
时间:2017-08-31 英文求职信范文 我要投稿



  Respect leadership:

  Hello! First of all, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to busy schedule to read this letter for me, giving me this precious opportunity. My name is xxxx, is the xxxx University of electronic information technology and modern management professional graduates in 20xx, as one is about to enter the society of young people, I yearn for a can achieve self talent, the realization of self value; therefore I to your company honest recommendation, hope to join your company, to contribute their strength. To realize my ideal. According to the actual situation of my own, my job is the intention of the customs post, I served as a customs assistant work in a unit of Guangdong province xxxx City, is mainly responsible for the import and export of goods transport matters: to arrange insurance premium payment and charter freight booking and other services. And in September of last year I trained system passed the test and achieved the qualification certificate.

  Synthesis of my personal situation, I think I have the following reasons can be served as the work of customs declaration:

  1 understand the rules and regulations of customs, commodity inspection, foreign exchange management, familiar with the import and export goods customs procedures, customs declarer qualification certificate.

  2 master record contract, claim manual, import and export goods declaration, inspection, tax payment with orders to each link of the shipment of the goods from customs procedures.

  3 understand the customs bonded, tax relief for specific and temporary temporary import and export business of various rules and regulations as well as a variety of quota and license application procedures.

  4 according to the different nature of business, quickly and accurately fill in the customs declaration form and calculate the corresponding tax and fee.

  Skilled computer operation can be completed in 5, the pre entry clearance and the number of EDI electrons. According to the customs and the corresponding data entry work, skilled application of office software and database files.

  6 good interpersonal relationships, to maintain good relationship with customs and relevant departments to facilitate customs clearance.

  7 familiar with the lower Yangtze River Basin and Jiangsu river shipping, understanding of highway transportation in East China, familiar with the regional transport issues; to assist transportation department,

  Such as: port shipment scheduling, and the corresponding short barge warehouse, logistics cost control.

  8 had long-term work outside the province, has a strong ability to adapt to the working environment; the independence is strong, can serve as regular travel and work for a long time overseas.

  So I think I can be a declaration of this post, I hope you can give me a chance.

  Finally, thank you again for your concern for me, and sincerely hope that I can become a member of your company with the thriving and prosperous, for the expensive unit's own modest, I eagerly look forward to your reply.

  I wish your company all things through, career be on the upgrade!



  你好!首先,我衷心感谢您花时间繁忙读这封信给我,给我这个宝贵的机会。我的名字是xx,是xx大学的电子信息技术和现代管理专业毕业生在20xx 年,作为一个即将进入社会的年轻人,我渴望一个能实现自我才华,实现自我价值,所以我对贵公司真诚的建议,希望加入贵公司,贡献自己的力量。实现我的理想。根据自己的实际情况,我的工作是海关的意图,我担任海关的助理在广东省xx市单位工作,主要负责进出口货物的运输问题:安排保险费支付和宪章货运订舱和其他服务。去年9月我训练系统通过了测试,取得了资格证书。



















