

1.Describe the employee you most enjoy working with. 你最喜欢和什么样的同事一起合作?

I enjoy working with straightforward people, partly because I am a straightforward person myself. I hope my colleagues will offer their honest suggestions and even criticisms to me. Frankly speaking, I am not very comfortable with people who are too sensitive and always hesitate to express themselves.


2.Most employees and bosses have some disagreements . How will you react to these disagreements if you join our company ? 很多雇员都和老板有意见相左的时候,如果你加入我们公司拿到这个OFFER,你将如何处理和老板意见不同的情况的?

Maybe I don’t have enough experiences on that, but I will try to express my way of solving this problem. I think if I have disagreements with my boss, my first reaction is to double-check my opinions. My boss is an expert and he’s been proven right most of the time. If I do believe I’m right or partially right, I provide my boss with a detailed report listing all facts and numbers to prove my opinion. Because my boss is extremely busy, I need to make the report simple but powerful, to help him make the decision.?

或许对于我来说,处理这样的事情我的经验还不够,但是我想试着来说下我处理这种情况的方式。 我认为如果我和我的老板意见相左,我的首要反应就是重复确认下我的意见。我的老板是这方面的专家,这是毋庸置疑的。如果我认为我是正确的或者部分正确,我需要给我老板一份详细的报告列明所有的事实以及数据来支撑我的观点。因为我的老板很忙,因此这份报告需要即简单并且有力,来帮助他更快地作出决定。 

