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How to Write Letter of Recommendation

Writing letter of recommendation is not a very difficult task. You should know what template to use and what information should go into a recommendation letter.

You can see the letter of recommendation template here. Now, what to put into it. This page is created for just that purpose.

  • Start your letter with "To whom it may concern:" because in most of the cases you don't know who would be reading your letter of recommendation.

  • First paragraph: In this paragraph, inform who you are and with what capacity you are wriring this letter of recommendation. Also tell who is being recommend. Also tell from how long you know the person you are recommending.

  • Second paragraph: This is the biggest paragraph. This is where you mention the qualities of the person and the great things he/she has done. Don't just put general praises. Instead, give specific examples to mention each quality. Also describe your experience with the person.

  • Third and last paragraph: This paragraph summarize the qualities of the person and reinforce your belief in the person. This is the paragraph which contains your actual recommendation (I enthusiastically recommend..., I am please to recommend... etc.).

Few things to remember in how to write a letter of recommendation:

  • While praising person, give examples.
  • Identify the person's positive attributes before writing recommendation.
  • Write about how this person is different from others (specific strengths).
  • Write from how long you know the person and how well.
  • Agree to write a letter of recommendation only if you can honestly write a supportive one.
  • Never exceed letter of recommendation on more than one page.
Letter of Recommendation

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