
时间:2017-08-31 编辑:1109

  2. 大多数学生都支持他提出的建议。(favor)

  Most students are in favor of the suggesting he put forward.

  3. 要教育人们注意保护环境并不容易。(educate)

  It is not easy to educate people to pay attention to protecting the environment.

  4. 他厌倦了喧嚣的城市,而渴望一种宁静的乡村生活。(eager)

  He has tired of the noisy city and was eager for a quiet country life.

  5. 别对他期望太高,不然你会失望的。(expect)

  Don’t expect too much of him, otherwise you will be disappointed.

  6. 这场战争极大地消耗了美国的资源和财富。(drain)

  The war was a great drain on the resources and wealth of American.

  7. 服药时,请遵照使用说明。(direction)

  Please follow the directions when you take the medicine.

  8. 把一个国家分成四个时区是否会给人们带来不便呢?(pide)

  Dose it give people inconvenience to pide a country into four time zones?

  9. 他因家境贫寒而不得不退学。(force)

  He was forced to quit school because his family was poor.

  10. 不仅年轻人爱好这项运动,许多中年人也跃跃欲试。(eager)

  Not only do the young enjoy the sport, but also many middle-aged people are eager to have a try.
