
时间:2022-05-11 22:11:21 经济毕业论文 我要投稿
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摘  要:现代经济增长理论揭示,人力资本积累在决定劳动生产率和个人收入方面起着越来越重要的作用,是当前经济增长最为重要的源泉之1。由于相关费用的不断上涨,并且缺乏相应的费用分摊机制,因此医疗、教育等相关费用的上升在造成了居民的支出压力的同时也使得不同居民的相关支出在更大程度上受到收入水平的制约,与收入之间的联系更加密切。不同收入等级之间的支付能力差异将转化为人力资本投资水平的差异性。在人力资本投资方面,健康与教育支出是两个很重要的方面,这也是近年来社会公众所普遍关注并反应强烈的焦点问题。教育就是形成人力资本的重要途径。研究发现,提高健康资本存量对于农民获得非农就业机会、增加非农收入具有重要作用。可见,健康资本作为人力资本的1个重要组成部分,对农民提高劳动生产率、增加收入具有深远意义。在1996—2002年期间,城乡人均、教育费用的差异在逐步上升。1996年,城镇人均医疗费用大约为农村居民的2.5倍,2002年上升到4倍以上,随后几年基本稳定,2005年有所下降,降为3.5倍左右;城乡人均教育费用差异也从1996 年的不到3倍上升到2002年的4倍以上,随后基本稳定。这种变化显然与相关公共支出的城乡差异有密切的联系,这也从1个方面表明,改善城乡居民的公共支出结构,对于缓解城乡居民的人力资本投资差距具有重要的影响。我国城乡居民人力资本投资差异的主要原因:城乡收入差距很大,而且国家政策扶植力度不够导致城乡收入的差距在继续扩大。政策力度不够主要表现的方面为:(1)教育资源配置不平衡是城乡收入差距拉大的重要因素;(2)医疗健康投入的不公平性是城乡收入差距拉大是另1深层诱因;(3)农村劳动力的就业迁移受制度约束,使城乡收入差距进1步拉大。

关键词:人力资本投资;收入差异 ;投资行为

The Analysis of Human Capital Investment Behavior in China

Abstract: The Modern Economic Growth Theory reveals that human capital accumulation Which plays an increasing important role in deciding labor productivity and personal income is one of the most important sources of current economic growth. Because the relevant expenditures rise increasingly and there is not corresponding system for cost allocation, the rising charges of medical care, education and some other aspects which cause great pressure of residents about expenditure make different residents’ corresponding expenditure under the restricting of income level and more close with the contact of incomes. The differences of paying capacity among different income grades will be turn into differences of levels of human capital investment. The expense of healthy and education are both important in human capital investment, and that is the key problem which the general public concern and react strongly.
Education is an important approach to the forming of human capital. Studies found that improving the stork of the capital of healthy has a very important function for peasants getting opportunities of non-agricultural employment and adding incomes from it. That is to say, as an important component part of human capital, healthy capital has a far-reaching significance for peasants improving labor productivity and increasing incomes. During 1996 to 2002, the differences of per capita between urban and rural, the cost of education are rising gradually. The average medical charge in urban was about 2.5 times higher than in the total in 1996, while in 2002, it increased more than 4 times, then it was stable in a few years later till 2005 and was about 3.5 times lower in that year. Differences in average costs of education between urban and rural had rose from less tan 3 times in 1996 to more than 4 times in 2002, and then were stable subsequently. This change is obviously inseparable to the differences of public expenditure both in urban and rural, and this also shows improving the public expenditure structures of people residing in town and countryside has important effect on releasing the gap of Human Capital Investment. The main reasons of differences for China’s human capital investment are: the excessive income differential in urban and rural and its continuing widen for lacking the power of policy support. The inadequate policy strength is mainly expressed on: (1) the imbalance in the allocation of educational resources is the important factors of widening income gap in urban and rural;(2)the unfairness of health input is another deep incentive of widening the urban and rural income gap;(3)employment - mobility of rural workforce is restrained by policy which is widening the income gap between urban and rural areas.

Key words: human capital investment; Income difference; Investment behavior











