
时间:2021-02-07 20:57:48 求职英语 我要投稿




  1. 问:请坐下。

  Please sit down. / Sit down, please.


  Thank you.

  2. 问:你叫什么名字:

  What’ your name, please? / May I knowyour name, please?


  My nameis Wang Xiaoli. / I’m Wang Xiaoli.

  3. 问:你家里有什么人?

  Who are there in your family?


  There are seven people in my family, my father, mother, grandfather,grandmother, my elder brother, me and my younger sister.

  4. 问:你爸爸是做什么工作的?

  What does your father do?


  Heis a farmer / worker / teacher…

  5. 问:你妈妈呢?

  What / How about your mother?


  Sheis a housewife. / She is a farmer, too. / She is a worker.

  6. 问:你今年几岁?

  How old are you?


  I’mTwenty-three (years old).

  7. 问:你是哪里人?

  Where are you from? / Where do you comefrom?


  I’mfrom Ningde, Fujian.

  8. 问:你毕业于哪所学校,在学校主要学些什么?

  What school did you graduate from? And what did you learn at school?


  I graduated from Fujian VocationalTechnology School, majored in Electronics. The courses I had taken were basic electronics, practical computer knowledge,electro-circuit, etc.

  9. 问;你能自我介绍一下吗,还有你的家庭?

  Can you introduceyourself? And your family?


  Sure. My name is Wang Xiaoli. I’mtwenty-one years old. I come from Ningde, Fujian. I graduated from FujianVocational Technology School in 1997. There are seven people in my family, theyare my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, me, my elder brother andyounger sister.


  Where do you work now? What products does your company produce? And whatjob do you take? Please tell me something about your job.

  答:我在福清冠杰电子有限公司上班,公司产品主要是液晶显示屏。我是一名生产线操作工 / 检测员。我的工作内容大概有以下几点:。。。。。。

  I’m working in Guanjie Electronics Co.in Fuqing. Our company mainly produces LCD. I’m a production operator / qualityinspector. The following is something about my work process: ….

  11. 问:你在工厂里轮班工作吗?你们小组里有几个人?

  Do you work on shift? How many persons /people are there in your group / team?


  Yes, I work on shift. And there are eight people in our team.

  12. 问:你能做12小时轮班吗?

  Can you keep working twelve hours aday?


  Yes, I can.

  13. 问:你有信心适应新环境吗?

  Are you confident that you can shakedown?


  Yes. I can make it easily.

  14. 问:如果你和同事或室友发生冲突,你怎么解决?

  Suppose there is conflict between youand your fellow workers or your roommates, how will do with it?


  Ifit is my fault, I will say sorry to them. If it is their fault, I will try mybest to solve it mildly. If my effort fails, I will report it to my supervisoras soon as possible.

  15. 问:你是通过什么知道新加坡的?

  How do you knowabout Singapore?


  Iknow about Singapore by TV, newspaper, Internet, and radio.

  16. 问:你对新加坡知道多少?

  What do you know about Singapore?


  Sheis an island country, clean and beautiful. There is not much change between theseasons. And Singapore has a good legal system.

  17. 问:你能在新加坡多少年?

  How many years can you stay in Singapore?


  Therewill be no problem if I stay and work in Singapore for two to four years.

  18. 问:可以留更长时间吗?

  Can you stay longer?


  If it is under the company’s requirement,there is no problem about myself.

  19. 问:你为什么要去新加坡?

  Why do you want to go to Singapore?


  To be frank, I want to make more money. Also,I want to learn advantage technologies and make my field of vision widen.

  20. 问:你能谈谈你性格中的优缺点吗?

  Can you tell me what are thestrong points and weak points of your character? / What’s your advantage andshortcoming?


  I am quite patient, hard-working,conscientious, and willing to problems on work. But I have a big weak pointthat I don’t like to talk much.

  21. 问:你的兴趣爱好是什么?

  What is your hobby?


  I like radio technology, watching TV, readingnewspaper, and doing sports.

  22. 问:你现在的月薪有多少?

  What’s your monthly wage / salary now?


  About one thousand RMB, including overtime allowance.

  23. 问:你来新加坡,你的父母同意吗?

  Do your parents agree you to work in Singapore?


  Yes, they quite support me. And they hope Ican learn advantage technology and make more money.

  24. 问:你来新加坡,你父母由谁照顾?家里人想你或你想家,怎么办?

  Who will look after your parents if you go toSingapore? How will you do when yourfamilies miss you or you miss them?


  My parents are well, and they can look afterthemselves. Besides, I have brothers and sisters and other relatives, likeuncles and cousins. All of them can help.

  I will write letters home or telephone homeand let them know I am quite well, not to miss me so much.

  25. 问:你结婚了吗?

  Are you married?


  No, I am single. / Yes.

  26. 问:你有男 / 女朋友吗?为什么现在还没结婚?

  Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? Whyhaven’t you got married yet?

  答:没有,我一直是单身。因为我还年轻,想趁结婚前多赚点钱。/ 以前有过男/女朋友,但已经分手。/ 有,但他/她非常支持我出国锻炼。

  No, I don’t have a boyfriend / girlfriend.Because I am quite young, I’d like to make more money before I get married. /

  I have had a boyfriend / girlfriend before,but separated. /

  Yes, I have one. But he / she encourages meto work in Singapore to improve myself.

  27. 问:你哪一年毕业的?已经工作几年了?从哪一年开始工作的?

  When did you graduate? How many years haveyou worked? And from which year did you begin to work?


  I graduated in 1997, and began to work sincethen. So far, I have worked for five years.

  28. 问:你将怎样花费你的薪水?希望在新加坡赚多少钱?

  How will you spend your wage / salary? Howmuch money do you want to make in Singapore?


  I will keep some for daily expenses, and postthe rest to my parents or save in the bank.

  29. 问:到新加坡后不适应新环境、新气候,怎么办?

  What will you do if the weather can’t agreewith you?


  I believe I can go through all of thedifficulties. And adversity can improve me.

  30. 问:你有没有亲戚或朋友在新加坡?

  Do you have any relatives or friends inSingapore?



  31. 问:你到过新加坡吗?

  Have you ever been to Singapore?



  32. 问:到我们工厂要能吃苦,你能行吗?

  Can you stand the hardness and difficultiesin our factory?


  Sure, I can. I grow up in the country, and amnot afraid of any hardness or difficulties.

  33. 问:工作中,你能用英语交谈吗?

  Can you talk in English at work?


  Yes, I can. / Yes, a little.

  34. 问:你的英语水平怎样?

  How about your English?

  答:还可以。/ 比较好。/ 一般。

  I think it is not bad. / I think it is rathergood. / It is just so-so.

  35. 问:请摘小你的口罩和手套,好吗?

  Will you take off your mark andgloves?



  36. 问:你有没有手汗?

  Do you have hand sweat?


  37. 问:你身体怎样?有近视吗?

  How about your health? Are youshortsighted?


  I am quite fit, and notshortsighted.

  38. 问:你抽烟吗?

  Do you smoke?


  39. 问:喝酒呢?

  Do you like drink?


  40. 问:你身上穿的衬衫是什么颜色的?

  What is the color of your shirt?

  答:灰色/ 兰色 / 黄色/ 白色 / 黑色/ 红色 / 橙色/ 紫色 / 棕色/。。。。。。

  It’s grey / blue / yellow / white / black /red / orange / purple / brown …..

  41. 问:你对自己的期望是什么:

  What do you expect for yourself?


  Work hard to redound upon my parents andmyself.

  42. 问:你能用英语描述一下你的工作内容吗?

  Can you describe your work inEnglish?

  答:可以。。。。。。/ 对不起,我能用华语讲吗?

  Yes, I can…./ Sorry, may I say it in Chinese?

  43. 问:如果这次你没被录用,你回怎样?

  If you are rejected this time, what will youdo?


  That must because I am not able to meet yourrequirements. And I will study hard and try next time.

  44. 问:你有什么问题要问吗?

  Do you have any question to askme? / Is there anything you want to know further in this interview:

  答:是的。公司是否有定期的员工培训班?/ 公司的奖惩制度怎样?

  Yes. Is there a regularemployee training in your company? / What is the rewards and punishment systemin your company?

  45. 我们(ST)为什么要聘用你?

  Why should ST employ / hireyou?


  46. 问:你认为你能被录用吗?

  Do you think you can beemployed?/

  答:能。/ 我相信我能。

  Yes, I think I can. / Yes, I amsure I can.

  47. 问:你凭什么认为你会被录用?

  Why do you think you can beemployed? / What make you think you can be employed?

  答:因为我工作努力,为人诚实,技术过关。/ 因为我吃苦耐劳,并有能力做好这份工作。/因为我这方面的经验较丰富,并热爱这行。/因为我善于学习新技术,这方面的工作经验也较丰富。

  1.Because I work hard, I amhonest, besides I am good at the technology of this job.

  2. Because I am hard-working,and I have the capacity to perform the duty.

  3. Because I am experienced inthis kind of work, and I love the work.

  4.Because I am quick to learnnew technology, and I have enough experience in the work.

  48. 问:你的缺点是什么?

  What is your weak point? / Whatis your shortcoming?

  答:有人说我看起来漫不经心,其实我是个很认真的人。/ 我给人的印象较严肃,不够亲切。其实我很友好。 / 我比较容易紧张。/ 我较寡言少语,不善言谈,但我很实干。/ 我很爱安静,不喜欢运动,但我总是很专注所做的事。/我有点害羞, 但对熟悉的人很容易相处。/我嗓门太大, 所以在安静的地方我总是尽量说话小声。/我看起来不够帅。/我希望我能更高些。/ 我不喜欢花钱买无用的`东西,有的朋友说我小气。

  Someone says I look casual, actually I am always careful / serious.

  I look serious, not very brotherly, in fact I am quite kind to others.

  I am easy to be nervous.

  I am not talkative. I don’t like to talk too much. But I am quite hard-working.

  I am very quiet. I don’t like to do sports.But I always put my heart into what I am doing.

  I am a little shy but I am quite easy going after know each other.

  I was born with loud voice. I always have to try my best to speak in a low voice when I am at a quiet place.

  I think I am not handsome enough.

  I hope I can be taller.

  I don’t like to spend money on useless things, some of my friends say I am penny-pinching.

  49. 问:为什么你想到我们公司工作?

  Why do you want to work in ourcompany?

  答:因为贵公司是一家大公司,工作环境好,能学到更多东西。/ 因为我想赚更多钱,而贵公司薪水不错。我也喜欢在新加坡工作。/ 因为贵公司能提供完善的福利,我也想到国外工作,丰富我的人生,新加坡是首选。

  Because your company is a big one, the environment is good, I think I can learn more there.

  I want to make more money, and your company offers a good salary. Besides I like to work in Singapore.

  Because your company offers a perfect welfare, and I’d like to work abroad to enrich my life, Singapore is my first choice.

  50. 问:如果上司责备你违反操作规则,你怎么办?

  What will you do when yoursuperior complain that you have broken the rules of manipulation?

  答:我会马上道歉,保证不再违反。/ 我会先道歉,再总结经验,保证以后总是遵守操作规则。

  I will say sorry at once, and make promise I won’t break again.

  I will apologize first, then I will find out the reason and promise I will obey the rules from now on.

  51. 你能介绍一下你的家乡吗? / 你的家乡有什么景色?如果有的话,请介绍一下。

  Can you introduce me yourhometown / tell me something about your hometown?

  Is there any sight / place ofinterest in your hometown? If yes, introduce to us.

  52. 可以告诉我你是怎么知道这份工作的?

  Can you tell me how do you cometo know about this job?


  Yes. I know about it from thewant ad. in the newspaper.

  53. 你知道中国的主席是谁吗?

  Do you know the name of thePresident of China?

  54. 要能辨别方向,能用英文说出方向或相关语句,能看图识路


  55. 一些常见的会面用语:

  1) -Nice to meet you. / Glad to seeyou. / Pleased to meet you.

  -Nice to meet you. / Glad to see you. /Pleased to meet you.

  2) -Sorry, can I speak in Chinese.

  3) -Can you say it again?/I beg your pardon?(读升调)/ Pardon(升调)?/Couldyou speak more slowly?

  4) -Take a seat, please.

  -Thank you.

  5) -Take it easy. There is nothing to beworried.

  -OK. Thanks.

  6) -Help yourself some sweets / candies. –Thank you.

  7) -How are you?

  -Fine, thank you. How are you?


  east, west, south,north, southeast, southwest, northeast, northwest, left, right, middle

  in the east/west/…

  on the left/right

  in the middle/center

  in front of…

  at the back of…

  turn right / left

  take the first /second turning on the right /left.

  Go up this road tothe …

  It is about 50meters on the left / right.

  It is between … and …











英语面试口语: 关于教育背景02-18