
时间:2022-01-04 16:25:40 感谢信 我要投稿




英文感谢信 篇1

  i am very grateful for your unselfish work. thank you so much to spare time to help me learning english. there is an obvious effect as my english performance has been improved a lot. It is you that give me so much help to make such a english idiot like me make this achievement. All appreciations are beyond my words.

  thank you so much, my dearest friend.

  best regards(肿瘤医院感谢信)


英文感谢信 篇2










  I will like to inform you that last week the dismissed six collected a small part of our compensation claim, amounting to twoorthree months wages for each of them. In average it means around 1000 RMB each. This is still a long way from our original claim of one to two years wages. While refusing to give up our claim we decided to take the partial compensation first. We will continue to press the company to pay the rest of the compensation, in addition to continue to demand the return of the employment files of dismissed workers an various others legitimate claims.

  The company’s partial concession is the result of your support to us, which is essential in bringing enough pressure on the company through media exposure, without which the company would not even considering the payment of this small sum of compensation to us. Allow me to thank you once again for your support. Though we are separated by more than ten thousand miles it has not stopped you from coming forward to offer help to us. We hope both sides can maintain contact from time to time.

  Best wishes

  Zhang Jun

英文感谢信 篇3

Dear Sue,

  I am writing to express my heart felt gratitudeto you for your kindest help when I was involved in that terrible trafficaccident.

  You saw how seriously I had been hurt when yourushed me to the hospital. I was hit from the back by a taxi and was thrownforward for at least three meters. Though I did not lose my consciousness, thesharp pain was really killing me. If it had not been for your timelyassistance, giving me first aid and sent me to hospital right away, I fear thatthe consequences might have been much more serious.

  The doctor said that my wounds are healingquickly and that I would be able to stand up again in a week’s time. Inaddition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills.

  Anyway, everyone agrees that it was yourquick-witted response in this emergency that has led to this satisfactoryresult. I feel I owe you so much, so please accept my most sincere thanks.

  Best wishes,


英文感谢信 篇4

  Dear **,

  Thanks for your support to our company in the last year.We really appreciate our cooperation.and we hope we can continue our good business relationship and interactivity for the next year.





英文感谢信 篇5

  thank you for interview i dear (bosss name),

  i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (company name).

  i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. from our discussion,i gained a strong sense of (company name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. i also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.

  i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a (job title). i believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. i eagerly anticipate our next meeting. thank you for considering me for this opportunity.



英文感谢信 篇6





  自从20xx年2月24日来到某担任实习教师以来,短短的四个月里,我们参与了顶岗支教的各项工作,局领导关心我们的生活、校领导大力支持我们的实习工作,老师们热情指导我们的教学工作,我们深深地感受到了各级部门领导和指导老师温暖和教诲。 感谢教育局领导为我们提供了优越的后勤保障条件,你们为了丰富我们的业余生活、特地为我们购买了一台29寸彩电,并安装了有线电视。


  领导的厚爱,第六期的顶岗师生不会忘记。 感谢实习学校领导为我们提供了优越的实习条件。校领导大力支持我们的实习工作,老师们热情指导我们的教学工作,并为我们提供了发展自我、展示自我的平台。我们一到学校便根据所学专业分配到了各教研组,并指定了指导教师,分配了任教班级,为我们日后实习工作的顺利进行提供了可靠保障。这些工作使大家深受鼓舞,并感到了自食其力的成就感和体现自身价值的满足感。



  实习证明 金融专业 法律专业 土木工程专业 机电专业

  一天中,在与可爱的孩子们相处的每一天中,我们巩固了所学的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,获得了有关中学教育、教学工作的知识,培养了教育和教学上独立工作及与人合作的能力,认识了人民教师的光荣职责,树立了忠诚人民教育事业的思想。 “阳光普照,园丁心坎春意浓;甘雨滋润,桃李枝头蓓蕾红。”尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师,是你们的平易近人消释了我们初来乍到的窘迫;是你们的言传身教揭开了我们迷惘的浓雾;是你们的身体力行树立起我们前行的灯塔!你们的悉心指导让我们明白了“师者,教之以事而喻诸德也”的道理;体会到“走上三尺讲台,教书育人;走下三尺讲台,为人师表”的师道理念;深悟到“愿将心血化春雨,随风潜入育桃李”的教育精魂。 这是我们踏入社会的第一个脚印,在这条充满挑战的道路上,是老师们手把手带我们走过。当我们即将离开他们的扶持,独自面对人生时,少了一份稚气,多了几许沉稳。深情回望,送上我们最诚挚的感谢与祝福。这里是一个大舞台,给我们创造了一个充分展现自己的空间,也让我们在这个舞台上认识到了自己的优点和不足,无论将来我们从事何种职业,这段宝贵的经历都值得我们一生珍藏。 几个月的顶岗工作,忙碌而充实、艰苦而快乐,这段时光丰富了我们的人生历程,是我们人生的一笔宝贵财富。在这里顶岗支教,虽然苦过、累过,但是我们无悔;在这里顶岗支教,我们已经深深地爱上这一方美丽校园,多少心血和汗水在这里播洒,多少能力和情感在这里成熟。顶岗实习生活将是我们大学生活中最真实,最难忘,最有意义的生活。这里,我们真正地展现自我,释放自我,顶岗支教的舞台上挥洒了我们的火一样青春。最年轻的岁月里,我们用青春的热情去跨越?? 群鸿飞四海,爱心留某。如今,我们满载而归,寥寥数语,难以表达我们临行前的离别之情和感激之心。春华秋实,落叶不会忘记根的情怀;万涓成水,小溪终将汇流成河。我们会永远铭记某给予我们的园丁情怀和教育薪火。再次感谢各位领导和全体师生给予我们的关怀和支持,也衷心祝愿某各个中学桃李满天下,硕果结华章!

英文感谢信 篇7

Beloved father and mother:

  How do you do!

  As the saying goes, the mother's love is selfless, father's love is favours weighty as a mountain. I have a deep understanding of this sentence.

  I was so sick and I couldn't eat dinner. When you went out for a walk, you bought me instant noodles, sweet wine, candy and dizzy medicine in the supermarket, and I made a package of almond for me, and asked if I was hungry or not, would you like something to eat? I don't know why. I felt that my head was not so dizzy. I felt that my father and mother gave me a lot of care and love and gave me strength.

  Mother, comforting me when I was sad, and encouraging me to learn, caring and caring for me when I was sick, I remember everything you did for me. I was so excited that I couldn't help crying.

  Father, although you are a little less in my side, but your love is more heavier than Taishan. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, although you love me not much on the surface, but acting on my care and love.

  In March, it was a Thanksgiving month, and in March, I was also a day of gratitude to my parents. I want to thank my parents for the life I have given to me, and to give me the kind of years.

  My mother can solve my troubles and create a way for me to learn. My father can add a lot of strength to me in his study, and can provide us with a guarantee in life...

  Mother ah, if you are a clam, then I am your arms in a small pearl, you use your life to feed me, I like the grass, could never repay your kindness ah spring sunshine!

英文感谢信 篇8


  1. 指出对方帮助自己的事情,表示感谢;

  2. 展开叙述这件事;

  3. 再次感谢,并可表示希望回报对方。

  Suppose you were taken good care of by Doctor Liu when you were in hospital. Write a letter in about 100 words to him to show your gratitude. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.


  Dear Doctor Liu,

  It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere thanks to you for your careful treatment and attendance when I was in hospital this March.

  On that night, I got acute appendicitis and was sent to your hospital by my roommates. Yet I was very lucky to have you, an experienced and skillful doctor, on duty. You immediately diagnosed my disease, hospitalized me and arranged a timely operation for me. In the following days you took good care of me and talked to me from time to time to release my pain.

  It was all because of your attendance and perfect professional skills that I could recover so soon. Therefore, thank you again and I wish I would have the chance to pay you back for all your kindness.

  Yours faithfully,

英文感谢信 篇9

Dear cjassmates

  thanks for all you help I didn't know the schoom rules very well.Lucy and lily_______________


  November 29, 20xx

  Tianjin, China

  Dear Zhangxuan:

  I am writing this letter to thank. First, I must thank the god, for letting me meet with you, my best friend throughout my life. And then, thank you very much for staying with me all the time.

  From the time we know each other, every time when I meet with troubles, you always try your best to help me. When I am sad or unhappy, you always comfort me to make me forget the sad things. And you usually share your good and happy experiences with me……All these make me delighted. Although you are in Tianjin now, I believe we still stay together.

  Because of you, I feel the life is wonderful. Meeting with you is really a good thing. At last, I have only a sentence want to say——My dear friend, thank you.












