
Computer Technician Resume

The sample computer technician resume will help you to build your own resume for applying to the job of computer technician.

Sample Computer Technician Resume

Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.


Work Experience:
Piscies Data Systems, - 07/1985 to Present.
Olympia, Washington

Pre-Sales Technical Assist:

  • Assist Eastern Area sales employees, which regulars about 5 reps.
  • Perform directly with sales reps to prepare and execute sales strategies.
  • Performing with the prospects to realize business difficulties and suggest suitable technical results.
  • Write and bring technical product presentation.
  • Develop and convey customer product demonstrations.
  • Plan projected system configurations and write down proposals.

Main Achievements:

  • Handled big data migration attempt.
  • Planned and executed open-systems migration plans that restored the big Control Data mainframes with the Silicon Graphics process server and network of 13 SGI workstations. The effort incorporated: system installations and configurations, file migration utility development, translation of the in-house FORTRAN code, translation of more than 50K files and building and delivering the system-manager and the end-user preparation.

Education Details:

Washington University. WA,
B.S.(Graphic Communications), May-1985


FORTRAN, VAX Assembler, C



Hardware Experience:

Sun workstations
Control Data mainframe
Silicon Graphics servers & workstation
Hewlett-Packard workstations
DEC workstations


1988: Control Data Expert Excellence Award
1990: Control Data-Sales Analyst of the Month

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