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 几乎所有的公司都想成为一个最理想的工作场所。But what does that really mean?但到底是什么意思呢?It isn't always about salaries and benefits or free coffee and doughnuts in the break room.它并不总是关于薪金和福利,或者是在休息室里免费的咖啡和甜甜圈。在凤凰城中Up-and-coming marketing gurus in Phoenix don't want -- or need -- the same perks as miners in Wisconsin.崭露头角的营销大师们不希望——或者所需要的——是跟在威斯康星州的矿工一样待遇。What they do share is a common desire to feel connected to and appreciated by their companies.他们所分享的就是一个得到他们的公司的赞赏的共同的愿望。In turn, their companies want employees who are trusting and engaged.反过来,他们的公司希望得到员工的信任和参与。Through its annual survey, the Great Place to Work Institute does its best to make sense of it all with research that shows a direct correlation between happy employees and profitable companies.通过其年度调查中,理想的工作研究场所根据科研结果显示:拥有快乐的员工与公司的盈利有直接的关系,公司的盈利是其最大的努力感。
 1、Small-Business Workplaces    小型工作场所    
 2、ideal work environment       理想的工作环境
 3、communication                沟通
 4、management strategies        管理战略
 5、benefits package             福利待遇


 几乎所有的公司都想成为一个最理想的工作场所。 But what does that really mean?但到底是什么意思呢? It isn't always about salaries and benefits or free coffee and doughnuts in the break room.它并不总是关于薪金和福利,或者是在休息室里免费的咖啡和甜甜圈。在凤凰城中Up-and-coming marketing gurus in Phoenix don't want -- or need -- the same perks as miners in Wisconsin.崭露头角的营销大师们不希望——或者所需要的——是跟在威斯康星州的矿工一样待遇。 What they do share is a common desire to feel connected to and appreciated by their companies.他们所分享的就是一个得到他们的公司的赞赏的共同的愿望。 In turn, their companies want employees who are trusting and engaged.反过来,他们的公司希望得到员工的信任和参与。 Through its annual survey, the Great Place to Work Institute does its best to make sense of it all with research that shows a direct correlation between happy employees and profitable companies.通过其年度调查中,理想的工作研究场所根据科研结果显示:拥有快乐的员工与公司的盈利有直接的关系,公司的盈利是其最大的努力感。Here are its top five small companies for 2010 -- and some noteworthy examples of things you should consider putting into practice at your company.这里是2010年五大小公司--你应该考虑在你的公司付诸实践的一些值得注意的例子。
 迪克森Schawbl Location: Victor, NY 地点:维克多,纽约 Employees: 82 员工人数:82
 另一个原因,工作满意度一直保持如此之高,迪克森相信,是有许多因素使得员工不得不回来他们的社区。Dixon Schawbl currently provides a number of services pro-bono to organizations such as the American Heart Association, Habitat for Humanity, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.迪克森Schawbl目前提供多项无偿服务,如美国心脏协会,人类住房项目,并寻找失踪与受虐儿童援助中心组织。迪克森以及许多的员工也提供各种各样的非盈利板。
 毫不奇怪,迪克森Schawbl定期收到大量工作申请来自世界各地。那些可享受的福利待遇,其中包括假期,PTO, 定期有薪假期,生日、养老金、医疗保健、产假和弹性时间。Those who make the cut enjoy a benefits package that includes vacation time, PTO, regular paid holidays, time off for birthdays, 401(k), health care, profit-sharing, maternity leave and flex time.   Radio Flyer电台传单    Location: Chicago, Ill.地点:芝加哥,伊利诺伊州    Employees: 55员工人数:55 “海阔天空”一直是美国近一个世纪以来最受爱戴的儿童玩具的品牌,其成长非常清晰,似乎源于该公司的“永远年轻”走向人生观的直接的工作环境。
 但是Bastuga坚持认为这不是所有的乐趣和在办公室的游戏。这家公司把重点放在保持其价值。 Candidates for hire are screened extensively for their ethics and integrity, and once hired are enrolled in a year-long orientation program called "Wagon University," which is designed to instill the values and cultural norms of the company.候选人因他们的道德和整体感被录用,一旦被雇用会就读于一项长达一年的训练计划称为“马车大学”,将求知欲逐渐灌输给设计规范的价值观的文化公司。
 在许多方面,它的文化,超越了办公室的墙壁颜色鲜艳的延伸。 As part of the Eco-Flyers initiative, the organization has challenged itself to become more sustainable.作为生态飞人计划的一部分,该组织本身的挑战变得更加可持续。 Individual employees have access to an eco-friendly ride share program and are offered a monetary reimbursement for biking to work.个别员工有机会获得环保骑共享方案,并提供了一个货币偿还骑自行车上班。
 此外,公司以它的社会责任。 Radio Flyer is currently involved in the Lite the Night Walk for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation and recently donated thousands of wagons to the Starlight Children's Foundation for conversion into hospital sleds for kids.电台传单是目前参与Lite的晚上白血病和淋巴瘤基础和水车到星光转换少年儿童基金会最近捐出数千走进医院为孩子雪橇。
Badger Mining Corp.巴杰矿业公司 Location: Berlin, Wis.地点:柏林,威斯康星州 Employees: 156员工人数:156
 在柏林,总部位于美国威斯康星州,獾矿业公司员工约175人,并在20世纪初美国工业深深扎根。 For Beth Nighbor, the company's vice president of human resources, being recognized by the Great Place to Work Institute is just one more reminder that Badger is getting it right.对于贝丝Nighbor,公司的人力资源副总裁,是再一次提醒我们被公认的伟大的工作场所研究所,獾是得到了权。
 “这主要是因为我国人民和我们的文化的,”Nighbor说。 "It reinforces what we already know. When we first applied, we already thought we were doing things right. Doing what's best is our No. 1 priority." “它的强化以至于我们已经知道了。当我们第一次使用,我们认为我们已经在做正确的事情。做什么的最好是我们的第一优先。”
 大多数公司一样,獾一直努力到衰退,Instead, during slow periods it implemented "rotating" layoffs, during which groups of employees were off for two to three weeks at a time, then brought back on.相反,在淡季IT实施“旋转”裁员,在此期间,雇员团体被关闭两至三个星期的时间,再运回。 Eventually, business went back to normal, and all of Badger's employees were able to keep their jobs.最后,业务恢复正常,并獾的所有员工都能够保住自己的工作。
 “獾挖掘坚决终身学习和教育思想,”Nighbor说。 It provides educational opportunities and reimbursement to our associates who continue work-related education, as well as annual scholarships to associates' dependents who are attending an accredited two- or four-year institution.它提供教育机会,谁偿还我们的员工继续工作有关的教育,以及年度奖学金,联营公司家属参加一个资格认证的两年或四年制大学。 Scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each are also awarded to four area graduating high school seniors on an annual basis.在每10,000元的金额也提供奖学金到四区每年毕业的高年级学生。These are awarded to students who will be continuing their education in the fields of engineering or environmental sciences.这是颁发给将继续在工程或环境科学等领域的教育的学生。
布里奇韦资本管理 Location: Houston, Texas位置:德克萨斯州休斯顿 Employees: 33员工人数:33  位于莱斯大学相隔了几个街口在一个很普通的低层办公楼。Bridgeway资本管理在很大程度上就是对立的现代典型的金融投资者。
 布里奇韦把慈善事业作为一大重点。 The Bridgeway Foundation has a core mission to oppose and alleviate genocide, and the company's Individual Giving Program empowers partners to begin their own "affinity groups" related to an individual's area of interest and provides matching funds based on dollar amounts donated by individual partners.该布里奇韦基金会的核心任务是反对和减轻种族灭绝,该公司的个人给予项目授权合作伙伴,开始自己的“亲和团体”有关个人感兴趣的领域,并提供匹配的合伙人捐赠的美元数额的资金。
 Location: Phoenix, Ariz.地点:凤凰城,亚利桑那州 Employees: 179   员工人数:179
 麦克默里是另一种营销和公共关系公司,那使公司的发展潮流, 创造一个时髦的,当代的工作环境。 When employees walk into the atrium of the main office in Phoenix, the first thing they see is a large European fountain, an assortment of plant life, vaulted ceilings and an electronic marquee that frequently displays welcome messages, project announcements and birthday wishes for staff members.当员工进入凤凰城的主要办公室中庭散步,他们首先看到的是一个欧洲大型喷泉,各式各样的植物,拱形的天花板和频繁的电子字幕显示欢迎信息,项目公告及各式各样的生日祝福。
 优先McMurry的最具体的感觉,是麦克默里的台词里最字面意义上的优先事项。 Unlike cubicles, the delineated pods do not have walls, and even the more traditional offices don't have doors.不同房间,豆荚所划定没有墙壁,甚至较传统的办公室没有门。
  “我们不是很正规,”人才和文化的副总裁李Vikre说。 "We have an open-door policy. Preston [McMurry] used to say, 'Bad things happen behind closed doors.' “我们有一个开放的政策。普雷斯顿[麦克默里]曾经说,‘闭门造车是不好的事情。' Even our CEO doesn't have a door on his office."即使我们的CEO并没有一个在他办公室的门。“

Best Small-Business Workplaces 2010
Chapter 1 
 Nearly every company wants to be thought of as a great place to work. But what does that really mean? It isn't always about salaries and benefits or free coffee and doughnuts in the break room. Up-and-coming marketing gurus in Phoenix don't want -- or need -- the same perks as miners in Wisconsin. What they do share is a common desire to feel connected to and appreciated by their companies. In turn, their companies want employees who are trusting and engaged. Through its annual survey, the Great Place to Work Institute does its best to make sense of it all with research that shows a direct correlation between happy employees and profitable companies. Here are its top five small companies for 2010 -- and some noteworthy examples of things you should consider putting into practice at your company.
Chapter 2
Dixon SchawblLocation: Victor, N.Y.Employees: 82www.dixonschwabl.com
 Like many marketing agencies, Dixon Schawbl has followed the trend of creating a more non-traditional work environment for its staff. Based in Rochester, N.Y., the company built its $3.5 million office from the ground up eight years ago, incorporating design ideas from a survey of employees who were given 72 hours to come up with a wish list for their ideal work environment.
 The result is a space that features a koi pond, a pair of waterfalls, a slide that employees can take from floor to floor instead of the stairwell, a fireplace, faux-finish walls covered in quirky artwork, contemporary furniture and a padded primal scream room (which has recently been retired).
 But what struck founder and CEO Lauren Dixon the most about her employees' requests were the little things.
 "You'd be surprised by how many people said that they simply wanted windows that they could open, non-traditional lighting or even just walls that aren't painted white," Dixon says.
 For Dixon, who co-owns the company with her husband Mike Schawbl, the building project was an eye-opening experience because it reinforced the critical role of communication and inclusiveness when it comes to management strategies.
 "We believe that 10 brains are better than two," Dixon says. "We want our employees to come to us with every crazy idea they have. We challenge our employees to come up with creative ideas and raise the bar every single day."
 Another reason job satisfaction has remained so high, Dixon believes, is the many opportunities employees have to give back to their community. Dixon Schawbl currently provides a number of services pro-bono to organizations such as the American Heart Association, Habitat for Humanity, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Dixon, along with many of her employees, also serves on a variety of nonprofit boards.
 Not surprisingly, Dixon Schawbl regularly receives a flood of job applications from around the world. Those who make the cut enjoy a benefits package that includes vacation time, PTO, regular paid holidays, time off for birthdays, 401(k), health care, profit-sharing, maternity leave and flex time.
Radio FlyerLocation: Chicago, Ill.Employees: 55www.radioflyer.comRadio FlyerRadio Flyer has been one of America's most beloved brands of children's toys for almost
a century, and its longevity, quite fittingly, seems to stem directly from the company's "forever young" philosophy toward the work environment.
 Employees at the Chicago-based company are reminded of that philosophy every morning as they pass by the World's Largest Wagon on their way to the front door.
 "We allow our people to play at work," human resources director Amy Bastuga says. "We like to warn people in interviews that if you're going to get annoyed by people shooting Nerf guns over your head, then this probably isn't the place for you."
 But Bastuga insists that it's not all fun and games around the office. The company puts a priority on maintaining its values. Candidates for hire are screened extensively for their ethics and integrity, and once hired are enrolled in a year-long orientation program called "Wagon University," which is designed to instill the values and cultural norms of the company.
 "In general, we believe that if you hire outstanding people and create an outstanding culture, you will produce outstanding products," Bastuga says.
 In many ways, it's a culture that extends beyond the office's brightly colored walls. As part of the Eco-Flyers initiative, the organization has challenged itself to become more sustainable. Individual employees have access to an eco-friendly ride share program and are offered a monetary reimbursement for biking to work.
 In addition, the company takes its social responsibility seriously. Radio Flyer is currently involved in the Lite the Night Walk for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation and recently donated thousands of wagons to the Starlight Children's Foundation for conversion into hospital sleds for kids.
 Employees across the board enjoy a variety of benefits such as 401(k), profit-sharing, vacation, wellness benefits, a no-cost HMO plan, on-site yoga classes, an on-site Weight Watchers program and an indoor walking track.
Badger Mining Corp.Location: Berlin, Wis.Employees: 156www.badgerminingcorp.comBadger Mining Corp.Working for a corporation that specializes in the mining and manufacturing of silica sand
may not sound like your top career choice, but you'd be hard-pressed to find another company more committed to the health, safety and security of its workers, as well as the environmental responsibility that comes with the type of work it does.
 With headquarters in Berlin, Wis., Badger Mining Corp. employs approximately 175 people and has deep roots in early 20th century industrial America. For Beth Nighbor, the company's vice president of human resources, being recognized by the Great Place to Work Institute is just one more reminder that Badger is getting it right.
 "It's mostly because of our people and our culture," Nighbor says. "It reinforces what we already know. When we first applied, we already thought we were doing things right. Doing what's best is our No. 1 priority."
 Like most companies, Badger has struggled through the recession but has been able to weather the storm without permanently laying off any of its employees. Instead, during slow periods it implemented "rotating" layoffs, during which groups of employees were off for two to three weeks at a time, then brought back on. Eventually, business went back to normal, and all of Badger's employees were able to keep their jobs.
 Beyond basic job security, Badger has also shown a substantial commitment to the education of not only its current employees, but also to future generations of workers in related fields.
 "Badger Mining firmly believes in lifelong learning and education," Nighbor says. It provides educational opportunities and reimbursement to our associates who continue work-related education, as well as annual scholarships to associates' dependents who are attending an accredited two- or four-year institution. Scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each are also awarded to four area graduating high school seniors on an annual basis. These are awarded to students who will be continuing their education in the fields of engineering or environmental sciences.
 In terms of benefits, Badger employees are provided with medical, dental, vision, life insurance, disability coverage, 401(k), profit-sharing, a wellness program (known as "Badger Life") biannual health-monitoring programs, long-term care, unlimited personal sick time, PTO and on-site dry cleaning.
Bridgeway Capital ManagementLocation: Houston, TexasEmployees: 33www.bridgeway.com
 Located a few blocks from Rice University in a nondescript, low-rise office building, Bridgeway Capital Management is in many ways the antithesis of the modern stereotype of financial investors.
 That's due in no small part to the fact that the company gives 50 percent of its net profits to charity.
 "We keep a close watch on expenses, and since half our profits go to supporting amazing causes, we spend minimally on aesthetics," marketing communications director Tony Ledergerber says. "In the industry of investment management, this is unique and a daily reminder to not be wasteful when there is so much need in the world around us."
 To put this into perspective, Ledergerber says that the most unique thing about the Houston office is the countless volunteer fliers, thank-you letters and announcements from nonprofit organizations around the world that decorate its walls.
 Bridgeway puts a big emphasis on philanthropy. The Bridgeway Foundation has a core mission to oppose and alleviate genocide, and the company's Individual Giving Program empowers partners to begin their own "affinity groups" related to an individual's area of interest and provides matching funds based on dollar amounts donated by individual partners.
 Bridgeway officials consider themselves "stewards" of investors' money and prefer to take the long-term approach to investment strategies.
 Internally, Bridgeway consists of 28 full-time "partners" who are subject to a seven-to-one salary cap, meaning that annual compensation is limited to seven times the level of the lowest paid partner.
 Partners are provided with full medical, dental, vision, and short and long-term disability coverage, contributions toward family premiums, flex spending, a signing bonus, a $1,000 baby benefit for each partner's child's first birthday, cell phone reimbursement, education reimbursement, time off for volunteering, profit-sharing, 401(k), holiday bonuses, health club membership, vacation, sick leave and sabbaticals.
McMurryLocation: Phoenix, Ariz.Employees: 179www.mcmurry.com
     McMurry is another marketing and public relations firm that has kept with the trend of creating a hip, contemporary work environment. When employees walk into the atrium of the main office in Phoenix, the first thing they see is a large European fountain, an assortment of plant life, vaulted ceilings and an electronic marquee that frequently displays welcome messages, project announcements and birthday wishes for staff members.
 Once inside, employees enjoy the comforts of what has been dubbed the "town center," a common area that features contemporary furniture, free weights, a foosball table, a Nintendo Wii, a large-screen television that descends from the ceiling on movie days and a popcorn machine.
 Instead of cubicles, team members work together in "pods" or collaborative spaces that house up to six people, and employees can choose which pods they want to work in.
 Keeping the lines of communication open at McMurry is a priority in the most literal sense. Unlike cubicles, the delineated pods do not have walls, and even the more traditional offices don't have doors.
 "We're not very formal," vice president of talent and culture Lee Vikre says. "We have an open-door policy. Preston [McMurry] used to say, ‘Bad things happen behind closed doors.' Even our CEO doesn't have a door on his office."
 Vikre says that, in addition to all the amenities, this philosophy of open communication is the real reason McMurry has been recognized five previous times by the Great Place to Work Institute.
 In fact, feedback from an employee survey in 2002 was the impetus behind the $4 million renovation project that transformed the McMurry offices into what they are today.
 Unlike many companies, McMurry hasn't felt much impact from the recent recession, largely because it thrives on multi-year contracts that produce results over a period of time.
 "We've actually been able to grow," Vikre says. "We don't lay people off. We have the work to keep them busy."
 In addition to job security, individuals who fit the McMurry mold also enjoy a comprehensive benefits package that includes profit-sharing, quarterly massages, health care, flex time, telecommuting opportunities and PTO.










