
发布时间:2017-09-26 编辑:结珍



  1. While there may be plenty of naysayers and disbelievers about the state of the environment out there, there are thankfully still a tribe of those who think otherwise and take great pains to act for a better future.


  2. “When I look at China’s problems, the real barrier is not lack of technology or money. It’s lack of motivation.” – Ma Jun


  3. “As many know, the Chinese expression for ‘crisis’ consists of two characters side by side. The first is the symbol for ‘danger’, the second the symbol for ‘opportunity’.” – Al Gore

  你们可能知道,中国的“危机”包含二个字符,第一个意为危险,第二个意为机会。——美国前副总统,Al Gore

  4. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” – Gandhi


  5. “It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” – Ansel Adams

  可怕的是我们必须跟我们的政府抗争才能拯救我们的环境。——美国20世纪着名摄影师,Ansel Easton Adams

  6. The problem isn’t the limited space available for actions in China’s civil society. [There is] room to take action if you are creative. You have to be bold.” – Wen Bo


  7. “The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world. ” – Michael Pollan

  花园带给我们最重要的一堂课是:我们与地球的关系不能“非你即我”,不能是“零和游戏”,只要太阳依然在我们头上,人类就可以做计划、种植,依然可以想、可以做。如果我们努力尝试,我们就可以找到一条不损害地球来服务自己的方式。——美国环境作家 Michael Pollan

  8. “In barely one generation we’ve moved from exulting in the time-saving devices that have so expanded our lives to trying to get away from them — often in order to make more time. The more ways we have to connect, the more many of us seem desperate to unplug. Like teenagers, we appear to have gone from knowing nothing about the world to knowing too much all but overnight.” – Pico Iyer

  在短短的一代人时间内,我们从欢呼雀跃地享用浸入到生活方方面面节省时间的装备到现在想尽方法摆脱装备的控制——常常是为了省时间。似乎我们与周围联系的方式越多,我们越想要不顾一切地逃离。比如青少年,似乎一夜之间,他们就完成了从“什么都不知道”到“知道太多”的转变。——英国作家 Pico Iyer

  9. “Why does our economic system place a higher value on disposable and often unnecessary goods and services than on the things we really need to survive and be healthy, like clean air, clean water, and productive soil?” - David Suzuki

  “为什么在我们的经济体系内,那些一次性的、而且经常不必要的东西比那些我们真正赖以生存的东西,比如清洁的水、干净的空气与肥沃的土壤价值更要高?——科学家、电视人、环保人士, David Suzuki

  10. “To people who think of themselves as God’s houseguests, …enterprise must seem arrogant beyond belief. Or stupid. A nation of amnesiacs, proceeding as if there were no other day but today. Assuming the land could also forget what had been done to it.” – Barbara Kingsolver

  对于那些谦卑地把自己看作世上过客的人来说,某些公司的所做所为实在傲慢愚蠢地难以置信。一个健忘的国家,像“只有今天没有明天”一样运转,并假设着这片土地可以忘记曾经发生在它身上的事情。——美国小说家、诗人,Barbara Kingsolver



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