
时间:2020-11-02 10:14:34 英语六级 我要投稿





  science and the world’s problem

  in saying that the world is at a crossroad s cr eated by science and technology i know i am not the fir st . but mankind cannot afford to hesitate in indecision . t her e is only one choice for us . we must begin to move along the road to a better future for all the peoples of the wor ld and we must do this now .

  by the end of the 20th century , the population of the world might have been doubled . in at tempting to ensur e food , clothing and a dignified standa rd of life for this enormous host of people we must use every weapon that science and technology can give u s . t her e ar e obvious difficulties for the less developed a reas in doing this — for example, lack of capital , dif ferences in social structur e and inadequate k nowledge .

  our st ra tegy to overcome these difficulties must be total . we have to look at wor ld problems as a whole, that is , try to better our under st anding of the complex inte ractions between the multitude of development activities . we already k now the great gifts that science and technology can bestow on all nations . if we ar e made wiser by a con stant appr eciation of the complexities of what we ar e at tempting , the faste r we shall move towa rd s a solution of the really imperative problems that confront us everywhere .


  本文是一篇议论性的说明文, 全文论述了科技的发展带来了世界性的问题, 而人口的爆炸则是最主要的。人口巨增使世界面临解决“ 生存问题”的难题, 因此又必须求助于科技的.进一步发展, 但尚有很多困难。本文的难度相当于六级和考研水平。


  some people say that the computer is more of a menace than a blessing . what do you think ?

  the compute r is a sign of the era , which has brought and is bringing about a t remendous change in our lifestyle . the view that cer tain people maintain that it is more of a menace than a blessing seems ridiculous and completely out of place in a world that has learnt to enjoy and use the computer .

  before the invention of the computer , near ly everything was slow . data processing was slow, typing on the typewriter was tedious , accounting was done by hand . it was the computer that sped up all these daily office affair s and fr eed people from repeated drudge ries .

  the probable r eason that the comp ute r is a menace is derived from the fact that there a re people who have lost their jobs because the computer has made them r edundant . true, a small portion of people may have lost their jobs because they cannot and will not u se the computer ; however , most companies and work units whe re compute rs have replaced people do not just retrench workers . in st ead , they go through elabor ate progr ammes to ret rain the staff .

  another r eason for looking at the computer as a menace is perhaps due to the fact that it makes people waste time playing games . t his is a ridiculous accusation , as time could just as well be wasted watching silly tv programmes . in addition , playing games is interactive and is something that one chooses to do, it is not compulsory . therefore, to call the computer a menace is groundless .

  to conclude , the above a re just par t of my a rgument , but i think i have made it clea r that the compute r is a bles sing instead of a menace . however , ther e is still enough space for counter- argument .


  本文是一篇议论文。作者在第一段中已开门见山表示反对这一论点, 并在第二段中作进一步论证。第三、四两段是作者对这一论点的分析, 指出可能的原因。在结论段中作者重申自己的论点并欢迎辩论。









