
时间:2023-02-26 12:36:39 建筑施工 我要投稿
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  第一章 总 则

  第一条 为了加强村庄、集镇的规划建设管理,改善村庄、集镇的生产、生活环境,促进农村经济和社会发展,根据国务院发布的《村庄集镇规划建设管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)和有关法律、法规,结合本自治区实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 在本自治区行政区域内制定和实施村庄、集镇规划,在村庄、集镇规划区内进行居民住宅、乡(镇)村企业、乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业等的建设,适用《条例》和本办法。但是国家征用集体所有的土地进行的建设除外。



  第三条 自治区政府建设行政主管部门负责全自治区的村庄、集镇规划建设管理工作。



  第四条 各级政府应当做好村庄、集镇规划建设的科学研究和新工艺、新材料、新结构的推广工作,建立、充实村镇规划和建筑工程设计、科研机构,落实科研经费,提高村庄、集镇规划、工程设计、建筑施工科学技术水平和村庄、集镇规划建设管理水平。

  第五条 任何单位和个人都有遵守村庄、集镇规划的义务,并有权制止、检举和控告违反村庄、集镇规划建设管理的行为。

  第六条 对贯彻执行《条例》和本办法成绩显著的,由各级政府给予表彰或者奖励。

  第二章 村庄和集镇规划的制定

  第七条 编制村庄、集镇规划的具体工作,应当由具有设计资格的村庄、集镇规划设计单位承担。

  第八条 编制村庄、集镇规划应当具备勘察测量及其他必要的基础资料。各有关单位有义务向乡级政府或者村庄、集镇规划设计单位提供规划基础资料,并配合编制规划。


  第九条 编制村庄、集镇规划应当遵循《条例》确定的原则、内容,广泛征求有关部门和人民群众的意见,并进行多方案比较和经济技术论证,注意保持民族特色。

  第十条 风景名胜旅游区的村庄、集镇总体规划和建设规划,由地区行政公署或者设区的市政府批准。


  第十一条 经过批准的村庄、集镇规划不能适应农村经济和社会发展需要时,依照《条例》第十四条的规定,经乡级人民代表大会或者村民会议同意,乡级政府可以对村庄、集镇规划进行局部调整,并报县级政府或者其授权的建设行政主管部门备案。但涉及下列重大变更的,应当修订村庄、集镇规划,并按照《条例》第十四条规定的程序报经批准:




  第十二条 村庄、集镇总体规划期限一般为20年,近期建设规划期限一般为5年。规划期限届满,应当续编。

  第三章 村庄和集镇规划的实施

  第十三条 申请在村庄、集镇规划区内的土地建设的,实行由乡级政府或者县级政府建设行政主管部门核发选址意见书的制度。



  第十四条 乡级政府和县级政府建设行政主管部门应当自接到书面申请之日起10日内,对符合村庄、集镇规划要求的,核发选址意见书;对不符合村庄、集镇规划要求的,书面通知申请人,并说明理由。

  第十五条 选址意见书所规定的内容不得擅自更改。在实施过程中确需变更的,必须经原发证单位核准。

  第十六条 选址意见书不得买卖或者转让。

  第十七条 建设单位或者个人在取得选址意见书后2年内未进行建设,又不办理延期手续的,选址意见书自行失效。

  第十八条 选址意见书由自治区政府建设行政主管部门统一印制。

  第十九条 因实施村庄、集镇规划,需要拆除村庄、集镇规划区内已经建成的建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施的,建设单位或者个人应当依照市、县政府的规定,办理审批手续,并对被拆除建筑物、构筑物和其他设施的所有者给予补偿。


  第二十条 县级政府建设行政主管部门和乡级政府应当定期对村庄、集镇规划的实施情况组织检查,被检查者应当予以协助,并如实提供有关情况和资料。

  第四章 村庄和集镇建设的设计、施工管理

  第二十一条 在村庄、集镇规划区内,建筑跨度、跨径或者高度超过自治区政府建设行政主管部门规定范围的乡(镇)村企业、乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业的建筑工程以及二层(含二层,下同)以上的住宅,必须由取得相应设计资质证书的设计单位进行设计,或者选用通用设计、标准设计。

  第二十二条 乡(镇)村企业、乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业等建设,在开工前,建设单位或个人应当持该项目选址意见书及有关文件等向县级政府建设行政主管部门提出开工申请,经县级政府建设行政主管部门对设计、施工条件予以审查批准,发给《施工许可证》后,方可开工。

  第二十三条 在集镇规划区内的土地建住宅,建房者应当在开工前持施工说明、宅院总平面图,属于二层以上楼房的,还应当持设计图、施工单位资质证书及选址意见书向乡级政府提出开工申请;经乡级政府审查同意并发给《施工许可证》后,方可开工。


  第二十四条 县级政府建设行政主管部门或者其委托的单位应当对村庄、集镇建设的施工质量进行监督检查。具体办法按国家和自治区有关规定执行。

  第二十五条 村庄、集镇规划区内的建设工程竣工后,建设单位或者个人应当按照国家有关规定进行工程竣工验收。经验收合格的工程方可交付使用。

  第二十六条 从事村庄、集镇设计、施工的单位,必须服从当地政府建设行政主管部门的监督和管理。

  第五章 房屋、公共设施、村容镇貌和环境卫生管理

  第二十七条 任何单位和个人必须遵守国家和自治区有关村庄、集镇房屋的产权、产籍管理的规定,维护房屋所有人的合法权益。

  第二十八条 任何单位和个人不得破坏和损毁村庄和集镇的道路、桥梁、供水、排水、供电、邮电、绿化等公共设施。

  第二十九条 乡级政府和村民委员会应当采取措施,保护村庄和集镇的饮用水源。禁止向水源内排放污水。


  第三十条 村庄、集镇规划区内的建设活动,必须遵守国家和自治区有关环境保护法律、法规的规定,切实保护和改善村庄、集镇生态环境,防止污染和其他公害。

  第三十一条 村庄、集镇应当充分利用宅旁、路旁、水旁、村旁有规划、有计划地进行植树,保护树木和花草,美化环境。对所种植的树木和花草,实行谁种、谁管、谁有的原则。


  第三十二条 国家和地方财政支持村庄、集镇建设的资金和按规定从集镇收取的城市维护建设税、小城镇建设配套费等,应当用于村庄、集镇公共设施的建设和维护,专款专用,不得挪作他用。

  第三十三条 乡级政府应当将村容镇貌、环境卫生事业建设纳入村庄、集镇建设规划和社会经济发展计划。注重村庄、集镇环境卫生建设,加强环境卫生管理,妥善处理粪堆、垃圾堆、柴草堆。

  第三十四条 在村庄、集镇规划建设中,乡级政府和建设单位或者个人应当制定有效的保护措施,保护村庄、集镇内的文物古迹、古树名木和风景名胜、军事设施、防范设施、测绘标志,以及国家邮电、通信、输变电、输油管道,水利工程等设施。

  第六章 罚 则

  第三十五条 在村庄和集镇规划区内,未按规划建设审批程序批准或者违反规划的规定进行建设,严重影响村庄、集镇规划的,由县级政府建设行政主管部门责令其停止建设,限期拆除或者没收违法建筑物、构筑物和其他设施;影响村庄、集镇规划,尚可采取改正措施的,由县级政府建设行政主管部门责令限期改正,处以每平方米建筑面积5元以上30元以下的罚款。未按规划建设审批程序批准,但不影响村庄、集镇规划的,由县级政府建设行政主管部门责令其限期补办规划建设审批手续;逾期不补办的,处以每平方米建筑面积5元以上20元以下的罚款。


  第三十六条 违反本办法第十六条规定,买卖、转让选址意见书的,由原发证机关予以注销,可处以违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,可处以300元以上3000元以下的罚款。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第三十七条 违反《条例》和本办法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级政府建设行政主管部门责令停止设计或者施工、限期改正,并可处以1000元以上10000元以下的罚款:






  第三十八条 建设单位或个人违反本办法第十九条规定,擅自拆除有关建筑物、构筑物和其他设施或者未按规定给其所有者予以补偿的,由县级政府建设行政主管部门责令改正,可处以1000元以上10000元以下的罚款。

  第三十九条 村庄、集镇规划区内的建设工程竣工后,建设单位或者个人未按照国家有关规定进行工程竣工验收或者将验收不合格的工程交付使用的,由乡级政府或者县级政府建设行政主管部门责令改正,可处以1000元以上5000元以下的罚款。

  第四十条 有下列行为之一的,由乡级政府责令停止侵害,可处以100元以上1000元以下的罚款;造成损失的,并应当赔偿:




  第四十一条 擅自在村庄、集镇规划区内的街道、广场、市场和车站等场所修建临时建筑物、构筑物和其他设施的,由乡级政府责令其限期拆除,可处以100元以上1000元以下的罚款。

  第四十二条 违反本办法第三十二条规定的,依照《国务院关于违反财政法规处罚的暂行规定》的有关规定处理。

  第四十三条 违反本办法第二十条、第二十六条规定的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的规定处罚。

  第四十四条 村庄、集镇规划建设管理人员玩忽职守、职权滥用的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第四十五条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。

  第七章 附 则

  第四十六条 未设镇建制的国有农场场部、国有林场场部及其基层居民点的规划建设管理,分别由国有农场、国有林场主管部门负责,参照本办法执行。

  第四十七条 本办法自1998年1月1日起施行。1990年12月8日自治区政府发布的《广西壮族自治区村镇建设管理办法》同时废止。

  Measures of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Village and Town Planning and Construction

  (Adopted at the 8th Conference of the Standing Committee of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on November 5, 1997 and promulgated by Decree No. 15 of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on December 19, 1997.)



  Article 1

  These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Village and Town Planning and Construction promulgated by the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), the relevant laws and legislations and in light of the situation of Guangxi for the purpose of reinforcing the administration of village the town planning and construction, improving the production and living environment of villages and towns and promoting the economic and social development of rural areas.

  Article 2

  These Measures apply to the layouts and implementation of village and town planning in the administrative division of Guangxi, the construction of residence in the planned areas of villages and towns, town enterprises, and the construction of town public facilities and utilities. The construction carried out in collective-owned land which has been requisitioned by the State is not included.

  The layouts and implementation of village and town planning within the planned urban areas shall comply with the Law of Urban Planning of the People's Republic of China and the Measures of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for the Enforcement of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Urban Planning.

  The layouts and implementation of the planning of villages and towns located alongside highways should comply with the relevant stipulations of highway laws, rules and regulations.

  Article 3

  The construction administration of the Guangxi government shall be responsible for the administration of village and town planning and construction all over Guangxi.

  The construction administrations at prefecture and county government levels shall be responsible for the planning and construction administration of villages and towns in their administrative divisions.

  The government of each township shall be responsible for the planning and construction administration of villages and towns in its administrative division.

  Article 4

  The government of each level shall promote scientific research in village and town planning and construction, popularize new techniques, new materials and new structures in the construction, set up and strengthen institutions for village-town planning and construction engineering design and scientific research, ascertain the outlays for the scientific research, improve the scientific and technological level in village-town planning, engineering design and construction, and improve the village-town planning and construction administration.

  Article 5

  Every unit or individual shall abide by the village-town planning and has the right to stop, report on and bring a charge against any violation of village-town planning and construction administration.

  Article 6

  To those who have achieved notable results in implementing the Regulation, the governments of corresponding level shall give them awards or encouragement.



  Article 7

  Village and town layouts and planning shall be undertaken by village and town planning institutions with designing qualification.

  Article 8

  Village and town planning shall be made on the basis of survey data and other necessary information. All the concerned administrative organs have the duty to provide the township government or the village and town planning institutions with basic information for the planning, and help to draw up the program.

  The expenses needed for village and town planning shall be listed in the financial budget of governmental each level.

  Article 9

  The layouts and planning of village and town construction shall comply with the rules and regulations prescribed in the Regulations, and shall consult with the concerned administrative organs and the public. Comparisons on alternative programs and economic and technical proofs are also required, and measures shall be taken to maintain national characteristics in the planning.

  Article 10

  The overall plan and the construction programs for villages and towns in areas of scenic spots shall be approved by the governments of prefectural or municipal levels.

  The overall plan and the construction program for villages and towns within planned urban areas must comply with the overall plan of the city and shall be approved by the local municipal government.

  Article 11

  Article 14 in the Regulations shall be observed in case the approved plan for village and town construction cannot meet the requirements for rural economic and social development. Upon the approval of the township people's congress or villager commission, the township people's government can adjust part of the village and town planning and submit the changed plan to the county government or the authorized construction administrative department for filing. But if any of the following important modifications incur, the plan shall be revised and the revision shall be submitted for approval as stipulated by Article 14 in the Regulations:

  (1) Modifications due to the distribution of large and medium-size projects of industries, irrigations and transportation or due to the other reasons;

  (2) The population of the village or town and land for construction have broken through the planned limits or will make a breakthrough within the coming 5 years;

  (3) The utilization of land planned for village and town construction has changed significantly, or the location of the construction has changed significantly, which results in a great change in the function of the land to be used for construction; or the land to be used for construction will cross railways, highways and rivers, which is not expected in the original plan; or the network and width of village and town trunk roads need to be modified; or the layout of the land for construction has changed.

  Article 12

  The time limit of village and town overall planning is normally 20 years and the time limit of short-term construction planning is 5 years. When the planned time limit expires, continuation should be made.



  Article 13

  For construction to be carried out on the land within the planned area of towns or villages, the system of locating the construction site by the construction administrations of township governments or by the government of county level shall be practiced.

  The government of county level shall verify and issue a position paper on the location of construction when villagers apply for to building houses on cultivated land, or governmental staff and workers, demobilized soldiers, retired officials, returned overseas Chinese and compatriots of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who apply for utilization of the land for building houses, or establishing township and village enterprises, or building township and village's public facilities and utilities.

  The government of township level shall verify and issue a position paper on the location of the construction when villagers apply for building houses on the land of their original houses, or on the unused land, or on the land of the other type, and when they apply for building temporary construction on the planned land of a village or town where the township's government locates , or on a town's planned land for development.

  Article 14

  The construction administration of township government and county government shall, within 10 days after receiving the application, issue a position paper on location of construction to those who meet the requirements of village and town planning, or notify the applicant in writing indicating the reasons if the applicant can not meet the requirements of village and town planning.

  Article 15

  The contents of a position paper for location of construction shall not be changed arbitrarily. If any change is needed in the course of implementation, the paper shall be verified and approved by the original issuing authorities.

  Article 16

  The position paper of construction cannot be traded or transferred.

  Article 17

  If a unit or individual that have received permission for construction, do not start the construction within 2 years after receiving the position paper of construction and do not go through the formalities for extension, the issued document shall become invalid.

  Article 18

  The position of location of construction shall be printed by the construction administration of the Guangxi Government.

  Article 19

  If any buildings, structures or facilities within the planned areas need to be dismantled due to the implementation of the village and town planning, the unit or individual that carry out the construction shall go through the formalities for approval and make compensations to the owners of the buildings, structures and facilities to be dismantled, according to the stipulations of the city or county governments.

  Structures built against rules and temporary buildings that have passed the time limit shall not be compensated when being dismantled; temporary structures that have not exceeded the time limit shall be compensated when being dismantled.

  Article 20

  The construction administration of the county government and the township government shall check on the implementation of village and town planning regularly. The unit or individual that is checked shall cooperate and provide necessary information.



  Article 21

  Within a planned area of a village or town, if the width and span or the height of a building exceeds that of public facilities and utilities in the village or town that is stipulated by the Guangxi Government or is higher than a two-storied building, the designer has to be the one who has obtained a qualification for construction design. A general design or a standard design may be adopted as well.

  Article 22

  Before the construction of public facilities and utilities in a town or village, or before construction of a township enterprise, the unit or individual that sponsor construction shall submit an application to the construction administration of the county government for the initiation of the construction by dint of the position paper for location of construction and the other documents relevant to the construction. No one can start construction until an approval of design and construction conditions and a Construction Permit are issued by the construction administration of county government.

  Article 23

  To build a house on the land within the planned area, the construction sponsor shall, before starting the construction, apply to the township government for initiation of construction with the construction description and the overall plan. If the house to be built is two-storied or higher, the blue print for the construction, the qualification certificate of the constructor and the position paper of location for the construction are also required. The construction cannot start until the township government issues an approval and construction Permit..

  To build a house on the land within a village planned area, the construction sponsor shall go through the formalities for the initiation of construction with the villagers' committee, which is entrusted by the township government.

  Article 24

  The construction administration of the county government or the entrusted administration shall supervise the quality of the construction in villages and towns. Specific measures shall base on the relevant stipulations of the State and Guangxi.

  Article 25

  When the construction within a planned area of a village or town is completed, the construction sponsor shall ask the township government or the construction administration of the county government to check on the construction before the acceptance. The township government or the construction administration of the county government shall check to see if the construction meets the standard of village and town planning, and if the layouts of the plan and space, the color, the quality and the auxiliary facilities meet the standards. The construction can be put into use if it has been checked meeting the relevant requirements.

  Article 26

  The unit or individual involved in village and town planning and construction shall obey the supervision and administration of the construction administration of the local government.



  Article 27

  All units or individuals shall comply with the stipulations of the State and the Guangxi government on the administration of property right of housing in villages and towns, and on safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the property owners.

  Article 28

  No unit or individual shall damage public facilities in villages and towns including roads, bridges, water and electricity supply, sewage, post and telecommunications, and afforestation.

  If temporary use of public facilities occurs, an approval from by the concerned department of the county government or the township government is necessary. The facilities shall be returned to normal within the time given.

  If dismantlement of the public facilities is indispensable, the new ones shall be built before the dismantlement according to the rules of "building new ones before dismantling the old" and an approval to do so shall be obtained from the township government.

  Article 29

  The township government and the villagers committee shall take measures to protect drinking water resources of the villages and towns and to ensure that the quality of drinking water meets the State's hygienic standard.

  Article 30

  The construction within the planned areas of a village or town shall comply with the relevant laws, rules and regulations of the State and Guangxi on environmental protection so as to effectively protect and improve the ecological environment of villages and towns and prevent pollution and public hazards of the other types.

  Article 31

  Villages and towns shall make good use of the roadside and riverside as well as the spaces around villages or houses for plantation of trees to improve the environment. The principle that whoever plants the trees and flowers shall take care of them and shall own them, shall be adhered to.

  The planned public greenbelts, nursery, shelterbelt and the greenbelts that are specially planned to go with construction, should not be occupied arbitrarily and used for the other purposes.

  Article 32

  The funds for village and town construction allocated from the State and Guangxi's finance, the taxes of city maintenance and construction collected from towns and the supportive funds for the construction of small towns shall be used only for the maintenance and construction of public facilities of villages and towns.

  Article 33

  The township government shall include the construction of village appearance, environment and sanitation into the village and town construction planning and the social and economic development program. Top priority shall be given to the construction of environmental sanitation of villages and towns. Efforts shall be made to strengthen the administration of environmental sanitation. Manure piles, rubbish heaps and firewood shall be disposed of properly.

  Article 34

  In village and town planning and construction, the township government and the construction sponsors shall take effective measures to protect the historic relics, ancient trees, scenic spots, military facilities, protective facilities and surveying indications as well as facilities such as the national post and telecommunications, communication, power transmission, petroleum pipelines and water conservancy that are within the villages or towns.



  Article 35

  The construction administration of the county government shall order to stop the construction, to dismantle it within a definite time or to confiscate the illegally-built building, structure and other facilities that are built within the planned areas of a village or town without approval or against the stipulations of the plan and that have seriously affected the planning of the village or town. If the construction affects the village or town planning, but there is a possibility to make a change, the construction administration of the county government shall order to have it changed within a definite time and impose a fine of 5 to 30 yuan RMB per square meter of the construction space. If the construction is built without official approval, but does not affect the planning of the village or town, the construction administration of the county government shall order the owner of the construction to go through the formalities for approval within a definite time; those who do not go through the formalities within the definite time shall be penalized with a fine of 5 to 20 yuan RMB per square meter of the construction space.

  The county people's government shall impose a fine according to the previous clause on the villagers that build houses without approval or against the stipulations of the planning.

  Article 36

  The authorities that issue the position paper for location of construction shall cancel the document issued to those who violate Article 16 by selling or transferring it, and shall impose a fine of one to three times of the illegal income on the party in concern, and for a deal without illegal income, the party in concern shall be penalized with a fine of 300 to 3,000 yuan RMB. If the case has constituted a crime, the party in concern shall be investigated for criminal liability according to the laws.

  Article 37

  If any unit or individual violates the Regulations or has committed any of the following misconducts, the construction administration of the county government shall order to stop the designing or the construction, and instruct the party in concern to correct the misconduct within a definite time, and shall be penalized with a fine of 1,000 to 10,000 yuan RMB:

  (1) Undertaking without qualification the design of a construction with a span and height that exceeds the stipulated limits or the design of a two-storied house or higher, or undertaking the design that is beyond the scope as stipulated in the designing qualification certificate;

  (2) Undertaking construction without a construction qualification certificate or a verification of qualification credentials, or undertaking a construction that is beyond the scope as stipulated in the construction qualification certificate;

  (3) Undertaking a construction in violation of the relevant technical requirements by the State and Guangxi, or using materials and components in the construction that can not meet the quality standard of the project;

  (4) Revising a construction blueprints arbitrarily or undertaking a construction without complying with the blueprints.

  If a surveying and designing institution or a constructor with the qualification certificate of design and construction provides qualification credentials for someone without the necessary credentials, or go beyond the stipulated business scope, or cannot meet the standard of design and construction, the authorities that have issued the certificate shall terminate the qualification credentials for design and construction of the party in concern.

  Article 38

  If a constructor violates Article 19, dismantling arbitrarily buildings, structures and the other facilities mentioned in Article 19, or does not make compensation to the owners of the constructions as required, the construction administration of the county government shall order the party in concern to correct its misconducts and shall also be penalized with a fine of 1,000 to 10,000 yuan RMB.

  Article 39

  When a construction project in the planned areas of a village or town is completed, if the constructor does not go through the formalities of quality appraisal and acceptance by the township government or the construction administration of the county government that gave the permission for the startup of the construction, or if the constructor commissions the project without going through the above mentioned formalities, the township government or the construction administration of the county government shall order the party in concern to correct the misconducts and shall also be penalized with a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 yuan RMB.

  Article 40

  Whoever violates Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 28, shall be ordered correct his misconducts by the township government within a definite time and also be penalized with a fine of 100 to 1,000 yuan RMB.

  Article 41

  The township government shall order to whoever commits the following misconducts to stop his wrong doings and shall also be penalized with a fine of 100 to 1,000 yuan RMB; if any loss has been caused as a result, the party in concern shall make a compensation:

  (1) causing damages on village and town houses and public facilities;

  (2) stacking manure, rubbish and firewood arbitrarily and damaging the village appearance and environmental sanitation;

  (3) violating Clause 2 of Article 29 and Clause 2 of Article 31.

  Article 42

  Whoever builds temporary buildings, structures and other facilities arbitrarily on the streets, or at the squares, markets or bus stations within the planned areas of a village and town shall be ordered to dismantle the illegal constructions by the township government and shall also be penalized with a fine of 100 to 1,000 yuan RMB.

  Article 43

  Whoever violates Article 32 shall be punished according to the relevant stipulations in the "Interim Stipulations of the State Council on Penalty for Violation of Financial Laws and Regulations".

  Article 44

  Whoever violates Article 20 and Article 26 shall be penalized by the public security according to the "Penalty Rules of Security Administration of the People's Republic of China".

  Article 45

  Administrative personnel of village and town planning and construction who ignores their duty, abuses their power and malpractices for personal ends shall be given disciplinary sanction according to laws; if the case is serious enough to constitute a crime, the party in concern shall be investigated for criminal liability.

  Article 46

  If the party concerned refuses to accept the disciplinary sanction, it can appeal for administrative re-judgment or take legal proceedings.



  Article 47

  The administration of planning and construction of state-owned farms, state-owned forest farms that do not practice the residence administration system of township shall be under the control of the relevant management departments of the farms according to the these Measures.

  Article 48

  These Measures shall come into effect as of January 1, 1998. The Regulations of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the Administration of Village and Town Construction shall be nullified as of the same day.










