教你备战外企面试-behavioral interview questi

时间:2020-11-16 16:03:22 Interview 我要投稿

教你备战外企面试-behavioral interview questions

备战外企面试-behavioral interview questions
当今面试官们开始了一种新的面试模式,被称作“行为面试(behavioral interviews)”。他们不再对你的简历或写到纸上的那些成就感兴趣,“behavioral interview”会问一些不着边际的问题,以此来让你描述一个真实场景并作出回应。面试官想听到的不是对处理方式的泛泛而谈。你必须描述一个具体事件,项目或经历,并说明你会如何处理,最后给出结果。“behavioral interview”之所以会盛行,是因为面试官相信,在类似的情况下,从过去的.表现就能看到将来的表现。

教你备战外企面试-behavioral interview questions

对于这类的问题,想要像准备traditional questions 一样来准备它是不可能的。但是我们仍然可以做一些事。你可以抽空来回顾一下自己之前的工作经历,过去的成就或遇到的困难等等。面试官常常会问到“你当时是如何考虑这个问题的?”“说些你和他讨论的细节。”对于这些问题,只要你说讲述的经历是真实的,相信你就不会被其困扰而不知所措了。

我们收集整理了一些“behavioral interview”的问题,可以供你进一步了解什么是“behavioral interview”,同时也可以针对这些问题进行一些练习。

Tell me about a time that you demonstrated initiative?

Describe a situation when have you motivated yourself to complete an assignment or task that you did not want to do?

Think about a difficult boss, professor or other person. What made him or her difficult? How did you successfully interact with this person?

Think about a complex project or assignment that you have been assigned. What approach did you take to complete it?

Tell me about the riskiest decision that you have made. What were your considerations in making that particular decision.

Can you tell me about an occasion where you needed to work with a group to get a job done? What were the challenges and difficulties and how did you face these?

Describe a situation when you or a group that you were a part of were in danger of missing a deadline. What did you do?

Tell me about a time when you worked with a person who did things very differently from you. How did you get the job done? Would you work with that person again if given the choice?

Describe your three greatest accomplishments to date. 

Tell me about a situation when you had to learn something new in a short time. How did you proceed?

Can you tell me about a complex problem that you solved? Describe the process you utilized.

Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split second decision.

Give me an example of a bad decision that you made and what you learned from that mistake?

Tell me about a time when something you tried to accomplish and failed. What did you learn from that failure?

Tell me about a time when you missed an obvious solution to a problem. What did you learn from that mistake?

Tell me about a challenge that you successfully met.

Describe a situation when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.

Please tell me about one or two unpopular decisions you have made. What were the positive and negative outcomes of those decisions?

What leadership positions have you held? Describe your leadership style. What aspects of your leadership style have you changed or deleted once you learned that these aspects were not successful?

Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.

Summarize a situation where you successfully persuaded others to do something or to see your point of view. Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.

Give an example of when your persistence had the biggest payoff.

How have you most constructively dealt with disappointment and turned it into a learning experience? Please give me a concrete example in your life.

Tell me of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.

Describe a situation in which you effectively developed a solution to a problem by combining different perspectives or approaches.


Be succinct and concise. In all behavioral answers, the interviewer wants to hear:
回答要简洁明了,在“behavioral interview”中,面试官想听到的是:

A brief description of the problem, challenge or situation.
What your action was & how you decided that action.
A brief description of the result of your action and your assessment of its result.



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