Sample Resume and Career Blog

Thursday, March 15, 2007

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a letter to an employer that says which position you're applying for and includes an overview of your skills. You should always include a cover letter when you mail or E-mail your resume to an employer, even if they don't ask for one. Cover letters are actually a great way to set yourself apart from the rest if you write it correctly.

Cover letters allow you to actually get your personalized message across to the hiring manager or possible interviewer. The key is to be brief and direct...just like a resume...the person on the other end will want to quickly read your cover make sure you don't write a short story.
Use the cover letter to peak the interest of the reader. The purpose here is to get the reader interested so that he/she will want to examine your resume.

Everyone who sends out a resume does need a Cover Letter! Even if the cover letter never "came up" in conversation or wasn't mentioned in an advertisement, it's expected that you will write one.

Your cover letter can be A Hard Copy or in Email format. The main difference between e-mail and hard copy cover letter is format: your signature block (address, etc.) goes below your name in e-mail, while it goes at the top of the page on hard copy. Of course you won't have a handwritten signature on e-mail, but don't forget this on hard copy.

Here are some of the things that one should never forget to include in the Cover Letter:

- The contact name and company name are correct.
- Letter mentions the position you are applying for and where it was listed.
- Your personal information (name, address, home phone, cell phone, email) is all included and correct.
- If you have a contact at the company, you have mentioned him or her in the first paragraph.
- Font is 10 or 12 points and easy to read (Times New Roman or Arial, for example).
- You have read the cover letter out loud to make sure there are no missing words.
- Cover Letter is printed on good quality bond paper that matches your resume.
- You have kept a copy for your records.
- Letter is signed if you are mailing it.



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