
开题报告是指开题者对科研课题的一种文字说明材料。这是一种新的应用写作文体,这种文字体裁是随着现代科学研究活动计划性的增强和科研选题程序化管理的需要而产生的。开题报告包括综述、关键技术、可行性分析和时间安排等四个方面 。开题者把自己所选的课题的概况(即"开题报告内容"),向有关专家、学者、科技人员进行陈述。然后由他们对科研课题进行评议。


标签:开题报告 时间:2021-05-01
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】

  Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies

  1 Introduction

  The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).

  DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective. Translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.


标签:开题报告 时间:2021-04-25
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】



  English, especially English reading and writing, has become an effective means to get access to all kinds of information and an indispensable means of international communication. As a matter of fact, English writing are vital to our individual development because it has been applied more and more in both our English study and future work.

  However, according to my personal writing experience and teaching practice experience in Bobai Middle school, I found that the students' EFL writing ability is not so encouraging and satisfactory in senior high schools though they have learned English for several years in primary and middle school. Not a few of them do very poor in applying English to express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. in EFL writing. Some of them even cannot produce a single correct sentence in their compositions. Those students may actually have something to write, but they just cannot express it correctly and appropriately in English. On one hand, they do not grasp sufficient active vocabularies to express themselves. On the other hand, they lack sense of sentence structure and composition structure to develop their composition. The last but not least, they don't know how to apply the materials they have read to improve their writing ability though they have read a lot.


标签:开题报告 时间:2021-04-15
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】

  Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies

1 Introduction

The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).


标签:开题报告 时间:2021-03-23
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】


  function and application of descriptive translation studies

  1 introduction

  the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).


标签:开题报告 时间:2021-02-28
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】


  Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies

  1 Introduction

  The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).


标签:开题报告 时间:2020-11-11
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】


  function and application of descriptive translation studies

  1 introduction

  the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).


标签:开题报告 时间:2020-11-07
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】


  function and application of descriptive translation studies

  1 introduction

  the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science.

  from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.


标签:开题报告 时间:2020-11-07
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】


  function and application of descriptive translation studies

  1 introduction

  the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).


标签:开题报告 时间:2020-10-25
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】

















标签:开题报告 时间:2020-10-23
【yjbys.com - 开题报告】



  摘要:based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

  function and application of descriptive translation studies

  1 introduction

  the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).