Is Money Everything英语手抄报资料

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Is Money Everything英语手抄报资料

  在学习和工作的日常里,大家一定没少看到经典的手抄报吧,手抄报除报头按内容设计、绘制外,每篇文章的标题也要作总体考虑。那些被广泛运用的手抄报都是什么样子的呢?下面是小编为大家整理的Is Money Everything英语手抄报资料,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

Is Money Everything英语手抄报资料

  There is no doubt that money is very important, we can’t live without money. Most things we need to keep living are bought by money. Everybody works hard to make the ends meet. Money can satisfy people with they want, it seems that money is everything, but I don’t think so.


  There is something that money can’t buy. The sense of happiness is one of them. Though with a lot of money, we can buy the big and luxury house, the sense of happiness is from the heart. If the person works very hard to buy the house and he has less time to stay at home, because he needs to pay the bill, then I don’t think he is happy.


  For the poor people, though they don’t have much money, I see they live with laughter all the time. When I lived in the country, my life was simple. The food I ate was vegetables and sometimes I had the meat. I did not care much about it. When I moved to the city, I felt lonely, though I earned more money, I missed the country life.


  Money is not everything, the happiness is nothing with money.



  Most of people think we can do anything if we have money If you have no money, you will be looked down upon Sometimes some people do some bad things in order to make money

  We should make money and spend it in a reasonable way We will have a rich life when we have much money I don't think so They always live a frightened life

  We must make money and spend it in a reasonable way





  In China, people believe that kids is a way to protect themselves. When they are old, their kids can take care of them. But sometimes things will not go on their own way. A lot of young people focus on their career and don’t have much time to go home. It is important to let the young people realize that family comes first.


  As the great pressure from work, many young people have to leave home and fight for their future. The distance brings isolation, then young people have less chance to spend the time with their parents. According to the news, an old man accused of his son for not going home for more than a year. It's sounded so sad for the old man and the son. When the relationship involves with law, it is the sadest thing in the world.


  No matter how much money we earn, family is the first one we should care for. Home is the place we will think about first when we are in trouble and families will never abandon us, so just go home and spend more time with our families. It worths all.


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