补肾益精 却病延年(3)

时间:2017-12-29 我要投稿
<<灵枢.本神>>曰 :"故智者之养生也,必顺四时而适寒暑。养生不逆其时,真气内守,腠理致密, 邪无由伤人。"

5.补摄营养 营养之补因人因时而异,孙思邈说:" 四十岁以上须服补药,五十岁以上四时勿缺补药, 如此乃延年得养生之术耳"。即用药物补益肾之精气, 延缓衰老就成了与积极保健方法相辅相成的重要方法之一。抗衰老药物除了具有治疗疾病作用外,还有针对老年人气血亏损,肝肾不足和阴阳容易失调的特点,分别用补气益血、调补肝肾、滋阴壮阳药物以达到强身保健、益肾固精之功。值得一提的是,中药不仅可作补药,也是很好的营养食品,如补肝肾,强筋骨的杜仲,补肺健脾、固肾益精的淮山药等可做菜吃,具有良好的开发价值。







Invigorating of kidney Essence to Cure Disease and Prolong One’s Life.

Sheng Hui Feng, Ming Liang, Li He, consultant Qin Liang Fu

Shanghai Secondary Medical University, Ren Ji Hospital,Shanghai (200001)

Abstract: Senility is not only one kind of pathologic changes but also a physiological phenomenon that is unavoidable. The kidney essence is the main substance that controls the process of life and determines the life span and the quality of life. Consumption of viscera is an important factor of geriatric disease and deficiency of kidney energy is the root cause of it. Because of the deficiency of kidney energy and the invasion of pathogen, there arise a series of symptoms of coexistent deficiency and excess. To cure disease and prolong one’s life, treatment should be aimed at invigorating the kidney. It includes invigorating the kidney combined with invigorating five viscera, treating according to syndrome differentiation, increasing body resistance and consolidating constitution, without exhausting the healthy energy. Attention should be paid to the way of nourishing life, exercise and relaxation, proper diet, adjustment of body function to weather changes, replenishment with nutrition so as achieve the purpose of prolong one’s life.

Key words: deficiency of kidney energy, geriatric disease, kidney essence, kidney energy

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