
时间:2022-12-01 00:36:51 面试笔试 我要投稿
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你提到和团队合作得很好,能描述一下你得到团队支持的例子吗?Question: You mentioned you work well with a team, can you describe a situation when you had to gain cooperation from a team? 问题: 你提到和团队合作得很好,能描述一下你得到团队支持的例子吗? 回答一:几个月前我在一个项目组工作,这个项目严重落后于计划。首先我把所有人聚集起来开会解释现在的情况和原因。我确保每个人都有机会发言,并且理解实情。我非常欣赏每个人贡献的意见,包括组员中最安静的成员。然后,我们提议了如何完成这个项目的新的方法。我设计了一个系统让 A few months ago I worked on a team project that was really running behind schedule. The first thing I did was get everyone together to discuss the problem and what was happening and why. I made sure that everyone on the team had a chance to contribute to 点评:英文: Notice the detail and story behind this answer. There is a lot of information about what "your" part in the process was, and how you made a difference. This answer shows a lot of leadership and team support. It also shows a concern for people and each per中文: 要注意在答案后面的细节和故事。有很多信息反映了“你”在这个过程中扮演的角色,以及你如何带来改变。这个答案显示了很多领导才能和团队的支持。而且也反映了你对员工的关心,尊重每个人的意见。这个答案提供了关于你如何与团队工作的很好的例子。回答二:我是一个真正的团队合作者,我总是跟人们合作得很好。不管有什么合作的需要我总是第一个去提供。我参与了各种团队工作,有一些比另一些好,但我们总是合作很愉快,并且准时完成工作。我很喜欢做一个团队成员。 I am a real team player. I always work well with a team. Whenever there is cooperation needed I am one of the first to be involved. I have worked on all kinds of teams and some are better than others, but we always get the work done - and on time. I reall 点评:英文: A very vague answer. Nothing concrete to tell how you operate in a team situation. Too many "I" statements - might sound like bragging instead to telling about an actual experience.中文: 一个很模糊的答案。没有什么具体的信息指出你如何与团队合作。太多关于“我”个人的描述- 听上去有点象自吹自擂,而不是描述一个真实的情况。 回答三:不管什么时候我在团队工作,我们总是很合作。我们有很多会议并一起解决问题,我们设立准则,日程并一起完成。有一次,我们落后于日程,我们就一起讨论制定了一个新日程,并且真正象一个团队一样去合作。我们都对项目中的某个部分负责,而且我们都觉得完成任务很开心。我们按 Whenever I am working on a team, we always work well together. We have a lot of meetings and we work out our problems. We set up guidelines and schedules and we work well together to get the work out on time. One time we were behind, but we all pitched in 点评:英文: Although this is an ok answer - it has too many "wes". What part of "we" is "YOU". The employer is interested in hiring YOU, not the team. Tell more about your part as a member of the team.中文: 这个答案基本可以,但仍不是最好的。答案里有太多“我们”的描述而不是“我”,公司想要请的是你, 而不是团9 7 3 12 4 8 :本文仅代表作者观点,与本站立场无关.






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