
发布时间:2017-12-13 编辑:少冰

  雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。下面是小编为大家整理收集的关于2017年1月变题季雅思口语重点预测P1话题Visitor范文的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助。


  1. Do you like visitors coming to your home?

  Answer one: not really. My home is very messy because I’m really busy with work. If I had visitors, I’d need to spend two days to clean up, which is not fun!

  Answer two: Yes, I like to have my friends, family or coworkers to go to my home fora tea or something fun. At home, it’s relaxing and comfortable. The environment is good for connecting with people.

  2. When someone visits you, how do you show hospitality?

  Answer one: I’d share my candies and snacks with my guests. I’ve got a big collection of all kinds of sweets, so I want my visitors to taste them!

  Answer two: I’m a tea person, so I’d brew them different kinds of tea I’ve had. Of course they can do it DIY, it’s up to them.

  3. What kinds of manners do you expect your home visitors to have?

  Answer one: I have pets at home, so I hope my visitors don’t hit or yell at them. My dogs are my family, they deserve respect.

  Answer two: If they want to have a tour, they should ask me, I’ll show them around. So I’d not be happy if they just walk around in every room like it’s their homes!

  4. Do you bring gifts when you visit others?

  Answer one: yes, but not expensive ones.Sometimes I’ll bring some magazines or books, sometimes I’ll bring some groceries that they need.

  Answer two: rarely, it’s hard to find a proper gift for a really short visit. It’s just a get-together, so there is no need to bring gifts.
