
时间:2022-08-25 02:31:54 初中知识 我要投稿
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  一、 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

  第一部分 听对话回答问题,录音读两遍。

  ( ) 1. Who is Deng Yaping?

  A B C

  ( ) 2. What does the woman want?

  A B C

  ( ) 3. where is he now ?

  A B C

  ( ) 4. What does Jenny’s mother ask her to take?

  A B C

  ( ) 5.What will Betty use to decorate her room?

  A. Colourful balloons. B. Beautiful pictures. C. Wallpapers.

  ( ) 6.What does the girl want to be when she grows up?

  A. A swimmer. B. A teacher C. A singer.

  ( ) 7.What food would the woman like?

  A. Japanese food. B. Chinese food. C. French food.

  ( ) 8.When will the meeting be held?

  A. In October. B. In November. C. In December.

  ( ) 9.What time does the girl want to meet?

  A. At 2:00 pm. B. At 2:30 pm. C. At 3:00 pm.

  ( ) 10.What will the girl do for her mother’s birthday?

  A. Buy her a present. B. Make a cake. C. Tidy up the room

  第二部分 听对话和短 文回答问题,录音读两遍。


  ( ) 11.Where is Sam’s new school?

  A. In Canada. B. In the USA. C. In Japan.

  ( ) 12.What does Sam often do with his friends after school?

  A. Does homework. B. Plays basketball. C. Plays baseball.


  Something about Alice

  The appearance: slim with short ___13___ hair.

  The personality: ___14___ and humorous.

  Good at: making____15___

  ( ) 13. A. straight B. curly C. black

  ( ) 14. A. good-looking B. generous C. honest

  ( ) 15. A. DIY B. cake C. salad


  ( ) 16. How many friends did the speaker take a trip with?

  A. One B. Two C. Three.

  ( ) 17. Where did they go for their trip?

  A. Shanghai. B. Tongxiang. C. Suzhou.

  ( ) 18. What time did they get there?

  A. At 9:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 8:30.

  ( ) 19.How did they go sightseeing there?

  A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By boat

  ( ) 20.What can we know about their trip?

  A. It was boring. B. There was a strong wind.

  C. It rained but the trip was exciting.


  ( )1. Max is _______honest boy. He has _______ useful book.

  A. an; an B. a; a C. a; an D. an; a

  ( )2. Of all the streets in Beijing, Wangfujing is _______.

  A. the busier B. the busyest C. busiest D. the busiest

  ( )3. Today is Wednesday. He _______be at home. He _______be at school.

  A. can't; can B. can't; must C. mustn't; must D. mustn't; can

  ( )4. Kate is my good friend. She often _______a smile _______her face.

  A. wears; on B. with; in C. with; on D. has; in

  ( )5. The text is _______easier and _______interesting than that one.

  A. more; much B. much; more C. more; more D. much; much

  ( )6. -Our team won the basketball final today!

  - _______.

  A. I hope not. B. I'm not sure. C. I know. D. That's great!

  ( )7. Shanghai is bigger than _______in Jiangsu and bigger than _______in China.

  A. any city; any city B. any city; any other city

  C. any other city; the other cities D. any other city; any city

  ( )8. -What _______your Chinese teacher _______?

  -She is tall and beautiful.

  A. does; like B. is; like C. is; look like D. does; look

  ( )9. We were all _______at the ____ ___ news.

  A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excited

  C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting

  ( )10. After a long walk in the sun, they wanted to drink _______.

  A. cold something B. something cold

  C. nothing cold D. cold anything

  ( )11.一Your tea smells great!

  一It’s from India.Would you like ________?

  A.it B.this C.some D.1ittle

  ( )12.Fishing with Dad was so for little Sam that he almost fell asleep.

  A. excited B. exciting C. bored D. boring

  ( )13.一Hi, guys. How was your party yesterday?

  一Wonderful! We had a big meal and enjoyed __________.

  A. themselves B. myself C. yourselves D. ourselves

  ( )14.一Shall I take my swimming suit?

  一No, you ______. We will just go hiking on the mountain.

  A.mustn’t B.couldn’t C.needn’t D.can’t

  ( )15.— I believe this is the best movie of the year.

  — Well, . Anyway, the ending is OK.

  A. that’s a good idea B. that may not be a good idea

  C. I’m not sure if you’re right D. I think you’re right

  三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。

  Can you cut an apple with a playing card(扑克牌)?Can you write with one hand and draw with 36 ? Well, some people can, and they all show their 37 talents(才能)on the TV programme, China's Got Talent.

  The TV programme is getting more and more 38 in China. Many people watch it every week 39 they want to know how talented one can be.

  Talent shows 40 in Britain. And now there are similar shows in many countries 41 the world. China's Got Talent is the newest, but it 42 others. When people show their special talents, they also 43 their most touching(感人的)or funniest stories. Most of them don't want to be famous. They 44 want to make their family laugh and want to make others laugh, too.

  We all have a 45 .It may be big or small. What's your talent? Maybe you can be the next star on China's Got Talent!

  36.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others

  37.A. strong B. poor C. special D. slow

  38.A. boring B. necessary C. important D. popular

  39.A. or B. because C. but D. so

  40.A. began B. ended C. won D. reached

  41.A. with B. to C. for D. around

  42.A. is afraid of B. is different from

  C. is up to D. is good for

  43.A. enjoy B. speak C. share D. write

  44.A. still B. never C. maybe D. just

  45.A. talent B. family C. dream D. story

  四、阅读理解(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  A new kind of fast food, fried. Coke, is welcomed in the USA now. Abel Gonzales, a 36-year-old computer engineer from Dallas in America, tried his best to think of this good idea.

  First, make a batter(面糊)with Coca-Cola, a little strawberry juice and some strawberries. Then, make small balls from the batter. Next, deep-fly(油炸)the ball and it ends up looking like a ping-pong ball. Finally, put the ball in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola, a little cream, sugar and a cherry.

  “It tastes great and is a great success," said Sue Gooding, a spokeswoman for the State Fair(展览会)of Texas. Gonzales's fried Coke was first sold there in autumn.

  There, Gonzales sold up t0 35,000 fried Cokes over 24 days for $4.5 each, and he won the prize for coming up with "the most creative new food".

  46. How many steps are there to make the fried Coke?

  A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

  47. How much money did Gonzales make in the State Fair of Texas?

  A. $157,500. B. $175,500. C. $3,780,000. D. $3,878,000.

  48. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. Abel Gonzales is an engineer from England.

  B. Gonzales's fried Coke looks like a tennis ball.

  C. Gonzales's fried Coke was first sold in the State Fair of Texas.

  D. Sue Gooding won the prize for thinking of "the most creative new food".


  As a student, what do you hate most about school life? The homework? The exams? For many students, it's their school uniforms.

  Many schools ask their students to wear school uniforms every day. They believe that a child in the school uniform will take school seriously. But school uniforms usually look ugly and many students don't like them. Now people can bring both discipline(纪律) and fashion together in school uniforms. So, many schools decide to choose designers to turn their school uniforms into more popular ones.

  Robert Kin, Headmaster of Bethany High School, agrees that the students should look smart in uniforms in order to show their personalities. "The students are identified(辨认) by t heir uniforms outside the school. That's why we invited a famous designer to design our uniforms."

  Designing school uniforms is becoming popular now.

  49. What do most students hate most about school life?

  A. Homework. B. Exercises. C. Exams. D. Uniforms.

  50. Why do many schools ask their students to wear school uniforms?

  A. Because they think school uniforms can make the students study hard.

  B. Because they think students in school uniforms think school important.

  C. Because they think school uniforms can make the students happy.

  D. Because they think school uniforms can save much money for parents.

  51. New-designed school uniforms should show_______.

  A. if the students are hard-working B. the students' personalities

  C. the school's strict rules(规则) D. if the stud ents are s mart

  52. What's the best title(标题) for this passage?

  A. Make school uniforms popular B. How to make school uniforms

  C. The ugly school uniforms D. Why students hate school uniforms


  A neighbourhood party is a great way to have fun and get to know the people in your neighbourhood. And it's also the best way to bring the community together.

  Before you begin to do this, you first need to decide where to have the party. The Community Centre is a good place for a neighbourhood party. If the weather is nice, many people like to have the party outside. It could be at a park or on a street.

  Next, ask your friends and neighbours to help. Get them to tell others about the party, set up the party and clean up after the party.

  During the party, be sure to have lots of things to do. Many parties have activities for kids, such as face painting. Most parties have food and drinks. The best parties are when everyone brings something to share. That's also the special part of a neighbourhood party!

  55. What does the underlined phrases "set up" mean in Chinese?

  A. 参加 B. 组装 C. 策划 D. 竖立

  56. What is special about a neighbourhood party?

  A. It has food and drinks. B. It has activities for kids.

  C. There are lots of things to do. D. People bring something to share.


  O. Henry, a famous American writer of short stories, was born in North Carolina in 1862. O. Henry was a pen name. His real name was William Sydney Porter. When he was a young boy, he did not go to school for long because of being born in a poor family, but he tried to teach himself everything he needed to know.

  When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas. There he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. But he got h imself into some trouble. Some money went missing from the bank. O. Henry was believed to have stolen it, so he was sent to prison(监狱). During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and went on writing.

  He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because almost all of them finished with a sudden change. This made the readers surprised.

  ( )57. O. Henry was sent to prison because __________.

  A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper.

  B. People thought he had stolen money from the bank.

  C. he wanted to write stories about prisoners.

  D. he broke the law (法律) by not using his own name

  ( )58. Which of the following is true?

  A. O. Henry was from a rich family

  B. O. Henry was in school for a long time.

  C. O. Henry learned everything he needed by himself.

  D. O. Henry liked writing stories when he was a lit tle boy.

  ( ) 59. O. Henry got most materials for his stories from ______________.

  A. his happy life as a boy B. New York and the poor of the city

  C. the newspaper D. his life in prison

  ( )60. People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories because __________________.

  A. they had surprising endings B. they were easy to understand

  C. they showed love for the poor D. they were about New York


  1. Many students don't know (确切地)what they should learn at school.

  2. On that day, he bought some flowers and (装满)the room with them.

  3. Different companies and teams have different (文化)and styles of working.

  4. This morning, Mike came to school much (早)than usual.

  5. The (每日的)life of Chinese people is becoming better and better.

  6. Read the (说明)carefully before you use the washing machine.

  7. I'm sure she'll make an (优秀的)teacher in the future.

  8. - Listen! There's someone at the door.

  - I'll go and see who it is.

  9. - Did you hear there was a big fire in the restaurant last night?

  - Yes, ,no one was hurt.

  10. - What good news! There will be a presentation(颁奖仪式)tonight.

  - Many famous stars will the presentation.


  Big schoolbags are a big p 1 for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too h 2 for you to carry, and it troubles you a lot w 3 you want to find a book to read. Now e-textbooks will h 4 you.

  It is said th at many Chinese middle schools are going to use e-textbooks. An e-textbook, in fact, is a small c 5 for students. It is much l 6 than a common schoolbag and e 7 to carry. Though(虽然) it is as small as a book, it can h 8 everything for study. The students can read the text page by page on the screen (屏幕), take notes with the pointer(屏写笔), or even “hand in” their homework to their teacher by s 9 e-mails. All they have to do is to press a button.

  Some people say e-textbooks are good, but some say they may be b 10 for the students’ eyes. What do you think of?


  1. 中国是世界上最大的国家之一。

  2. Jim跑步不如Tom快。

  3. 你最好安装一盏更亮的灯。

  4. 我建议我堂弟去上一个关于DIY的课程。

  5. 昨天他花了5个小时在墙上安装了一个架子。



  1. 友好而慷慨,乐于助人。 我七岁时就跟他交上了朋友。

  2. 他愿意替我保守秘密。他擅长数学,经常帮同学辅导数学难题。

  3. 他痴迷于自己动手做,他喜欢修坏了的东西和装饰房子。

  4. 他妈妈的生日就要到了,他决定亲手为妈妈做一张生日卡片。

  一、 听力 a bcc a cccac bcabc cbacc

  二、 单选 ddbab dbbdb cddcc

  三、 完型 ccdba dbcda

  四、 阅读 aacdb babac dbcba


  6. China is one of the largest countries in the world.

  7. Jim doesn’t run as (so) fast as Tom。

  8. You’d better put in a bri ghter light.

  9. I advised my cousin to take a course in DIY.

  10. He spent 5 hours putting up a shelf on the wall yesterday.










