
时间:2020-11-11 19:06:06 寄语 我要投稿




  1 every day, and children living together, here is full of singing and joy, looking at a picture of a lovely smile, like the spring from the heart through, with the blood of youth watering buds, let small sprouts out of the beautiful flowers, the growth of the children is infinite comfort, children's joy is my joy shaping with diligence and wisdom of life.

  2 beauty is wisdom, quietness. I wish you clever! May you make progress!

  3, give the most love to every child. Shape the future of our country with the best education!

  4. Greet every child with a smile and make them grow up healthy and happy.

  5, happy children's happiness, happiness of children's happiness. Thanks to the profession, I am glad that I have chosen this occupation.

  6, let the children in the development of happiness, in the development of more happiness and success.

  7, cherish every day of the child, protect the child's every surprise, wisdom to guide each child to grow up.

  8, art is regardless of national boundaries, the beauty is everywhere, let the children carry out the ideal wings, enjoy flying! Because of the love for the child and realized the fun, even if life is unknown to the public in ordinary work, because of their own responsibility and never feel relaxed, - green style, all in one.

  9, after three years of exercise, you have grown strong, from a person who is not good at conversation with children, become fond of playing with their peers, children playing together. Is about to graduate, I hope you will soon go to elementary school, when you encounter problems, you can use your head to think about it and believe you will find the answer. May you make great music for yourself through your own efforts!

  10, may your life be wonderful for me, and let your hopes fly here.

  11, sow the habit, reap the habit; sow the habit, reap the character; sow the character, reap the fate.

  12, parenting process is difficult, but also happy, for children, the kindergarten is home, the teacher will be like mother to take care of every child, let the children in the child healthy and happy growth.

  13, the child is yours, is also mine, the child is our common beloved, lets us work together, holds up tomorrow's sun.

  14, as a friend and child relations, the identity of the parents give the child care, to the identity of the teachers to educate and guide the children, with our patience, love and sense of responsibility for the children for a growth in the fast lane.

  15, be the mother of the children, care for them, be the sisters of the children, help them; be friends of the children, and support them.

  16, sow the habit, reap the habit; sow the habit, reap the character; sow the character, reap the fate. May the children have a wonderful childhood and a wonderful life.

  17, Li Ruobing baby in this month's meal speed obvious progress, and sometimes let the teacher add two times, very good! But the voice is still a little smaller, I hope baby can pay more attention to this improvement!

  18, as well as the age, came to a full of pure smiling face and tender voice of the green world, with sincere to sow the seeds of love, in the courtyard of the leaves yellow and green, green and yellow, the boys grew taller, leaving us to the wider world, and I still have to keep clear clear the most precious child, with a flame to illuminate children love hearts with our love for your trust, only you happy is our biggest worry!

  19, each child's ability to imitate is very strong, we should give them a good example!

  20, with the heart, love each child, let the child grow up in joy.

  21, would you like a seed, the courage to break through the sand, verdant shoots out of the ground, pointing to the sky.

  22, treat children with sincerity, they will have happiness and happiness.

  23, give children hope, let children grow up in hope.

  24, baby Liu Xinyi in the months due to their parents halfway back to live, resulting in some poor children in the kindergarten is not stable mood, but baby interest in study to improve a lot, the teacher has taught basically can remember, hope next month continue to get more progress!

  25. Curiosity, good questions and good learning are the driving forces for you to acquire knowledge and grow healthy and happy in kindergarten. You are in the eyes of the teacher "elf", small partner eyes of "little teacher"". Naughty, clever, you are full of sunshine and enthusiasm. May you enter primary school, obtain the skill, strong will, a broad mind; like horse racing, over one and a Gaolan; let life sail on, towards the sea waves surging!

  26, tireless cultivation, spread to poetry, dream like flowers.

  27, sincere love for children, the truth into education, and I hope every child healthy and healthy, happy.

  28, baby Chen Xinyan through two months of study and life, this month in sleep, learning and other aspects have made significant progress, especially the wayward block has improved a lot, now become more sensible and well behaved, hope to keep baby oh!

  29, love means responsibility, and with love, the child will succeed.

  30, living in the middle of the child, let me more and more rich, more and more exciting.

  31, hug is happy, hug is happy. Children, when you are happy, please hug me; when you are unhappy, please hug me.

  32, I am glad that went into the world's heart, I will crush, to love to every child.

  33, everything to the child, sacrifice everything, or even sacrifice their happiness, this is the parents give their children the most terrible gift.

  34, baby Feng Yilun this month in the park is the biggest progress to eat, eat now will only accelerate, and occasionally let the teacher added a second time, teachers hope the baby at home can also like to stick to their school, dinner!

  35. Life is a profound book. Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding. May you discover and create something new.

  36, and you live in the past two years, the teacher found that you have many advantages: your independence is very strong in life, you can take good care of yourself; very glad to help the teacher to do something within you; especially in learning and tenacity, difficulties never retreat, always patiently to solve. I believe, with the tenacity of you, your future will be wonderful! Now you're going to graduate. Wish you health, happiness, and a wonderful childhood.

  37. Approach the child, listen to the child, understand the child, and trust the child.

  38, I would like to be a candle to your child's needs, providing light and heat.

  39, squat down to speak, hold up exchanges, holding hands education.

  40, with innocence, stirring, love show ingenuity, emphasis on art.

  41. Shower love on every child; leave convenience to every parent.

  42. Love is the source of miracles. I will pour out my heart and soul into every child.

  43, XX baby this month or did not change the class not open reading shortcomings, but the teacher constantly checks, learning and discipline than last month to make progress, to strive to improve the above "baby next month open reading" shortcomings!

  44, remember when you first came to kindergarten, crying and looking for mother's appearance? Three years later, we stand in front of you, through their unremitting efforts, and truly get your own share of the harvest. Seeing the growth of your three years, the teacher feels more precious! I hope you will have a better performance in the elementary school life, and strive to become a glorious young pioneer at an early date.

  45, may you like that small stream, the high mountain as the starting point of life, all the way to jump, all the way Pentium, bravely and courageously to the sea of life......

  46, baby Zheng Zhixian in the mood, politeness, sleep, and other aspects of learning are very prominent, but has poor accuracy and clarity of articulation in singing, the teacher can strengthen the baby I hope next month in this area would be nice!

  47. It's nice to see you make progress in the big class! Eat fast, learning skills seriously, but also like to make friends. Because of this, your character becomes cheerful. Seeing your little growth, the teacher felt relieved. My dear child, you have the most enviable age, your roads ahead are golden, hope you grow up more quickly to get you a bright future.

  48, you are gentle and kind, so that we like to be close to you; you are serious, persistent, so that everyone will be impressed by you! Believe you in the future into the new environment, will certainly through their own efforts in exchange for the fruits of the harvest. Step out of the kindergarten gate, you will usher in another starting point for learning, and may you through your unremitting efforts to illuminate the road to the future.

  49, every time you see the attention of the eyes in class, the teacher especially like you, regardless of writing, painting, do manual skills, you are strong, like a little man". Pure kindergarten life has become the past! Happy primary school life is coming to you! May you continue to explore in the future, every day has new harvest!

  50, XX baby queuing discipline this month relative to last month for some progress, but also need to strengthen the sense of compliance, in sleep this piece also improved a lot last month, hope to make persistent efforts next month!










