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  另外新SAT增加了统计类的题目,根据同学们的回忆,考试考到了probability(概率), linear regression(线性回归) 等统计学的知识。这个是中国考生比较欠缺的,备考的时候要着重训练。




  据考生回忆,此次新SAT首考的作文题的阅读文章源自E.J. Dionne Jr.于2013年7月3日发表在The Washington Post(《华盛顿邮报》)文章名为 A Call for National Service。这次作文让考生感觉到一定的难度,好在国内考试作为都是这种模式,中国考生有种似曾相识的感觉,美国学生反倒觉得不自然了。


  Adapted from E.J. Dionne Jr., “A Call for National Service”© 2013 by Washington Post. Originally published July 03, 2013.

  Here is the sentence in the Declaration of Independence we always remember: “We hold thesetruths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they areendowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these areLife, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

  And here isthe sentence we often forget: “And for the support of this Declaration, with afirm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge toeach other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.”


  This, thevery last sentence of the document, is what makes the better-rememberedsentence possible. One speaks of our rights. The other addresses our obligations. The freedoms we cherish are self-evident but not self-executing.The Founders pledge something “to each other,” the commonly overlooked clause in the Declaration’s final pronouncement.

  作者针对独立宣言中某个词汇(diction)进行深度挖掘,尤其使用了“self-evidentbut not self-executing”来提醒读者对自由精神的狭义解读的问题。

  We find ourselves, 237 years after the Founders declared us a new nation, in a season of discontent, even surliness, about the experiment they launched. We are sharply divided over the very meaning of our founding documents, and we aremore likely to invoke the word “we” in the context of “us versus them” than inthe more capacious sense that includes every single American.


  There are no quick fixes to our sense of disconnection, but there may be a way to restore our sense of what we owe each other across the lines of class, race, background— and, yes, politics and ideology.


  Last week,the Aspen Institute gathered a politically diverse group of Americans under the banner of the “Franklin Project,” named after Ben, to declare a commitment tooffering every American between the ages of 18 and 28 a chance to give a yearof service to the country. The opportunities would include service in our armed forces but also time spent educating our fellow citizens, bringing them healthcare and preventive services, working with the least advantaged among us, and conserving our environment.


  Service would not be compulsory, but it would be an expectation. And it just might become part of who we are.

  “Not compulsory,but it would be an expectation”,这个措辞(diction)让作者站到了读者的立场,让读者意识到这一措施是合乎情理的,从心里上更能接受公共服务的要求。

  The call for universal, voluntary service is being championed by retired U.S. Army Gen.Stanley McChrystal, in league with two of the country’s foremost advocates ofthe cause, John Bridgeland, who served in the George W. Bush administration,and Alan Khazei, co-founder of City Year, one of the nation’s most formidable volunteer groups. The trio testifies to the non-ideological and nonpartisan nature of this cause, as did a column last week endorsing the idea from Michael Gerson, my conservative Post colleague.

