
时间:2020-09-06 10:45:53 英语毕业论文 我要投稿


  【摘 要】文体学是一门研究各种文体语言特点的学问。本文通过对特定两种文体的具体分析,指出了该文体如何运用有效手段,达到传递文本信息的目的。



  Abstract: Stylistics is used to study and analyze different kinds of articles. In order to show how the following two passages put forward the information successfully, this paper points out the characteristic ways the two passages employ.

  Key Words: Stylistics, Passage, characteristics,information


  虽然存在着各式各样的文体,但真正代表一种文体特殊用法的词句是很少的。真正被大量使用的还是那些按照普通方式运用的基本词汇、基本句型和基本表达方式。这也就是所谓的共核语言(the common core) , 它的惯常用法构成语言的常规(norm) , 而一种文体的特殊用法则是对这种常规的变异(deviation) 。下文将通过对语言的各要素,即语音、词汇、句法、语篇结构的分析来阐述它们在日常谈话、即席解说中说什么和怎么说这个问题上所起的作用。




  B—Beth I—Irene

  B: It’s a big challenge for mothers today, because oftentimes mothers feel like it’s an either /or proposition that they have to work or have a child. And the reality is more and more women are choosing to do both, and also not be superwomen, so it’s a tricky… it’s a tricky line to balance. But I do have a quote that says, “To choose to have a child is to choose forever to have your heart walk outside of your body,” which means, just as we’ve been talking about, that you are constantly attached to your child, no matter how old they get, but you will learn to walk those lines. And you will learn to create balance and harmony in your life, and you’ll realize that not everything you do is going to send your child to a therapist. And that’s wonderful.

  I: Yes, yes. I’ve just always felt that if you loved them hard enough, and that you had … your heart kind of in the right place, which obviously is outside your own body, that there was very little that … that you could do wrong. I mean you …

  B: Yes. I think that’s true. I think if you build a solid foundation with your child, especially in the early years, and …

  I: How early are we talking “early years”? I mean, by what point is the child’s personality formed already?

  B: Well, you know there’s a lot of information on that that definitely is conflicting. But there are new studies coming out that are just fascinating about how important, extremely important it is for a child to be with his/her mother until they’re close to four years old. Now, that doesn’t mean consistently. I’m not advocating that a mother stay home full time if she’s not so inclined. But there’s definite research that’s coming out saying that, y’know, a mother’s role is more important in some regards than we had thought, and that the bonding process lasts quite a bit longer. In fact, children go into shock oftentimes if they are separated too early. And that’s why I think a lot of us are fighting for parental leave and family leave, that allows both mother and father to have time with their children hopefully within the first two years, not just the first few months.

  People need concrete support, and especially nowadays, I did write another meditation about people needing the support of community because nowadays we oftentimes don’t have our parents close by, or brothers and sisters live in another state or even in another country. And so especially when you come home for the first few months or the first few years, you may feel extremely isolated if you can’t hook up with a co-op, a babysitting co-op, or a mother’s group … And this is just a wonderful way to remind mothers that we have what Mary Catherine Bateson calls peripheral vision: the ability to be attentive to multiple demands and to think about more than one thing at a time. And I think that’s a very valuable trait that mothers do have. And sometimes we think of ourselves as being scattered and airheads because of it, and that’s been oftentimes how we’ve been portrayed, but this is a wonderful, wonderful trait that mothers develop especially in the first few years.

  I: Well, we have eyes in the backs of our heads, right?

  B: Exactly.

  I: But we are also able to keep lots of balloons in the air, which means that what we do is, you get up in the morning and you say, “I need to do this, this, this, and I need to go to work, and what’s for dinner besides.”

  B: Exactly.

  I: You get it all in order before you leave the house in the morning.

  B: Right, and you can take your needs into account as well as the needs of many other individuals, which is extremely important in this day and age. I mean we no longer can afford ecologically to have a one-track mind. We can no longer afford it in the family, in the work place, and I think that’s something that women very much have to offer.

  I: I think that the “me” generation is over.

  日常谈话的特点:在语音方面是缩写词的出现。这种缩写词的出现是一种在很快的发音中通过省略某些音节而把两个单个词连读成为一个词的现象。在本文中有It’s, we’ve, I’ve, that’s, there’s, they’re, doesn’t, I’m等等。这些是经常用到的缩写词。还有一个省略得更多的词是y’know。因为在对话中,许多不重要而又很容易猜出意思的词发音可以一带而过。另一方面,在文中还出现了一方并未说完而另一方就急着接话的情况。这在日常谈话中是时常发生的话语的重叠。这一切都是为了使意思的表达更加迅速明了。

  词汇方面日常谈话文体的用词大多简短易懂,很少使用难懂的大词。这是因为谈话人要把绝大部分的精力用于理解和回应对方,不可能在用词上过分花哨,而是尽可能的平实。本文虽然是一个访谈实录,但谈论的仍是大众普遍关心的问题,不可能使用深奥的词汇。综观全文,我们可以发现除了ecologically外,都是通俗易懂的词汇。同时,在面对面的交谈中,常会出现一下子找不到确切的词来表达某一思想,而需要用其它词,或言语重复来填补空白维持对话的现象。例如文中的it’s a tricky… it’s a tricky line…there was very little that … that you could do …that you had … your heart kind of in the right place…

  句法结构方面的特点是句子短结构简单。动词词组也很简单。用了不少诸如I think, I mean, well, you know 之类使谈话人显得较为客气谦逊的词语。被动语态很少出现。在时态的应用方面,一般过去时和一般现在时占统治地位。名词词组结构也很简单,没有复杂的前置修饰成分。句子种类主要是陈述句,疑问句,以陈述句为主。这一切都是为了更好地达到沟通这一目的而采取的手段。话语的快速流逝迫使交谈双方用尽可能简单的`语言交流,并时时观察对方的反应,对自己的说话进行调整。

  语义方面,则是意义上的不确定。主要表现在不完全的语句。例如that there was very little that … that you could do wrong. I mean you …;especially in the early years, and … 这是因为交谈双方可以进行其它方式的交流(例如表情手势等身体语言)来弥补语言的不足。因此不完全表述成了日常谈话文体的一大特色。

  (二) 即席解说:范围很广,主要有各种体育比赛的即席解说,还有就是对各种重大事件的解说。以下将以一篇天气预报为例,从语音、词汇、句法结构、语义等方面着手,进行具体分析,并探讨这些因素对英语听力教学的影响。

  Announcer: And now over to Marsha Davenport for today’s weather forecast. Marsha?

  Weather reporter: Thanks, Peter. Well, as you can see from the weather map, there’s varied weather activity across the United States and Canada today. Let’s start with the west coast, where it’s raining from British Columbia down to northern California. The high in Seattle will be 50 degrees. Southern California will be in better shape today – they’ll have sunny skies and warmer temperatures. We’re looking for a high of 78 degrees in San Diego. The Midwest will be having clear but windy weather. Oklahoma City will see a high of 65 and sunny skies, with very strong winds. Down in Houston we’re looking for cloudy skies and a high of 69. Over to the east in Miami we expect the thermometer to reach 64 degrees, but it’ll be cloudy and quite windy. Up in the northeast, it looks like winter just won’t let go! New York City will be having another day of heavy rains, high winds, and cold temperatures, with a high of only 35 degrees expected. Further north in Montreal it’s even colder – 28 degrees, with snow flurries expected today. Over in Toronto it’s sunny but a cold 30 degrees.

  And that’s this morning’s weather forecast. We’ll have a complete weather at noon.

  即席解说的特点:在语音方面由于语速较快,一些音发生了减弱或合并现象。例如范文中的Let’s,it’s,they’ll,We’re,it’ll,won’t和We’ll 等等。但是与日常谈话不同的是解说员与听众不是面对面的交流,如果发音不清楚,就没有第二次解释的机会了。因此在解说过程中,解说员必须发音清楚响亮,而不可以发生日常谈话中常有的语音含混不清现象。

  词汇方面的特色是结构简单,专用术语多,无意义的词较少。例如在本文中除了人名地名以外,基本上都是气象学方面的术语,而且是偏简单的那种。因为考虑到受众是普通大众,易于接受是首要任务。单词都很简单,即使是较长的词汇,也是反复出现的常用词汇,例如 temperatures。虽然解说文体和日常谈话文体都有即席发挥的特色,但解说文体中却没有日常谈话文体中常见的为了填充空白而出现的无意义的词汇。因为在解说过程中并没有多余的时间用在无意义词汇上,而且解说员的专业素养也使他必须在工作中保持自信确定的口吻,不能犯错。

  句法结构方面的特点同样是句子短结构简单,以简单句为主。动词词组也非常简单。因为预告的是接下来的天气状况,所以用了不少将来时。在这类文体中,被动语态的使用非常少见。名词词组也很简单。在表达所属关系时,主要使用“’s”而较少使用“of”。例如today’s,this morning’s等等。这些都是为了节省时间,使表达精炼。句子的类型以陈述句为主。



  [1]张民伦 主编.《Step By Step英语听力入门2000》[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2002.

  [2]何其莘等 编. 《英语中级听力 Listen To This: 2》[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.

  [3]王佐良 丁往道 主编. 《英语文体学引论》[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001.

  [4]Wright, Laura Hope, Jonathan. Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook [M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.








