trips to HongKong and Europe. http://tr.hjenglish.com/

  (C) The autumn catalogue.

  (D) The layout of the catalogue.

  2. (A) 268. (B) 368. (C) 386. (D) 486

  3. (A) One pound eleven. (B) Two pounds fifty-one

  (C) The pounds seventy. (D) Three pounds.

  4. (A) The freight. (B) The time for mailing.

  (C) The exchange rate. (D) The pounds.

  5. (A) To wait for a decision made by head office.

  (B) To have the catalogue printed in Europe.

  (C) To negotiate the printing costs with the Hongkong printer.

  (D) To use last year’s catalogue.

  Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following new.

  6. (A) To issue a final statement propped by the US.

  (B) To support a US missile defence plan.

  (C) To continue consultations with the US on the issue.

  (D) To review the situation of US military presence in Europe.

  7. (A) The schedule for government talks on trade between the two countries.

  (B) A wide but unspecified range of world issues of mutual interest.

  (C) The US agricultural exports to Japan.

  (D) Plans to reform Japan’s economy.

  8. (A) Below 1 per cent. http://tr.hjenglish.com/

  (B) Around 2.5 per cent.

  (C) 2.9 per cent.

  (D) From 4.75 per cent to 4.5 per cent.

  9. (A) Police blamed the riots mainly on ultra-rightwing nationalists and white power supremacist.

  (B) The riots were triggered by the general election scheduled for June.

  (C) The riots occurred in a rundown town of South England.

  (D) A considerable number of deaths and injuries were reported in local newspaper.

  10.(A) Three people on a village lane.

  (B) A bridge built to commemorate the Olympics.

  (C) Several vehicles on a surburban highway.

  (D) A building near a police station.

  Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

  11. (A) A politician. (B) A leader of industry.

  (C) A trade union official. (D) A radio presenter.

  12. (A) Around one million. (B) Between two and three million.

  (C) About five million. (D) Ten million. http://tr.hjenglish.com/

  13. (A)To announce the current national and international new.

  (B) To present famous people to the audience.

  (C) To introduce recorded items and to do live interviews.

  (D) To organize the programme and to broadcast music.

  14. (A) Politicians are often teased a bit too much in the programme.

  (B) This is a live television interview programme.

  (C) The progrmme lasts on and a half hours each day.

  (D) Interviewees are usually allowed to say what they want to say.

  15. (A) 6:00 am. (B) 6:30 am. (C) 4:00 pm. (D) 5:00pm.

  Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk..

  16. (A) The growing affluence of people in general.

  (B) The climatic trends which are difficult to predict.

  (C) The record levels of sunshine in recent years.

  (D) The fairly conservative projections they have made.

  17. (A) Sales through supermarkets have dropped slightly.

  (B) Sales through salons remain steady. http://tr.hjenglish.com/

  (C) Sales through department stores are rising rapidly.

  (D) Sales through chemists have decreased sharply.

  18. (A) A steady rise in the proportion of spending used in press advertising.

  (B) A significant increase in sales.

  (C) An improvement of their turnover.

  (D) A reduction in the advertising budget.

  19. (A) Under twenty. (B) 21-to-30.

  (C) 31-to-45 (D) 50-plus.

  20. (A) Sun protection creams and lotions. (B) After-sun preparations.

  (C) New green and cruelty-free brands. (D) Toiletry products.









