
时间:2023-12-28 09:57:00 宇涛 英语笑话 我要投稿




  Who is Stupid?

  A teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks youre stupid, stand up!"

  Little Johnny then stood up.

  The teacher said, "Do you think youre stupid, Johnny?"

  "No, maam, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"






  A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.

  Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."

  The next class the professor handed the tests back out. This student got back his test and $64 change.





  Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. But there was one subject you didnt dare discuss in front of him -- his height. or, should I say, his lack of it.One day, he stormed through the door and announced angrily, "Someone just picked my pocket!" Most of my fellow waitresses and I were speechless, except for the one who blurted out, "How could anyone stoop so low?"



  Keep feeding him nickels

  A mother saw her three-year-old son put nickel in his mouth and swallowed it. She immediately picked hime up, turned him upside down and hit him on the back, whereupon he coughed up two dimes.

  Frantically, she called to the father outside. "Your son just swallowed a nickel and coughed up two dimes!What shall I do? "Yelled back the father,"Keep feeding him nickels!"


  她发狂似的朝正在外面的孩子父亲喊道: “你儿子刚才吞下了一枚五分镍币,可咳出两枚一角的硬币!我该怎么办呢?”孩子他爸大声回答道:“再喂他几枚镍币!”


  One day a man was taunting Alexandre Dumas,the greatFrench novelist,with his ancestry. “Why,” snarled the fellow,“you are a quadroon;yourfather was a mulatto,and your grandfather was a negro.” “Yes,” roared Dumas,“and,if you wish to knowmygreatgrandfather was a monkey. In fact, my pedigree beganwhere yours terminates.”

  有一天,一个人在嘲弄法国大小说家亚历山大·仲马,讥笑他的祖先。 那家伙厉声说:“唔,你是四分之一黑白混血儿,你父亲是黑白混血儿,而你的祖父是个黑人。” “是的,”仲马大声回敬:“还有呢,如果你想知道的话, 我的曾祖父是一只猴子。其实我的血统起始于你的血统终止的地方。”


  A patron in Montreal cafe turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded. "This is an outrage," he complained. "The faucet marked C gave me boiling water.""But, Monsieur, C stands for chaude - French for hot. You should know that if you live in Montreal."

  "Wait a minute," roared the patron. "The other tap is also marked C.""Of course," said the manager, "It stands for cold. After all, Montreal is a bilingual city."




  As a stranger entered a little country store, he noticed a sign warning, "Danger! Beware of dog!" posted on the glass door. Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register. "Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?" he asked the owner. "Yep, thats him," came the reply.

  The stranger couldnt help but be amused. "That certainly doesnt look like a dangerous dog to me. Why in the world would you post that sign?" "Because," the owner explained, "Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him!"

  一名陌生人走进一家乡间小商店,看到玻璃门上帖着的一个告示牌上写着,“危险! 小心有狗!” 进去后,他看到一条样子一点都不凶的老狗趴在收款机旁边的地板上睡觉。 “这就是大伙都得留神的那只狗啊?” 陌生人问店主。“是,就是他”,店主回答。

  听到这个回答, 陌生人觉得很好笑。“我觉得那条狗一点都不可怕。 你帖那个告示做什么?” “因为,” 店主解释说,“在我帖告示之前, 大伙老被他绊倒。”


  A young couple was on their way to get married when they had an accident and died. Now they were in front of St. Peter and the young lady asked if they could get married. St. Peter told them, he would have to get back to them with an answer.

  Around 30 days later St. Peter returns and tells the couple that they can get married in heaven. The young lady then asks St. Peter, “If things just dont work out can we get a divorce?" St. Peter looks at her and replies, " Lady it took me 30 days to find a preacher up here do you really think I am going to find a lawyer?"




  On my first day of classes at my university I took a front-row seat in my literature course. The professor told us we would be responsible for reading five books, and that he would provide us with a list of authors from which we could choose.

  Then he ambled over to the lectern, took out his class book and began, "Baker, Black, Brooks, Carter, Cook..." I was working feverishly to get down all the names when I felt a tap on my shoulder. The student in back of me whispered, "Hes taking attendance."




  Our university newspaper runs a weekly question feature. Recently, the question was: "Whose autograph would you most want to have, and why?" As expected, most responses mentioned music or sports stars, or politicians. The best response came from a freshman, who said, "The person who signs my diploma."



  My English professor once launched into a lecture on "motivation." "What pushes you ahead?" he asked. "What is it that makes you go to school each day? What driving force makes you strive to accomplish?" Turning suddenly to one young woman, he demanded: "What makes you get out of bed in the morning?" The student replied: "My mother."



  "Would you mind telling me, Doctor," Bob asked, "how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?" "Nothing is easier," he replied, "You ask him a simple question which everyone should answer with no trouble. If he hesitates, that puts you on the track." "Well, what sort of question?" "Well, you might ask him, Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them. Which one? " Bob thought for a moment, and then said with a nervous laugh, "You wouldnt happen to have another example would you? I must confess I dont know much about history."


  The Umbrella雨伞

  A gentleman staying in a hotel left his umbrella in the hall, but he had put on the handle a card on which was written: "This umbrella belongs to a gentleman who can lift up a hundred pounds. I shall be back in ten minutes." When he came back, he found, instead of his umbrella, another card on which was written,"This card belongs to a man who can run tenmiles an hour. I shall not come back."


  Early Shopper 采购过早

  It was Christmas and the judge was in a benevolent mood as he questioned the prisoner. "What are you charged with?" he asked.


  "Doing my christmas shopping early," replied the defendant.


  "Thats no offense," replied the judge, "How early were you doing this shopping?"


  "Before the store opened," countered the prisoner.


  Computer problem 电脑问题

  I had been doing Tech Support for Hewlett-Packards DeskJet division for about a month when I had a customer call with a problem I just couldnt solve. She could not print yellow. All the other colors would print fine, which truly baffled me because the only true colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. I had the customer change ink cartridges, and reinstall the drivers. Nothing worked. I asked my coworkers for help; they offered no new ideas. After over two hours of troubleshooting, I was about to tell the customer to send the printer in to us for repair when she asked quietly, "Should I try printing on a piece of white paper instead of yellow paper?"


  Three Men in a Boat 三人同舟

  Three men were sitting on a park bench. The one in the middle was reading a newspaper; the others were pretending to fish. They baited imaginary hooks, cast lines and reeled in their catch. A passing policeman stopped to watch the spectacle and asked the man in the middle if he knew the other two. "Oh yes, " he said. "They are my friends. "In that case, " warned the officer, "youd better get them out of here!" "Yes, sir, " the man replied, and he began rowing furiously.

  三位男子在公园的长椅上坐着。中间的一个在读报纸,另外两个在假装钓鱼。他们给想象的鱼钩上鱼饵,放线,并卷线把鱼抓上来。 一位过路警察驻足观察了这个景象,他问中间的那个男子是否认识其他两位。 “喔,认识,”他说,“他们是我的朋友。” “那样的话,”警察告诫说,“你最好把他们从这里弄走。” “好的,警官。”那男子回答说,接着就开始疯狂般地做起划桨的动作来。

  Midway Tactics中间战术

  Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.

  The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"

  The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

  The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE".





  Very Pleased to Meet You很高兴认识你

  During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers.

  One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I‘m going abroad tomorrow, but I‘d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months.

  Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England.

  Joan went there and said to the matron, "I‘ve come to visit Captain Humphreys."

  "Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said.

  "Oh, that‘s all right," answered Joan. "I‘m his sister."

  "I‘m very pleased to meet you," the matron said, "I‘m his mother!"








  Two Soldiers两名士兵

  Two soldiers were in camp. The first one‘s name was George, and the second one‘s name was Bill. George said, "have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, Bill?"

  Bill said, "Yes, I have," and he gave them to him.

  Then George said, "Now I haven‘t got a pen." Bill gave him his, and George wrote his letter. Then he put it in the envelope and said, "have you got a stamp, Bill?" Bill gave him one.

  Then Bill got up and went to the door, so George said to him, "Are you going out?"

  Bill Said, "Yes, I am," and he opened the door.

  George said, "Please put my letter in the box in the office, and……" He stopped.

  "What do you want now?" Bill said to him.

  George looked at the envelope of his letter and answered, "What‘s your girl-friend‘s address?"









  Five Months Older大五个月

  The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor examined him, he said that he was 18.

  But John‘s brother had joined the army a few days before, and the same doctor had examined him too. This doctor remembered the older boy‘s family name, so when he saw John‘s papers, he was surprised.

  "How old are you?" he said.

  "Eighteen, sir," said John.

  "But your brother was eighteen, too," said the doctor. "Are you twins?"

  "Oh, no, sir," said John, and his face went red. "My brother is five months older than I am."
















