
时间:2023-03-03 16:52:48 自我介绍 我要投稿





  Dear leaders of library:


  That library books and periodicals to borrow staff recruitment, very happy. He works, make a contribution to return to his alma mater alma mater, cultivation of grace is my choice without regret. I apply for the post of life science library borrowing post. My name is X X X, this year is the plant protection undergraduate graduates. During the period of school, ordinary me and no prominent achievements. But at his alma mater "virtue, pragmatic, seeking incentive under the motto" the excellent school spirit and style of study under the influence, I constantly improve their professional skills and comprehensive quality, to portray itself as a popular graduates.

  I know that the library is an academic institution serving the teaching and scientific research. The school library has gone through 100 years of history, is a museum has a long history, rich literature resources, comprehensive library professional team of high quality, plays an important role in providing information service for more than 20xx0 school teachers and students. Book is the main service work of library, library is the library post post. Can let readers borrow books right in the shortest possible time, directly reflects the service quality of the library. Therefore, library staff positions require careful, enthusiastic and considerate, Kind and patient, skilled.

  I can do this work, I calm personality, "sit tight", work careful, enthusiastic, have patience; I can do, conscientiously do the work, to be polite and enthusiastic readers; I majored in plant protection, belonging to life science, I can use my expertise to provide advisory readers. For the reader; I passed a national computer examination, can skillfully use computers, by improving the library database can do maintenance work; I am hard-working, full of go, can adapt to shift and falling shelving books and physical labor. I love this job, if I am hired, I will establish a sense of service, the wide master The most happy students to provide quality services as the work of learning to teachers and colleagues with an open mind, and constantly improve service level and technical level.

  I believe in the library leaders and teachers to help, I was able to do this work! You need!




  Hello! It's my pleasure to come here and have a chance to introduce myself. I will graduate from Beijing Unite Teacher Training university and live in Beijing chaoyang district; my major is Visual Communication design.

  On college days, I studied some Graphic Artist Design, Package Design, Book Design, Website Design and so on. Here is my E-portfolio, please see it. Besides, a few e-works in my flash disk. Please see it when you are convenient.

  Thank you very much!






  Dear examiner, good morning. Here today to attend an interview, have the opportunity to ask examiners and learning, I feel very honoured, and also through this interview I can show to you, hope you can remember me, here the situation of my base.

  (general can not say the name), ____, Han nationality, college culture, I love reading books and Internet browsing information, lively and cheerful personality, to care about people and things around, friends and relatives live in harmony, understanding and forgiveness can be done, my life is full of confidence.

  I used to work in ____, the company has worked in different positions, I began to work in ____, and then because of the need to ____, have some experience in social practice, made some achievements in their work, but also recognized by the company. Through years of work, I learned a lot of knowledge, at the same time I also developed a firm and indomitable will and indomitable spirit, so that I can continue to overcome difficulties and proactive in their work.

  Join the ranks of civil servants is one of my strong desire for many years, I realize and working relationship is established on the basis of self-awareness, and I feel that my enthusiasm has not been excited to the highest, I love my work, but everyone is constantly looking for better the results, my self cognition lets me think that the civil service is a right choice, which apply to civil servants strengthened my confidence and determination. So I took part in the civil service exam and apply for the ____, if this can be admitted, I believe oneself can exercise and have obtained the development opportunity in the ____..

  The civil service is a sacred and noble occupation, it is the pursuit of the maximization of public interest, so the requirements of civil servants to the people, serve the country, Lei Feng said: human life is limited, but no limit to serving the people. I will dedicate my limited life to the limitless service to the people go, this is my understanding the best interpretation of civil servants. So, this position can let me realize my ideal society and reflect their own values.

  As the saying goes, " Three Represents", serve the people heart and soul








  Respected leader:


  I am a graduate of library science department X X X X University. Based on the preliminary understanding of your company, I want to join your company, as a force for the company. For the convenience of my company, self introduction as follows:

  The University for four years, I was not easily won learning opportunities. At this time, I learn in this profession, to expand their knowledge, and strengthen the ability to exercise the principle, absorb the wealth of knowledge, exercise their capabilities. I study hard course, deep study of professional knowledge, and achieved excellent the results, many top, has gained a scholarship. I learned a few years in the system of library, information and archives, Library Science Foundation of the library management, information resource management, information users research, literature resource construction, classification, cataloging, humanities and social sciences literature retrieval, document retrieval technology, Consulting and decision-making courses.

  Through the study, I master the system of library science basic theory knowledge, skilled use of modern technical means of collection, arrangement and utilization ability of document information, know the basic theory and basic knowledge through the library and information management, by literature, catalogue science, information science, communication science, management science, basic the training of economics etc., to study and master collection, processing, document information, development and transfer of skills. Can be applied in the information service and management in Library and information institutions and enterprises of the Information Department of the composite library talents. Through several years of study, I have The following knowledge and skills:

  The basic principle of the Marx doctrine and 1. master of culture, education, the basic theory of science;

  2. familiar with China on economic construction, culture, education, science and library policy, policies and regulations;

  3. to master basic knowledge of Library and information management, understand the theory and development trend of this subject;

  4. grasp the basic research methods of Library Science and the preliminary ability in scientific research;

  5. to master the use of modern techniques of literature and information search, processing, research, development and delivery of the actual work ability;

  6. strong Chinese and foreign literature retrieval, reading ability and interpersonal communication skills.

  In addition, the use of spare time, I have participated in various cultural activities, exercise their communicative ability. In various interest groups, will learn to practice, strengthen their own ability. Because of the outstanding performance in the first grade in the school Party Committee Party school learning, and graduated with honors at the same time, I also according to their own interests, in Business English, Japanese and other elective course management, the humanities, they not only become a qualified professional talents, and strive to become a comprehensive knowledge, covered a wide range of all-round talent.

  "Abstinence principle is broad-minded toward others," I "; excellence, courage into the lack is the spirit of my faith;" hard, innovation "is the way I work. I am confident of my ability and enthusiasm that I can technology development for your company and other relevant aspects of the work. I hope that the company in an interview, I am here today.

  Thank you!


应聘英文 自我介绍12-09








