
时间:2022-10-21 15:11:35 英语六级 我要投稿


  大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次,下面是小编收集的英语六级阅读长难句分析技巧,欢迎大家阅读和参考。


  英语六级阅读长难句分析技巧 篇1

  1.Also, union spokesmen emphasize that the benefit of the increased production and lower costs made possible by automation should be shared by workers in the form of higher wages, more leisure, and improved living standards.


  【析句】英语中抽象名词的使用十分广泛。主句union spokeman emphasize,emphasize后是that宾语从句。宾语从句的句子主干是the benefit of the increased production and lower costs should be shared by workers...,主语the benefit of the incresed production and lower costs包含多个抽象名词,使行文较为简练。

  2.Eventually, the result of automation may well be an increase in employment, since it is expected that vast industries will grow up around manufacturing, maintaining, and repairing automation equipment.


  【析句】复合句。主句是the result of automation may well be an increase in employment, 其后是since引导的原因状语从句。重点看从句,it is expected中,it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。

  3.It is emphasized that since the employer involved in such a plan has a direct financial interest in preventing unemployment, he will have a strong drive for planning new installations so as to cause the least possible problems in jobs and job assignment.


  【析句】复合句。主句It is emphasized,it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。从句中,首先是since引导的原因状语从句,the employer has a direct financial interest in...,之后是主句he will have a strong drive for...so as to...,so as to作介词短语引导目的状语。

  4. All high school graduates ought to go to college, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become “better” people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don’t go.


  【析句】复合句。主句says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence位于句子中间,并使用倒装,起到强调says的宾语从句即所说内容的作用。因此我们重点分析省略that的宾语从句。从句中,主句All high school graduates ought to go to college, 后面是because引导的原因状语从句college will help them earn more...more responsible citizens than those who don't go,原因主语从句中含有比较句结构,those后是who引导的定语从句。

  5.This is heresy to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better.


  【析句】句子很短,但包含多个从句。主句This is heresy to those of us,those of us是介词to的宾语,其后有定语从句who have been brought up to believe,believe后是that宾语从句。而宾语从句中,if引导条件状语从句,主句more has to be much better在后。

  6.Middle-class and upper-class employees have been the fastest-growing groups in our working population-growing so fast that the industrial worker, that oldest child of the Industrial Revolution, has been losing in numerical importance despite the expansion of industrial production.


  【析句】复合句。主句Middle-class and upper-class employees have been the fastest-growing groups,破折号起到进一步补充说明的作用。破折号后growing so fast that...中含有短语so...that从句。that从句中,主语the industrial worker后that oldest child of...作同位语。

  英语六级阅读长难句分析技巧 篇2


  原文:The best seek to alleviate the external pressures on their pupils while equipping them better to understand and handle the world outside -- at once sheltering them and broadening their horizons.

  【词】alleviate缓解 pupil学生 equip 装备,配备 shelter 遮蔽处;庇护


  【译】 最好的学习试图减缓学生的外部压力,同时让他们更好地处理和理解外部压力——在让他们开眼界的同时也保护他们。

  原文:Even in the face of immense and mounting financial pressures, some schools have shown remarkable determination and ingenuity in ensuring that all their pupils are able to take up opportunities that may be truly life-changing.

  【词】immense巨大的 mounting上升的 remarkable显著的 ingenuity灵巧

  【析】拿到较长的句子先找谓语动词。本句有have shown, are able take up, maybe谓语动词较多,说明本句可能有多组并列或从句。接下来找并列连词或者从属连词,有两个that。所以有两个从句一个主句。前面有个even开头的句子,是让步状语,所以主干是some school have shown ...in sth.



  原文The most powerful influences occur during early childhood and include both what happened to you directly, and what those around you did and said in your presence.

  【词】 occur出现 presence 存在

  【析】本句出现两个并列,第一是两个谓语动词 occur 和include并列,其次是两个what宾语从句的并列。


  原文:About that same time and throughout adulthood, the information you receive, especially when ideas are repeated in association with goals and achievements you find attractive, also refines your attitudes.

  【词】adulthood成年 in association with与……有联系 refine完善;精炼

  【析】本句出现了多处定语从句的省略。定从省略一般会出现N+主谓的情况。文中划线处为定从省略,翻译需要倒译。主干是information refines your attitudes.










