
File Clerk Resume

A job of a file clerk is a very competitive and it does not require more skills or expertise. They keep records of information and material and code it alphabetically, numerically or by subject matter. Information in the form of paper, receipts, letters or reports are stored in files while important or necessary information may be stored in electronic devices. Mechanized forms are also used by some clerks that are rotated to bring the needed records to them.

However, others convert important documents to film that is stored on microfilm or on microfiche. Imaging systems are also used by file clerks that scan paper files or film and store this material on computers. These records are useful and very important and must be accurate, up to date and readily available. Clerks check the files regularly to make sure that items are placed or sequenced correctly.


File clerks provide the records to the person on their request. Records may be a sheet of paper, which are stored on an image on microform or in a file cabinet. File clerks make copies of records and distribute them. Also they keep track of materials that are removed from the file. There are varieties of storage devices such as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and mainframe to store the information or to keep record.

Sample File Clerk Resume

Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.

Objective: Looking for the greatest opportunity to work as a File Clerk for a well-known and leading Company.


  • Well communication skills.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Organizational and analytical skills.
  • Knowledge of data entry.
  • Typing with minimum speed of 40 wpm, fax and copier.
  • Having strong work ethics.
  • Computer knowledge is must.
  • Familiar with calculator, adding machine and CRT etc.
Computer Skills: Proficient with
  • MS Outlook
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
Work Experience: S & U Solicitors, Tarrytown, NY Legal File Clerk, 2000 - Present
  • Maintain and create legal case files by filing daily index pleading, correspondence, legal research and attorney notes.
  • Maintenance of current inventory of active cases and set of document files that are received from clients.
  • Maintain and secure records due to firm's established procedures and polices.
  • Work like receive and filing, material to be filed according to sort and classification, two hole punches if necessary, maintain file neat and orderly files.
  • Work experience direct with legal assistants, specific lawyers including organizing and creation folders, general filing, court document indexing, preparation of materials for offsite storage and related to that.
  • Research on location of folders and documents according to request.
  • Scanning of file banks, workstations, offices, war or case rooms and other storage areas.
  • Work cooperatively with the other Records Management personnel.
  • Deliver files and boxes upon request.
  • Organization of materials into necessary folders.
  • Access, edit, and maintain the Firm's record keeping database, including auditing and updating circulation data.
  • Correct filing, labeling, indexing, shelving and other clerical errors into existing files.
  • Update the firm records with appropriate changes.
Century High school Diploma in 1998
ICDC College Paralegal Certificate in 1999

References: Available upon request.

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Letter of Recommendation : Business Letters