
时间:2024-04-23 09:18:09 蔼媚 读书名言 我要投稿
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  1、有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.

  2、人类一切和平合作的基础首先是相互信任,其次才是法庭和警察一类的机构。Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police.

  3、掰开人身上的偏见比掰开一个原子难的多。 It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.

  4、精神错乱:一遍又一遍地重复同一件事而期待不同的结果。Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  5、这个世界最不可理解的就是它是完全可以理解的。The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.

  6、世界的永恒之谜就是它是可以理解的。The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.

  7、教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之後剩下的东西。 Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.

  8、一个人从未犯错是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

  9、真正有价值的是直觉。在探索的道路上智力无甚用处。The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to Discovery.

  10、两件事情让我敬畏:布满星星的天空和隐藏在其中的人的精神世界。Two things inspire me to awe: the starry heavens and the moral universe within.

  11、当知识的圆周扩大之时,包裹它的黑暗的圆周也一样。As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.

  12、在上帝面前我们都一样聪明——也都一样愚蠢。Before God we are all equally wise— and equally foolish.

  13、我并不假装理解宇宙——它比我大得多。I dont pretend to understand the universe— its much bigger than I am.

  14、我从不展望未来。它来得够快的了。I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

  15、不必努力去做一个成功者,尽力去成为一个有价值者。Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

  16、只有无私的生命才值得活。Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

  17、并不是我很聪明,而只是我和问题相处得比较久一点。Its not that Im so smart, its just that I stay with problems longer.

  18、科学是好东西,只要它不跟任何人的饭碗挂钩就行。Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn ones living at it.

  19、态度上的弱点会变成性格上的弱点。Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of Character.

  20、天才和愚蠢之间的区别就是天才有它的极限。The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

  21、我们所能经历的最美好的事情是神秘,它是所有真正的艺术和科学的源泉。——爱因斯坦The most beautiful thing we can experience is mystery, it is the source of all true art and science—— Einstein

  22、真正的快乐,是对生活的乐观,对工作的愉快,对事业的热心。——爱因斯坦True happiness is optimism about life, joy in work, and enthusiasm for career—— Einstein

  23、在所阅读的书本中找出可以把自己引到深处的东西,把其他一切统统抛掉,就是抛掉使头脑负担过重和会把自己诱离要点的一切。——爱因斯坦Finding things in the books you read that can lead you deeper and throwing away everything else is like throwing away everything that can burden the mind and lure you away from the main points—— Einstein

  24、我从不想未来,它来得太快。——爱因斯坦I never think about the future, it comes too soon—— Einstein

  25、不曾犯错的人什么新生事物都没试过。——爱因斯坦People who have never made mistakes have never tried anything new—— Einstein

  26、世间最好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的严正的朋友。——爱因斯坦The best thing in the world is to have a few honest and upright friends with both minds and hearts—— Einstein

  27、在真理和认识方面,任何以权威者自居的人,必将在上帝的戏笑中垮台!——爱因斯坦In terms of truth and understanding, anyone who claims to be an authority will surely collapse in the laughter of God—— Einstein

  28、物理学的概念是人类心智的自由产物,它不是全然由外在世界决定的,无论它看来是否如此。——爱因斯坦The concept of physics is a free product of the human mind, and it is not entirely determined by the external world, whether or not it appears so—— Einstein

  29、唤起独创性的表现与求知之乐,是为人师者至高无比的秘方。——爱因斯坦The ultimate secret to being a teacher is to evoke creativity and the joy of seeking knowledge—— Einstein

  30、数学法则只要与现实有关的,都是不确定的;若是确定的,都与现实无关。——爱因斯坦 Mathematical laws, as long as they are related to reality, are uncertain; If it is certain, it has nothing to do with reality—— Einstein

  31、没有牺牲,也就决不可能有真正的进步。——爱因斯坦Without sacrifice, there can never be true progress—— Einstein

  32、只有为别人而活的生命才是值得的。——爱因斯坦.Only a life that lives for others is worth it—— Einstein我要做的只是以我微薄的绵力来为真理和正义服务。——爱因斯坦

  33、What I need to do is to serve truth and justice with my meager efforts—— Einstein只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的生活就会显得特别美好。——爱因斯坦 long as you have something reasonable to do, your life will appear particularly beautiful—— Einstein

  34、我绝对相信,在这个世界上,财富绝不能使人类进步。——爱因斯坦I absolutely believe that in this world, wealth cannot make human progress—— Einstein

  35、一个获得成功的人,前苏联作家高尔基从他的同胞那里所取得的,总是无可比拟地超过他对他们所做的贡献。——爱因斯坦A successful person, former Soviet writer Gorky, always achieved unparalleled contributions from his fellow countrymen—— Einstein


  37、Only a few people can see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts—— Einstein


  39、The will of a person supported by indomitable beliefs has greater power than those seemingly invincible material forces—— Einstein

  40、没有想象力的灵魂,就像没有望远镜的天文台。——爱因斯坦 A soul without imagination is like an observatory without a telescope—— Einstein










