
发布时间:2017-11-26 编辑:1025


  联想法则一 朋友家人交际圈

  不论什么话题,当我们被问到自己所喜爱的东西或是对自己的影响时,我们都可以使用这一法则,把自己的家人、朋友、同事、老板、老师、邻居等应用起来,扩大自己答题的内容和涉及的范围。例如,当我们被问到:Whatkind of books do you like? 很多考生觉得只要回答完书的种类即可。其实,我们不难发现,只回答书的种类也就只有一句话,没有什么可以继续的了。考官对于一句话答题的考生是不看好的,无法给出高分。那么,我们完全可以把自己周围的交际圈全部列出来,这个题目可以这样回答:

  Well, I like novelsbest. When I was in high school, my Chinese teacher told me novels were helpfulto improve my reading skill and writing skill, and it’s a good way to enjoy theleisure time. Then I began to read novels. I found it really interesting andhelpful. My best friend and I always discuss the books together to understandthe novels and the author’s background.


  What are thebenefits of reading magazines?


  I think readingmagazines can help me to know more knowledge. I like reading magazines.


  Reading magazinesis a good way to kill time. I can see the pictures of fashionable clothes andcosmetics, and I can know some information of sports, cars or some otherthings. My sister and I both like collecting magazines, so we always exchangethem and read. It’s quite interesting.

  联想法则二 回忆过去展望未来


  Describe an electricequipment.


  In the past, peopleused the coal for heating, which produced a great amount of air pollution. Whenwe use air-conditioner, we do not have to worry that in winter, we create much greenhousegas. We just use the electricity which is environmental-friendly.

  还有一个例子,是问学生Whatdo you think are the benefits brought by technology for us? 我们可以把将来的展望加入到答案中。


  We have a lot ofbenefits, for example, the technology has created the computer, so we can surfonline for information and entertainment.


  I strongly believethat technology will increasingly make our life more relaxed and easy. Now weare using robots as the new inventions to release labor. I think in the future,robots will be popularized to every family to wash dishes, do cleaning, remindour schedule and arrangements and be friends to us. It’s promising thought.

  联想法则三 制造场景发挥想象

  在回答口语话题时,我们可以自己制造一个场景,充分发挥自己的想象力,为考官编织一个有趣的答案。即使这个答案是空想出来的,只要有趣、有画面感,同样可以打动考官。比如说,Whatwould you buy when you have a lot of money?


  I want to buy anisland. I think it’s interesting. I will build the house there and my familyall live in it and enjoy our life.


  When I was a child,I read a fairy tale that there was a castle on an island. The families enjoyedtheir life on it. There were trees and flowers all around the island, and humandid not have to eat. They were just singing songs and dancing to the music. Iwould like to buy an island of this kind and all my family can live there.


